I just realized i have to comment on ypur page in order for you to see it lol but i'm registered in the forums but i don't read them often. I probably should though. Lol
Did not see your comment smashed between the posts on my page. I'm not on the forums. Pretty much just look at the threads, I've got nothing to contribute yet. If ever lol
if i have a k set of fighters i do a vote of how well they fight win or loose it does not matter then the worst fighter i retire that fighter and then i get a new one the next day
Thanks man, nope never did get on the forums. You prolly don't remember me but we've had some good fights a few years back, even gave me a few pointers when i was starting out.
...he started sucking too, losing to people he shouldn't be losing and mostly barely squeezing decisions when winning. I think I'm using right styles against opponents and they have decent stats (lowish, but I can't get anything up to 3), yet they keep getting their asses kicked. And I don't want constantly challenging the same people that I've already beaten. What do I do?
Well, I think I'm in. For as far as I can. I'll try to find my way around the forums this evening. (I need a new username & psw, right?) in the meantime, could you maybe help me with my active guys? Specially the two:
They're close to retirement, but they lose a lot. Zakharov sucks, but has been losing against weak fighters too recently. Mills has been solid most of his career, but recently
Hey, I might be up for it. I'm trying to get things figured on my own and it's slow and painful and my poor guys are getting their asses kicked when I think I've trained and coached them as best as I could. I could try checking out the forums (do I need another login?) and look around. But I warn you, I'm afraid I have very little to next info to share. But game secrets and bettering our teams sounds sweet! BUT I have NO idea what an alliance is and how it works in this game.
Thanks! But I'm very new at this and I know my guys are about average. For a long time I had no idea at all what I was doing, you can see that all my originals started with a lot of losses. I'm only now starting to get it. I don't go to the forums, I barely have time to train and get fights for my guys.
Hi mate just to let you know i didnt realise the post with Team Werewolf - I thought you posted a month ago - but I forgot you crazy people over the water have a different format to your dates! So it was only actually a day before. Sorry bro.
Oh, was a little put off I posted that on the 12th. But yea, he is 100% a ducker no question about it. He ducked me twice for glory belts (I was most deserving) Grow witnessed it all. He also ducked me in the EFC. He obviously is trying to hide it (when I posted a message on his wall and fighter page he restricted me when it wasn't even anything insulting or restrict worthy) I'm not going to tell you not to give him title shots but I'll do the closest thing and suggest you don't.
so and just to get this right, is it ok to give shots in this priority:
1)longest winning streak in THIS organization.
3)ranking within org.
You would help me a lot. could be that the priorities are mixed up, then tell me plz.
We Will Fight & We Will Fight Mexico are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies u did about feeding but were gay so it isnt feeding
Sorry dude, nick diaz and i decided to retire from mma activites to smoke weed. I'm back now, got burnt out for a little bit. I've got to build from scratch now. Recruted my first dude tonight, so it's back to being raped by you again. Was just starting to stay 500. Against you haha. Hows have you been? What i miss? Get any new stick on beards?
I do read the forums, I just have yet to make any posts about anything. Although my start date for my camp it a few years ago I really just started getting into the game.
its just hard to get back into a game when its so hard to get fights.... i swear 5 years ago you could have your whole team fought in like 10 min now its 8 times that long with all the crazy stuff going on in this place its making it hard to get back into.
lol would be like me playing halo and telling the other team they have to use just plasma pistols against me in team slayer... then if they don't then me backing out of all games against them for me using the game rules and not mine.....
I never said you were cherry picking, so I think you got your facts mixed up. It just seems that whenever I send you a challenge with a fighter who can GnP, you somehow manage to take an easier fight. That is all. No big deal Judy.
had one years ago haven't been on forums just started back playing a month or two ago hadn't played in several years.... bdlyons26 is my forum name i think
no yes my only camp i used to have another one but i gave up on it and i been havin people ask me that for like 2 years Lol im not itrested im more of a ps3 guy and into working out myself so i only come on for 30 mins each reset and go watch tv or soemthin Lol if i get more into this ill deff sign up
Lol no thx tho ive been asked few times i dont play it consistently i usaully stop for a few months every couple months Lol i just play it sometimes when im bored its fun and relaxin :P
I understand the basic fair ways of determining who gets a title shot,but I'm champ in glory,highest guy has a recent loss,next has a 1 fight win streak,I'm 3rd in glory,4th guy has 4 wins in a row. What would be the fair way to determine who gets a shot? I asked you cause your a crafty vet with many titles defended in your time.
Hey you wouldn't happen to hhave an inactive camp i could run for a little while would you? I wanna play around with another style. Not sure if i have the patience to start up a whole new camp.
Hit add comment by accident before I was done,I keep getting challenged by stat and style advantages over and over,plus I don't really know all the weaknesses yet. But still a fun game so far.
Things are going ok, just tryin to be like you :-p im 90k away from my first 500k equipment. Hows everything with you and m.o.d i also just started to try and build a hkks switch to counter your unwanted rape children.
efc ww... you pick the guy you want the shot for as they both have 2 loses lol... i don't know why everyone fought already leaving a bunch of losers :P... but i'll leave it up to you which guy you want to fight
Yeah its pretty weak. It's still fun thoe. That sounds good to me, if anything i can be a loyal friend untill i get home to my pc. i wont talk to any outher alliances, you laid claim haha
Your in m.o.d correct? I'd love to join but here is my problem...i've been out of town working since april..should be done in march. But im playing on my phone so i'm slightly limited. My user name is russianthai on the fourms, but my phone will not let me post or reply to posts. Maybe pm's?idk. I also can not click retire...that really sucks. Ive had some really bad recruits these past few months :c
Thanks, been wanting to make a fs switch and was curious. Sorry im not on the fourms atm and always post on your camp page,hope you dont mind. And thanks for your help. You have givin me some good info over the last month.
Hey, i have a question about fs. With 8pts i've heard speed is better than footwork,but i've found my fighters to do better with more ftw than speed. So with flyin subs would you say flex is better than bal? Or vise versa
Still can't log on,starting to think its something with my user name since my internet has been running smooth today. Any ideas on why it wouldn't work? I haven't been causing trouble so I know its not a ban lol
Having trouble signing into the forums,loads and loads then takes me back to sign in screen. Ill try again later. My internet has been dial up slow this week lol
Don't get me wrong, the whole alliance thing sounds like a pretty cool idea, but I am still pretty new to the game, and am having a plenty good time being a one team wrecking machine. I can definitely see getting into an alliance somewhere down the road. But for now I'm just gonna keep flyin solo, and try to figure this thing out on my own. Hopefully that doesn't mean we have to fight any less.
Hey judoka, I'm definitely interested in joining. I'm about to write a paper and then go to work but definitely send me a link or something with details and how to join and whats expected
it was to remind me to tell him to talk to his alliance mates. im the one who screwed up the first shot. so i wanted to see how he defended and tell him to talk to his alliance, so he 1. knew that there was a way to look and 2 not to follow my mess up in the first place.
I'm not in an alliance,since I've only had my phone internet for a bit I'm behind on the times,if you don't mind giving me a quick rundown of how the alliances work these days lol
All good I don't play much. Definitely wouldn't of minded you not giving me a title fight. I only challenged because it was the last fight on my contract. So I wouldn't have to defend. Good fight and good luck.
hey man, been super busy. is it alright if i take a break from the alliance? I've been focusing on making my camp better at this point. I could rejoin in a month or so, just been very busy lately.
No, This is Jordans cousin Jeff. Jordan gave it to me cause I have free time and he has like 3 other camps to take care of and I just got into this mma thing.
PL and PG was my forte back in the day. My recruits this time around seem to favor the Ground and pound. Either way I've got all my equipment at 4 stars pretty much so I'll go with the flow :P. Yeah, I do. I'm sad to say I rarely use it (Only when I'm completely stumped) but an alliance sounds good to me. My username is Budgellism3. I've never joined one before so you'll have to walk me through it.
Don't take it to heart, I'm just trying to rattle Scott, which is apparently easily done these days. Then he looks for back up like it is a gang brawl or something. With the shit he usually throws at DBA I am surprised that he is such a fucking wimp when he gets it back in his face.
now under the training of sensei nadeau all fighters will wear gi's and receive belts based on skill and achievements. white, yellow,orange, green, blue, red, black
I just wanted to let you know that ever since you gave me some advice to try a lighter weight class, my fighter has improved leaps and bounds. Of course, competition is tougher, too, but that's fine. Thanks a lot!
camp update* i have decided to from now on award my fighters in 4 theirs skills based on my opinion. the ranks will be white, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, black in that order
i freaked out on ehrod when he did this to me, and he taught me CD guys can train brawling, and have zero wres, to be a dominate GnPer as a switch, it works 80+% of the time.