Round 1 Andy Anderson connects with a strong right hook. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. "Kunios Protege" executes a an impressive greco-roman takedown from the clinch, putting him in guard. Anderson takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in "Cookie Monsters" guard. It doesn't pay off as "Cookie Monster" makes his way to standing. Andy narrowly dodges a cross from Renaud, but falls catching him in his guard. Andy Anderson connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. "Kunios Protege" lands a stiff elbow while on his back. Andy backs out of the guard after some unsuccessful motions and both fighters are standing. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Renaud throws a cross that easily dodged by Andy. Anderson narrowly dodges a cross from Richard Renaud, but falls catching him in his guard. Andy Anderson shifts his hips to get better position in the guard. Renaud attempts to drop bombs while caught in the guard, but Anderson takes the chance to switch Renaud over to mount him. Andy secures his position. Richard Renaud attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 A couple of powerful body shots forces Anderson back to the corner. "Cookie Monster" swims to double underhooks. Anderson cannot stop "Cookie Monster" from stepping back and taking him to the floor. "Kunios Protege" is pummeled by some well timed bombs from "Cookie Monster". Richard takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in "Kunios Proteges" guard. It doesn't pay off as Andy makes his way to standing. Richard circles Andy Anderson, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Renaud parries Andersons jab and connect with a cross. Richard Renaud is hit with a jab but is able to slip a cross and grab a arm-triangle in standing. Richard Renaud trips "Kunios Protege" to the floor, landing in side control. "Kunios Protege" takes a few knees to the body while under Richard Renauds side control. Anderson gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. The bell signals the end of round 3.
Andy "Kunios Protege" Anderson wins by Split Decision