Round 1 James parries 66s jab and connect with a cross. James fakes a shot and lunges forward pressing Shannon 66 to a corner. Shannon 66 swims for underhooks but is taken down in the process. Shannon 66 is hit with a series of powerful punches while utilizing the guard. "6" gives up guard avoiding a powerful hammer fist. He now has half guard. "Granite Chin" tries to pull his leg out of half guard, but no luck. Shannon 66 tries to slip his leg out to get full guard, but is having difficulty. James drops an elbow onto the forehead of 66. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Orlando receives a couple of stiff short hooks in the clinch. Shannon fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening "Granite Chin" up for a flurry of hooks. 66 circles James, mixing jabs and leg kicks. The fighters circle each other. Shannon keeps Orlando at a distance with some well timed jabs. James is sent crashing to the mat by a powerful right hook. "6" lays into Orlandos thighs with some well timed kicks while "Granite Chin" is grounded. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 The fighters circle each other. "Granite Chin" is on the receiving end of a good punching combination from Shannon. Jamess legs are wobbled by a strong hook to the temple then a shovel punch to the jaw. Orlando is on the receiving end of a good punching combination from Shannon. Orlando James eats a jab,jab, then a hook from 66. James shoots but Shannon 66 stuffs it, eventually working in a whizzer and landing some sharp knees that allows him to move to side mount. The round comes to an end.