Round 1 Tage Leifsson misses with an axe kick that has "no 5 peanut" back up. Tage connects with a series of punches forcing "no 5 peanut" into a clinch. "no 5 peanut" drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Tage sets a guillotine choke but "no 5 peanut" slips out at the last moment. "no 5 peanut" is now caught in guard. Tage backs out of the guard after some unsuccessful motions and both fighters are standing. Alex Estrada parries a jab but leaves himself open for a hard cross. Estrada circles Leifsson, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Tage connects with a hard combination sending Alex to the ground. Tage follows him down into his guard and continues reigning punches to the head. Referee saves Alex from anymore damage.