99% of the forum(hardcore players) would agree with my decision. If you would have had a win close to Blims I would have just went with you three. He had a win against the #53 guy and your wins were against #300 some, #500 some, #1400 some plus 2 straight missed resets. I get everyone cant be one every reset but if I miss a reset I don't expect to receive a title shot next reset.
You missed the previous two resets. I only give to a guy who fought the previous reset to keep activity high. I even thought about still giving it to you since you had 3 wins vs. Blims 1, but your wins were not very good. So the combo stopped me.
You fought the fucking guys that were on losing streaks. It would be different if you were arguing something that wasn't in black and white, obviously anyone can look at your fighters record and see yet you deny it? That's beyond retarded, seeing as how it's so easily proven. You're a fucking ducking piece of shit and I've no idea why you ducked my sucky ass guy but YOU DID and you chose to fight guys you'd already beaten with your bummed out a-1 titled pixel hero.
to be honest i am in an alliance with the guy who runs fire kingdom...i see his point and i see yours...whether or not you ever want to be a part of the forums isnt important at all (lots of good info and tournaments though)...but the titles in the upper 10 orgs usually end up going through a lot of the top camps and you dont want to ultimately get shut out of that picture...again, no offense
cool...i wish that the game had some type of built in mechanism to figure out matchups...but it ultimately comes down to the inmates policing themselves around here...but i still am unsure who is policing those who claim to be policing things....anyhow, peace
i dont know who or why you fought as you did and dont really care...i am simply saying that any belt defense should really invlolve looking at (a) who lost in their last fight getting no look (b) comparing streaks and usually in the organization....i have some different opinions on things myself but as an overall "rule", just always try and pick the best guy to fight based on their merits and not based on what is the better fight for you...which i am not implying that you did
i had no affiliation in your belt defense...you were however, a big topic of discussion on the forums the other day and then again this morning...all i am saying is that you should check out the fair play guidelines before you get frozen out of things by some vets....meant no real disrespect, this is just a game