It's kinda like a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Every style has it's strengths and weaknesses. Like 8pts beats kickboxing. Chop down beats 8pts but is weak vs hkk. Counter strike beats the shit out of hkk. It's all about building your style then adding a switch that beats the styles you lose to most. Your on the forums right?
i'm in the same alliance as the guy below me (Judo) if you have any questions about kickboxing feel free to ask me, i run a kickboxing camp. but take any advice judo gives you. he's the greatest coach thats ever lived.
ur main weakneses seem to be low weighted fighters and no camp direction. its important to train all of ur fighters 1 style. as u get better and get better equipment more rosters etc then id focus on switches.
as for the weight problem id only fight guys that match this:
lw- 175-190
lhw- 222-240
hw- 265-280
u can change ur weight by going to edit. if they miss weight unfortunately they will never make weight and should be retired or used as a trainer.
Sambo Elite Fighters