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Heavyweight (265lbs)

Dennis "Reckless" Johnson
Brawl N Ground N Pound
Ground & Pound
Age: 30
Record: 17 - 10
Ranking: 0
Matthew "Matty the Hippy" Ouellet
Robos Dungeon
Punches in Bunches
Age: 35
Record: 25 - 20
Ranking: 0

Round 1
Dennis catches a leg kick from Matthew, and puts him on the mat. A can opener from Dennis opens up Matthews guard. Dennis lands two quick strikes as he moves into half guard. Ouellet tries to slip his leg out to get full guard, but is having difficulty. Matthew Ouellet hits an upward elbow on Dennis, and attempts to get to full guard. During the scramble though Dennis takes side control. Johnson lands a few stiff elbows from side control. Johnson lands a few stiff elbows from side control. Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. Both fighters begin to exchange "Matty the Hippy" catches Johnson with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Johnson gather himself. Johnson says he is ok and the fight continues. Dennis is staggered by a jab to the chin. Matthew hits a hard jab but misses with the follow up straight. Johnson connects with a strong body shot combo. Johnson reaches down and trips Matthew with a beautiful ankle pick. Johnson dives into back control.Round 2 comes to a close.

Round 3
Dennis fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Matthew. Ouellet receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Johnson. Johnson dodges an uppercut to the chin, though loses his balance and falls to the ground, with Matthew Ouellet standing over him. Matthew Ouellet stands over Dennis Johnson, works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. Dennis Johnson is able to grab an arm and pull Matthew Ouellet into his guard. While caught in Denniss guard, Ouellet gets hit with a vicious elbow. Johnson locks a kimura and forces "Matty the Hippy" to defend. Johnson settles for a couple of cross-body chops to Ouellets temple. Johnson connects with several chop shots from the bottom. Ouellet presses the action while in the guard, but Dennis is able to switch him into mount. Round 3 is over.

Dennis "Reckless" Johnson wins by Split Decision