Round 1 Faleafa lands a strong outside leg kick that buckles Mick Pelletier. Senio Faleafa connects with a teep to the face of Pelletier. Mick connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. "The Super Samoan" circles Pelletier, mixing jabs with body shots. Mick Pelletier catches a leg kick and fires a hard punch to the head dropping Senio Faleafa. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 The fighters circle each other. Mick locks in a tight muay thai clinch and lands several knees to the ribs of Faleafa. Pelletier grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow that puts "The Super Samoan" on the floor. Pelletier grabs a foot and kicks at Senios thighs. He then backs off and Senio Faleafa stands back up. A running flurry from Faleafa is countered by a shovel punch to the jaw. Mick then grabs the plum and throws Faleafa to the ground, immediately striking Senio Faleafas thighs. "Ruthless" hovers over Senio Faleafa pushing his legs to the side and throwing punches down at his body and head. "Ruthless" throws the leg aside and takes side control. Faleafa gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. Round 2 is over.
Round 3 Senio lands a outside leg kick that causes Mick Pelletier to back up. Senio winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Senio Faleafa is staggered by a jab to the chin. Senio Faleafa connects with a strong body shot combo. Mick Pelletier connects with a strong right hook. Senio Faleafa is struck by some looping punches and kicks and goes for the clinch to shorten the distance. Pelletier welcomes the clinch landing a lead knee and a powerful elbow. Then pushes Senio Faleafa back to striking distance. The bell signals the end of round 3.