Round 1 Malgas connects with a strong body shot combo. Malgas connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of "The Hound". Dubandlela connects with a strong body shot combo. Marcus Hermansen circles Malgas Dubandlela, landing jabs at will. Malgas Dubandlela tries to land a jab, uppercut as "The Hound" shoots in. Malgas Dubandlela lands the uppercut but is knocked over by the forced of Hermansens shot. "The Hound" stands back up. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Marcus Hermansen throws a push kick. Malgas shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Marcus Hermansens nose.
The fighters circle each other. Dubandlela throws a wild punch, putting him off balance. A few well timed strikes from Marcus Hermansen puts Dubandlela on the mat giving his back up. Hermansen slides to the side and spanks the butt of Malgas Dubandlela in a sign of disrespect. The crowd laughs uncontrollably. Dubandlela starts to wiggle out of back control, "The Hound" lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Hermansen circles Malgas, landing jabs and crosses at will. Malgas connects with a hard punch making Marcus Hermansen bring him in to a tight clinch.Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Malgas hoists up Marcus Hermansen in the air for a slam but Marcus Hermansen makes himself too heavy and gets his feet back to the ground. Malgas Dubandlela narrowly dodges a cross from Hermansen, but falls catching him in his guard. Malgas lands a stiff elbow while on his back. Dubandlela attempts to lock in an armbar from the guard. Marcus Hermansen narrowly avoids it, but allows for Dubandlela to take mount. Marcus Hermansen attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Marcus Hermansen gives his back up trying to escape the mount. The bell signals the end of round 3.
Marcus "The Hound" Hermansen wins by Unanimous Decision