Round 1 Shig Inao takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Ji connects with a hard punch making Shig Inao bring him in to a tight clinch. Inao decides to abandon the clinch by pulling guard and bringing Ji with him. Bo Seon Ji sits up in Shigs open guard and spins to an leg lock. Shig Inao is able to gator-roll out of it and make it to standing. A trip to the ground allows Inao to move into the guard of "Wolverine". Bo Seon Ji begins to posture on his side. Shig lands a couple of outside hooks and Bo Seon Ji returns to the guard. Shig Inao keeps his head down in the chest of Bo Seon Ji to avoid any submission attempts. Shig Inao leans up and lands some short punches before lowering back down. While using the guard Bo Seon sets in an unconventional shoulder lock. Shig taps.
Bo Seon "Wolverine" Ji wins by Submission (Shoulder Lock)