Absolutely, any help is appreciated haha it was a bit of a surprise myself to get that title honestly, I will chalk it up to a good pool of stats for Indonesian fighters haha
Not really, have looked at the forums a couple times but that's about the extent of it. Maybe I should look back through old threads to help myself haha
Hey man. I just kinda train something close to what they're already gifted in, however it's completely speculation on my side with regards to what styles match what haha. I appreciate the insight, do you just train Sambo and those that may help enhance that skill? And when it plateaus, what do you do in that case? Thanks for any help, I don't want you to give away all your secrets of course haha
No worries man just wanted to spell it out clear. Didn’t think it came off as dickish. Everything’s alright just busting ass trying to survive. Hope all is well with you
Haha wouldn't I have to be good to be the ace? XD
All good with me, family are good! 3rd and final kid on the way in march :D
What's new with you? I'm only playing a little ATM until I get my fire back, but hopefully back up and running properly soon
Thanks and i do have a question not sure if you would know but my camp has a record of like 114-82 yet remains unranked. My other camp is nearly 50/50 something like 227-217 and is ranked 93 ... but looking at the rankings I find that this camp (my unranked camp) has more wins and a better percentage then some camps even in the top 50. Do you have any knowledge of why that would be? Thanks a lot hope you had a great holiday season
Thank you, bud. In fact I'm making the transition from eight points to GnP because I was losing a lot of fights. Anyway I think Ill always have some eight points fighters on my team because I like the style. Good luck to u too, man. :)
Sorry for the late response, I rarely look at my fighter's messages. TGTO owns HKK, your dude just got one of the rare wins. So much to consider with hidden stats involved.
scared say your scared princess im never sry for anything i say.. and im not your boyfriend.. just some lame ass excuse to not get beat by one of my guys..... like you always do :)
Hey sorry my fighter keeps challenging your fighters over and over. I just challenge anybody online. I'm trying to build up my gym equipment I will try to avoid your fighters my bad
Sorry bro. Little miss leading, ehrod's fighting this camp right now. I started it up long time ago and I've borrowed it back from Teshore just to mess around with a style or two for a bit.
Dynamo training and Elite training facility have been restricted. Only a pussy would get a compliment then start acting like a bitch and then start talking shit
Lol alright. I think I understand the styles and stats needed quite well. But is any particular kickboxing style better? Like Chop Down, Fast Feet, or High Kick Killshot
Alright.. Lets get real.. You've beaten me like once or twice in your career. Besides, it doesn't matter what style my camp will be, I am the greatest in all aspects of the game. Maybe I will go MMArtist.. Never been a successful camp MMArtist. I will be the first
Dude, you only E-Thug because you're not shit in the real world. I'm serious, look yourself in the mirror and ask "who acts this way?". Let me help you with the answer....losers. Please don't message me. Just move on in your life. Please try to grow up. Have a nice day.
Yeah I have signed up I kind of wished we could have more well rounded fighters in the next game because I kind of feel like this is almost UFC 1-10 when I play such distinct styles.
Trying to get together some coaches to try and get some interest going in the game again, proposing a massive tournament, check out this page and sign up if u want to :) http://www.mmarmy.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=348683Post348683
Thank you! Yes, I'm quite new, like my join date says. A friend told me about this game. He also told me a little about how to play, so I'm not completely clueless.
hahaha i like how sure he is that im piggly wiggly and calls me a nerd with no life but takes the time to post everywhere that im some kind of super troll haha
walmart is piggly wiggly who is also the guy who wrote all those msgs sayin hes in an alliance with we will fight but there not i no we will fight personally walmart lost a title fight then asked for rematch my buddy said no rest is history as you know it dont be fooled walmart is one sad fuck - signed your friendly mmarmy superhero
Don't fucking come at me bro pissed off cause my dude beat your guy in a shit org for a shit title fuck off I didn't make the ranking don't give tittle shots what ever bro that shit works both ways I been playing this off and on since 08 funny how your first guy to call me a feed o and piss off bitch
Oh, no problem. It's an awesome game.
Thanks, I've never been very good. I just decided to start playing again. Building up a camp with new guys is hard for me.
What I seems to have found here, with your help, is that if you build like Stan "Snake" Cooper there is an answer for all of the grapple builds. The only real problem is whether or not the fighter will have a long enough career.
like I said, Judo plans on rescheduling all the tougher matchups so he can fight them at the end, when his stats are built up.. Complete Cheeseballer!! Haha
sounds good to me, and no I don't feed haha i figured that was pretty obvious :) i do have a username. its makenziewheeler and id love to join an alliance sounds good to me
Hey mate just for you right mind I just started the rebirth of this camp as it went dead because no one in wdoa was using it.., ohh and my main camp is Camp numberone that's a ptp camp and its doing really well, have a look :)
kinda new ya, i used to have a pretty good camp back in the day but forgot the username/password. Like before dirty boxing,Ippon, push the pace, and punches in bunches were even around
I like 'em both. I started following Nate on TUF 5. I remember him almost throwing down with Karo Parisyan. Ha! Have you ever thought about poking your head in at CGJJ for a class or two? I hear Nike and Nate are helping "Big Country" coach on this season of TUF. It might give me a reason to tune in.
I couldn't really say. I don't use CD for much at all. You could probably tell me more about that. The styles that beat PTP that I know of is SnB and PL. I have some success with MT but it is not dominant. Let me know what you find. GL.
Well u still need to focus if ur fighting high level jj guys but since there isn't tons of them around right now I stopped training it for other stats. Flying submissions beats my kind of HKK especially if they have a good chin.
dont quit! i wuv u! if it makes u feel better counter judokas often set themselves up for a throw so they can use ur momentum and throw u with a counter
mate i couldnt care less about titles im here to have fun not fuck around with you silly dickheads. having something against brittish people, fuck what did brittish do to you ?? wait i dont want to know just fuck off ah
Lol it's funny cause im who you least expect to be this person but i had it you fucksare immature as fuck try going outside for once bow to fedor and everyone else who plays his way you sick fuck
Footwork and speed is key for 8pts, try to make one style strong then work on your switch. and try to stay away from ptp,fs and pg with 8 pts guys and ippon when your hkk , use 8pts for ipoon and hkk for ptp,pg and fs
In game or in real life?)well in game i think good)gonna try to change my record to positive)in life also good i manage to finish and win my court, also my education going well i start learning spanish)Tommorow ill try to get a new job)need money for training)and how are you?
Mine is Max)nice to meet you too)are you gonna watch this saturday ufc?cose we here in rus watching events mostly afterwards. cose we have a huge time difference you know. basiccly when ufc prelims is starts we have 3 am but sometimes if there is a big events we watching it online)
But thx again if i have any questions im gonna ask ya. im also on the forums nick name Bao Quach.)by the way you are watching mma events like UFC or other right?
thx man)actually its my 4 or 5th camp. Other ones was you know...just for funn. In this camp im trying to train whatever my guys have talent to in te begining for example Vetale Antonov when i recruit him was ideal for FF build so i train him a lil bit, later then i add to him another styles my camp posess right now its: FF, PG, GnP, SnB,PL, 8pts,PtP,CD,SiO,LnP. So basicly im trying to have everything or at least the most styles cose pankration is mma type of combat)
Thx man. appriciate it much. your camp is also good, like the sambo stuff too). Has many good titles and good fighters. So if you want some other fights just challenge me im more then open for a challenge spesially from expirienced camps like yours.
By the way are you Russian?
Yeah sorry mate, shame about the forum thing. Judo is cool and this alliance mod are all good guys and coaches. If you can get access to the forum then I would defo advise joining us or mod. Best two alliances as far as character's and activity go so you would learn a lot and have a good time which is the main thing.
8 pts is MT, Speed, and FW. You have the build down correctly. And as far as the switch, I would just go with HKK if I were you. Your main style worry with an 8 pts camp is getting raped by FS; HKK kills FS. And, no problem - I know what it's like to be a rookie. You're running this camp pretty well so far.
It's a little tough since you've already got a three stat build, but if you want to start getting even with FS, then you should add Kickboxing/Focus for an HKK switch.
my #2p4p makes 13,400 base so double if wins. my #7p4p makes 13,600 base and double for win. lower ranked EFC fighters make i think 8,500 and up to 14,000
wow that is shitty. and yes i co created mod and im the moderator of it. pm would be a hard system but possible. i say i just keep helping ya for a bit. then in a few weeks il ask the guys (ul have more fights and look more impressive now)
notta problem dude glad i could help. if u ever joined the forums and wanted to join an alliance id welcome u to mine. just throwing that out there lol
i believe both are equal. bal is good for an ippon switch though where flex is good for pg. i combine it all training 5 stats and getting 3 fully loaded styles
Neither. My equipment is lacking, and I tend to focus on many styles, opposed to excelling at one. It kind of makes the fighters feel like distinct characters, which is what makes me enjoy the game.
WDoA = Wanted Dead or Alive. We are an alliance and this camp is run by several of our alliance coaches. Me (B33RM0N5T3R), Jid, Newman, Turbo, APostrophe, AAJJ1144 and Anthonius. Hope that helps, if you need any help, join the forum and PM me - b33rm0n5t3r. The guy who posted below is also in our alliance.
Yeah, it became aparent that they were more interested in trolling than they were in finding out what the real situation was. Any fool can look at my camp and determine that their accusations don't hold up outside one single fighter who got stuck in a low org...and still got beat.
I do PG/PL, so I'm not completely sure what Muai Thai goes with. 8 points of contact is common. I believe that would be MT, Speed, Footwork and Power. It is pretty effective against everything. It is especially effective against counter strike. Flying subs beats it, but very few people use FS any more because it is so ineffective against ground and pound. Once you are ready to add a second style, you should consider what style is beating your camp consistantly and then add a style to counter it
It looks like you are training for multiple styles. I would stick with one until you get some cash. The guys that you see doing style switches are using trainers and probably have 500k gear. If you start with Jitz up to about 3, then add Flex, then Stren, then Wrest, then you will start to see guys move up and get some multi-thousand dollar contracts. Before you know it, you'll be able to afford to hold some guys back and use them as trainers and you'll have the gear to make it work.
lol who knows, not to worried about it though, just trying to build my stable of fighters back up. So record doesn't really matter to me at this point. I just accept any fight request..
Team Sabotage