

Last Online - Sunday 25th of March 2018
Display Name Oyama88
Member Since Apr 17, 2010
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 5380-4227


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8-28-2015 7:51 am EST
You accept fights from my 8pts camp but won't go PG against PG.....tut tut.
Flying Armbars
5-25-2012 6:28 am EST
np i like fighting other similar styles. u should join the forums. id take u under my wing and make u my fs/ippon student lol
Flying Armbars
5-24-2012 11:56 am EST
i wanted to lose lol
5-5-2012 7:31 am EST
sounds good thanks for the heads up
We Will Fight
We Love Gay Guys
4-19-2012 11:20 am EST
We Will Fight & We Love Gay Guys are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies
Vince McMahon Jr Jr Jr
We Will Fight Mexico
4-11-2012 5:34 pm EST
We Will Fight & We Will Fight Mexico are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies
3-29-2012 12:45 pm EST
No probs bro, I am the same. I normally just fight who is online at the time :)
Fat Camp
3-22-2012 8:36 am EST
lol, you are a regular weight class corrector. my guy is finally on his comeback tho.... took him some time to get back to winning at LHW. 12 losses because of my stupiditiy...
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
3-14-2012 5:08 pm EST
lol.. oops. forgot to move him back down to LHW. thx - Jascha "Tosserlad" Chebotarev
Fat Camp
3-14-2012 9:51 am EST
its cool, not your fault. my fault, i might have noticed soon because of the sub but who knows, might have fought him again and lost.
The Task Master
Dungeon of Doom
3-8-2012 5:47 pm EST
Thanks =)
The Task Master
Dungeon of Doom
3-5-2012 7:06 pm EST
Hehe thanks for the fights man =)
Camp GT
2-29-2012 7:35 pm EST
Naw its cool I'm just glad to find fights
2-19-2012 12:31 pm EST
No problem, man. Great camp you have.
jimmy chin wynn
2-18-2012 4:52 pm EST
don't feel that way with me man!! if i give you a shot if im lower or higher stats take them man!!!! i will take the blame!!!
jimmy chin wynn
2-18-2012 11:45 am EST
no surrender beat me with lower stats... just never seen anyone pass up a title shot
jimmy chin wynn
2-18-2012 6:21 am EST
im offering you title shots and a lot of higher ranked fights?
9-8-2011 6:19 am EST
You Need To Man Up, Grow A Pair Of Balls, And Send A Fight That Might Actually Test Your Fighters! Whenever I Send You A Challenge You Have A Tiny Chance Of Losing, You Deny That Aswell! Man Up!
9-2-2011 3:55 am EST
Hey dude thanks for the advice, looking to equip gym first then i think i will take more time to match make GL ;)
The Domain
8-28-2011 5:12 pm EST
just recently they are i remember your camp killin some of my earlier fighters
Bao Quach
Team Oyama
8-13-2011 5:07 am EST
2-1 by out fights)so if you wanna score more good fights, im more then open for a next challenges)
8-11-2011 6:12 pm EST
Osamu Kawasawa, my first fighter with a #1 ranking!
Billy Mayes Jr
Newfie Pride Fighters
7-30-2011 6:48 am EST
Thanks for the fights
7-6-2011 2:55 pm EST
Nice camp.you could find on the forum a lot of great coaches and several alliances.alliance gives a new dimension, inter-alliance tourney, war or in-house championship.each alliance has his own feature.maybe,just try ? if you want you can send me a msg and I say you more about forum and alliance.BTW,I am in DBA,it s a great alliance. bye ;)
The Lobster
7-5-2011 4:36 am EST
you ever thought of coming to the forums?? You would look good in the ttt alliance.
Team Laughing Gas
4-24-2011 9:24 pm EST
No problem, bro. Good fight.
4-17-2011 9:23 pm EST
No, no downside. You just need an account on the forums.
4-17-2011 7:55 pm EST
That wouldn't be a problem, as long as you check in every once in a while and participate in some tournaments. Some reasons for wanting to join might be for tournaments/tips and such. Going to be creating DV belts etc.
4-17-2011 3:32 pm EST
Are you interested in joining an alliance?
4-2-2011 8:40 pm EST
Well, first off, never give out a shot to a guy not fighting the last reset unless he is the last resort. Win streak and the quality of the wins in the streak are really the main criteria. Basically, don't be subjective about it when it comes to giving out shots. Shit happens though bro, I'm not too concerned.
Big Ace
3-31-2011 4:01 pm EST
lol not sure - most likely. Nice camp you got. You on the forums at all, or have you ever thought of it??
3-14-2011 10:32 pm EST
Np man, I lost a UD, so if you are still down to fight i'd really like to, our guys are very similar. should be a solid match
3-11-2011 7:55 am EST
we've had some good fights recently!
3-2-2011 5:05 pm EST
yea ok your funny you expect me to always accept your total mismatches ? lol
2-25-2011 6:04 am EST
oh ok. yea good fight. i thought you had that one.
2-25-2011 6:02 am EST
The day you send a challenge that you dont have a huge stat advantage then talk to me.
2-18-2011 10:00 am EST
Thanks for the help, I used 8pc for everyone in my camp, i just log on and except any Challanges I get, I will try switching based on what they use.
2-17-2011 1:15 pm EST
Thanks I will give HKK a try, The Freak is the last 8pc in my camp the
2-12-2011 7:41 pm EST
haha i was hoping you would to i was only fighting with this guy at first for money but then i realised after 10 or so fights that the dude has an iron chin and still hasnt been knocked out, but ill retire him as soon as he does if he ever does so feel free to challenge him again
David Dunn
Over and Dunn
1-31-2011 6:03 pm EST
Oh, cheers man. I've been experimenting between HKK and Chop Down with two of my guys but I hadn't worked out which one did better against BJJ.
1-25-2011 4:29 pm EST
dont know how my guy Ray Albright beat yours in that tournament i was for sure you were going to win
1-20-2011 2:53 pm EST
Haha, yeah Im pretty glad I didn't retire him.
12-9-2010 6:22 pm EST
r u in an alliance?
11-19-2010 1:33 pm EST
Marty "Ginger" Coleman- #5 in the EFC
11-16-2010 12:03 pm EST
Hiroyuki "The River" Shiokawa- #4 in the EFC
11-8-2010 4:45 pm EST
Kazuhiro "The Viper" Tatsuko- My Third fighter in the EFC
10-8-2010 4:32 pm EST
well if you ever get on look me up man. harrier262. I run this camp and raised by wolves.
10-4-2010 8:37 pm EST
camps looking good man. you on the forums at all?
Ben Dial
Kenpo Camp
9-21-2010 7:34 pm EST
Ah, well the alliances are a group of coaches that band together and have alliance wars with other alliances. We have inter-alliance tournaments and games too. They are also an invaluable tool for getting meaningful information about styles and game mechanics. Alliance members won't lie to you. They want all their alliance mates to be at their best. I've had a blast with the DBA guys.
Ben Dial
Kenpo Camp
9-20-2010 7:57 pm EST
DBA stands for "Drunken Bum Alliance." Do you know about the MMArmy alliances?
9-18-2010 7:41 am EST
just f.y.i. that rematch that my Eric Simmons had with your "Surfer Boy", was his last fight. thanks for the fights.
Cory Hobbs
Warfare Demons
9-16-2010 6:31 pm EST
thanks man :P this guy is seriously a beast
9-10-2010 6:27 pm EST
Kenshin "Sword Saint" Tatsuya- my second fighter in the EFC
8-28-2010 4:56 pm EST
Minaru "The Bull" Hara- my first figther in the EFC!
8-10-2010 10:13 pm EST
If you haven't signed up on the forums you really should. If you have questions my name is "Pain", send me a message.
8-10-2010 10:08 pm EST
Some members use an etiquette others don't, but it is the camps that do, that you consistently see at the top. If you send me a lopsided challenge in your favor and I accept, I would expect you to do the same down the line. Some look at camps that only send lopsided challenges and never take a style disadvantage to be "can crushers" which will only lead to camps shortlisting you essentially which will make it tough for you to get fights from title holders.
8-10-2010 8:32 pm EST
I completely understand where you are coming from, we all have one main goal and that is to win. I don't have a problem taking a fight I, in theory wouldn't win, but when it is constantly lopsided challenges and repetitive "spam challenging", this is where I have a problem. You seem to have a decent grasp on styles for the game now you just need to read up on some of the fight etiquette.
8-4-2010 4:34 pm EST
Stop sending me lopsided fights, if you are not going to take them in return.