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Test 10
Tournament Round 3 Match
Catchweight Bout

Bora Lema
Ludus Magnus
Ankle Breaker
Highest Rank: #4
Record: 57 - 33
Morena "Cthulhu" Cebekhulu
Ludus Magnus
Ankle Breaker
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 72 - 14

Round 1
Morena dives in on a leg but Bora defends well forcing Morena to get back to his feet into a clinch. Cebekhulu drops down and thrusts forward with a textbook double leg takedown. "Cthulhu" grabs a leg and falls back to attack the ankle. "Cthulhu" switches to a heel hook but loses his grip letting Bora scrambles to his feet. "Cthulhu" slides in and grabs a leg lock taking Bora to the ground. "Cthulhu" works for a reverse heel hook but cannot finish and opts to enter Lemas guard. Cebekhulu opens up the guard and rises back to his feet. Round 1 is over.

Round 2
Bora Lema winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Lema connects with jab cross combination. Bora slides in for a leg lock but Morena Cebekhulu is too strong and cant be taken down. Morena Cebekhulu bends over and lands some tough shots to the face of Bora, eventually falling into half guard. Morena is able to work a leg through from the bottom to attain full guard. Cebekhulu fires elbows off his back to the top of the head of Bora. Bora Lema frees a leg and moves into half guard. Lema is able to slip into mount from the half guard. Round 2 comes to a close.

Round 3
Morena Cebekhulu throws a few jabs at Bora that miss the mark. Lema slides in and grabs a leg lock taking Cebekhulu to the ground. Lema works for a reverse heel hook but cannot finish and opts to enter Cebekhulus guard. "Cthulhu" shifts his hips to get better position in the guard. Bora locks the leg of Cebekhulu and falls back for foot lock. Cebekhulu desperately tries to peel the hands off and barely gets them free allowing a scramble to the feet. Morena connects with a strong body shot combo. Bora catches a leg kick from Cebekhulu, and puts him on the mat. Morena powers out sweeping Bora Lema with pure strength. Morena is now in side control. Morena puts pressure on top of Bora Lema while in side control. Morena slides his arm underneath the head of his opponent and clasps his hands together. Morena puts pressure on the neck of Bora Lema and cranks. Bora Lema taps out.

Morena "Cthulhu" Cebekhulu wins by Submission (Vice Choke)