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Tournament Round 2 Match
Catchweight Bout

Manolo "DBA is dead" Castro
High Kick Killshot
Highest Rank: #71
Record: 59 - 39
Fedyenka "the RUSSIAN hairstly" Polyakov
High Kick Killshot
Highest Rank: #33
Record: 41 - 36

Round 1
After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Manolo Castro places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. "the RUSSIAN hairstly" escapes the clinch and creates some distance. A jab from "DBA is dead" is blocked and a cross is returned by Polyakov. Fedyenka Polyakov lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Castro. Fedyenka eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Manolo Castro. The bell signals the end of round 1.

Round 2
Manolo Castro is met with a strong kick to the ribs. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Castro drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Polyakov sets a guillotine choke but Castro slips out at the last moment. Castro is now caught in guard. Manolo Castro backs out of the guard, and chooses to stand with his opponent, allowing him to his feet. Manolo lands a devastating overhand right on "the RUSSIAN hairstly". Manolo Castro is met with a strong kick to the ribs. Fedyenka takes a punch and goes to the mat, Manolo Castro pounces into side control. Fedyenka recovers quickly. Round 2 is over.

Round 3
A jab from Manolo is blocked and a cross is returned by Fedyenka Polyakov. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. "DBA is dead" drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. "the RUSSIAN hairstly" sets a guillotine choke but "DBA is dead" slips out at the last moment. "DBA is dead" is now caught in guard. Fedyenka attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. Fedyenka keeps Castro at a distance with some well timed jabs. Castro is staggered by a jab to the chin. "the RUSSIAN hairstly" takes a punch and goes to the mat, Manolo Castro pounces into side control. "the RUSSIAN hairstly" recovers quickly. Round 3 is over.

Fedyenka "the RUSSIAN hairstly" Polyakov wins by Split Decision