Add him again , it's true what you said I did invite you. I'm new to If you have any other fighters with an 70 or more winning percent add them too. Sorry bout that bro
I hear ya. Its a total catch-22. How do you get the top 10 fights if nobody will take them? I definitely understand and I know your camp is always above board and fair.
intrested in putting one of your fighter into this competition
maybe a swearing sailor lol
Interesting! From my experience, i always though 8pts was dominant against SiO and 50/50 against FF...
To me, FF does well against all striking style, but weak against most of wresling and grappling style!
Thanks for the tips !
We have figured out how you do it, you use the drugs in your so called "organic food" that's the reason we can't stripe you of your title but you are not allowed to eat your roided up food, the effect will start to lower and you will not be able to defend your title for to much longer, I give you 3 fights at best.
- Dana Black
Well we got an alliance event coming up pretty quickly and i know a couple alliances would love to have your Muay Thai studs. Drop on in again. It'd be good to have you in the event.
I know but I still think it's bs that you lost your nr1 ranked after defending it that much, some guys stay at nr1 even after losing 2 in a row just because they have defended it for so long.
Yeah I am having some succes with my fighters but my so called "future stars" retire to soon I think the past week 7 or 8 of my fighters retired in less then 8 years acctive.
Lol cheers bro think my skills in the real world are a bit more advanced than telemarketing. You dont have to change the way you play its just more fun being part of a community and gaining access to the in house events
Hi mate I know I have asked before but the offer is there to join the WDoA alliance, we currently have 8 of the top 10 p4p fighters and still have a fully active forum, give it a go mate, nothing to lose.
I didn't mean to accept his fight i hit accept instead of deny by accident sorry man you know by now we fight all the time i didn't do it on purpose sorry
SOCAT's Heavyweight division is alive, anyone with Heavyweight fighters heading into 4th tier ORGS please put them in SOCAT to keep it alive! It just adds more to the game, thank you.
I'll start another tournament in about a week and i'd like ***Anderson Scorza*** AND ***Joselio Golias*** to participate, it's not up yet but in about week i'll let you know, good luck in Standup Sizzler.
ur able to fight whoever u want in an alliance u just gotta play fair which i think u do. an alliance is a group of coaches who help eachother better their game
Yeah same here, being in an alliance doesnt mean you have to change anything, you can still fight anyone including your own alliance. What it gives is access to our forum where we run our own in house events and all share hints tips etc and generally have a laugh, makes the game more enjoyable - especially when it is quiet at the moment. Let me know, you should give it a try bro.
The Southern Yankees