Round 1 Scott dodges a jab and lands a kick to the face of Robbie Hamilton. Robbie Hamilton lands a strong outside leg kick that is returned by Dante Scott. Dante Scott fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Robbie Hamilton. Scott breaks away from the clinch while delivering a knee. Scott is hit with a jab then a hook to the body and stumbles backward. Hamilton tries to press the action but is met with a push kick from Scott that puts him on the floor. "FUCK YOU CENA" thrusts his leg into "The Public Schoolboys" knee while grounded. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 "FUCK YOU CENA" attempts a striking combination, but Dante Scott forces the clinch. Scott places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Dante Scott breaks away from the clinch while delivering a knee. "FUCK YOU CENA" eats a stiff kick to the face. Robbie Hamilton takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. The fighters circle each other. Robbie throws a kick to the midsection that is caught by Scott. Scott lands a sweeping leg kick that puts Robbie on his back. A solid kick bruises the leg of Robbie. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Scott circles Hamilton, landing jabs at will. "FUCK YOU CENA" is cut open under the eye by a standing elbow strike. Robbie weaves through a jab-cross combo but is hit with a nasty hook. "FUCK YOU CENA" lands a strong outside leg kick that is returned by "The Public Schoolboy". Robbie is knocked out cold from a left high kick.
Dante "The Public Schoolboy" Scott wins by KO (High Kick)