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One Last Brawl
Tournament Round 3 Match
Catchweight Bout

Pavlik "Russian Madman" Bulatov
Rocket Punch
Ground & Pound
Highest Rank: #5
Record: 56 - 40
Igoryok "The Impaler" Vasilyev
Russian Devils
Swing for the Fences
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 102 - 66

Round 1
Igoryok Vasilyev slips a cross from Pavlik and lands jab cross to the body. Pavlik Bulatov attempts to clinch, but Vasilyev connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Pavlik ducks under a loopy hoop, taking Igoryok Vasilyev to the mat, and his back. Bulatov peppers "The Impaler" with several shots to the face. Igoryok Vasilyev starts to wiggle out of back control, Pavlik Bulatov lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Igoryok Vasilyev is staggered by a jab to the chin. Pavlik shoots a takedown from a distance putting Igoryok Vasilyev on the ground. Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Igoryok stuffs a takedown but is backed into a corner and must slide into guard to avoid being picked up. A kimura attempt is defended well by "Russian Madman" and he is able to sneak his leg through Igoryoks loose guard, to half guard. Bulatov is able to slip into mount from the half guard. Bulatov secures his position. Igoryok Vasilyev gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Igoryok tries to explode out the backdoor but Pavlik sinks in both hooks, continually landing outside strikes. Igoryok falls flat to protect himself. Vasilyev starts to wiggle out of back control, Bulatov lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Round 2 is over.

Round 3
Pavlik connects with a series of punches forcing Igoryok Vasilyev into a clinch. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Pavlik dodges an uppercut to the chin, though loses his balance and falls to the ground, with Vasilyev standing over him. Igoryok drops a huge strike to Pavliks chin, landing into his guard. "The Impaler" tries to pass guard but Pavlik Bulatov stops him with a well timed punch. "Russian Madman" shifts his hips to get better position in the guard. Pavlik connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. "The Impaler" attempts to pass "Russian Madmans" guard, and does so, but receives multiple strikes in the attempt. Round 3 comes to a close.

Pavlik "Russian Madman" Bulatov wins by Unanimous Decision