Round 1 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Harry Coleman breaks away from the clinch while delivering a knee. Coleman lands a outside leg kick that causes Robinson to back up. Robinson parries a jab but is caught by a strong leg kick. Robinson is cut open by a standing elbow strike. The ref stops the fight. The doctor take a look at the cut and determines Robinson can continue. Stan is caught square on the jaw putting him to the canvas, Harry prepares to pounce, but Stan gets his bearings just in time. A solid kick bruises the leg of Stan. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 Coleman throws a cross that easily dodged by Stan Robinson. Coleman parries Robinsons jab and connect with a cross. Harry Coleman circles Stan Robinson, landing jabs at will. A series of unanswered punches from Robinson forces the ref to stop the action.