I sent you the Apr 2453 EFC mw shot. If you don't accept that reset please decline in June 2453 so I can send out the shot the to most worthy that reset.
Hey Seth it's Chief the owner. We have an alliance event that just started and the alliance Unchained is down a member. Grapple420 went to that alliance and i think your are unaffilliated at the moment. Could you please join them and compete in the event with them. This event is going for the next week or two. I'd really appreciate if you could help them out.
SOCAT's Heavyweight division is alive, anyone with Heavyweight fighters heading into 4th tier ORGS please put them in SOCAT to keep it alive! It just adds more to the game, thank you.
No, you entered Bif "Steak" Cloutier into ***Standup Sizzler*** ... i wanted Christian "Darmhaubitze" Jodoin in ***Standup Sizzler 4*** ... but i've had to fill the spots myself now.
I would like you to enter the following fighter into my tournament called ***Standup Sizzler*** - ***Bif "Steak" Cloutier** or ***Christian "Darmhaubitze" Jodoin***
I'm sorry if I came off like a douche bro I just Ddnt wanna end up on the list myself by fighting u. Much respect for taking the time to post :) for what it's worth me and my alliance (the merchants of death) will give u shots- Mr. Judo
hey man any interest in an alliance? i know uve been asked b4 but i think an alliance could add new excitement for u. try it if its not for u then u can quit. what do ya say?
I was a young buck back then so I just remember it being a wierd ass song with one of my Dad's favorite country singers in it. Pretty sure I had the cassette single of it! Anyways, I am in the MoD alliance on the forums, and if you are ever interested in joining, let me know. It doesnt take a ton of time to be a member, and it just adds to the MMARMY experience. Let me know if your interested. Either way, good luck with your camp!
Exploding Heart Technique