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Ludus Magnus II
Tournament Round 2 Match
Catchweight Bout

Kisi Okiro
Ludus Magnus
Slam it Out
Highest Rank: #2
Record: 50 - 8
Morne Shinga
Ludus Magnus
Slam it Out
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 63 - 11

Round 1
As Okiro presses forward Morne Shinga throws a wild spinning backfist. Okiro ducks under it and executes a double-leg to gain half guard. Kisi Okiro presses his foot onto the thigh of Shinga to get his own foot free. He successfully releases his leg and moves to side control. Kisi Okiro throws his knee into the ribs of Shinga. Morne gives his back in an attempt to get out of side control. As Kisi spins around to take it, Morne makes his way back to his feet. A trip to the ground allows Okiro to move into the guard of Morne. Kisi locks a kimura but Morne is too strong and he cannot finish it. He settles for a couple shots to Mornes face. Morne Shinga is pummeled by some well timed bombs from Kisi Okiro. Kisi takes advantage of a mental laps from Morne and moves into full mount. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
Both fighters move in to strike but miss their marks. As they jockey for position in the clinch Kisi wins the momentum battle and falls into side control on top of Shinga. Okiro slides his knee across the body of Morne and takes full mount. Morne Shinga shifts his head and hips to keep Okiro off balance and unable to land strikes. Shinga gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Morne tries to stand up but Kisi Okiro plants him back down with several strikes. Kisi Okiro works his arm around the neck of Shinga attempting to get a tight rear naked choke but Shinga hand fights well. Shinga spins through into the guard of Kisi Okiro. The bell signals the end of round 2.

Round 3
Okiro throws a few jabs at Shinga that miss the mark. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Kisi places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Okiro works Shinga into the cage from the clinch. Okiro presses his head under Morne Shingas chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Okiro takes the back of Morne Shinga who works for a kimura. Okiro pulls his arm out of the hold and push Morne Shinga away. Morne takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Okiro snaps back the head of Shinga with a stiff jab. Okiro takes down Morne Shinga, but remains standing over him. The bell signals the end of round 3.

Kisi Okiro wins by Unanimous Decision