just as you ask for me to address my problems, i urge you to see a psychiatrist and see what might be hidden in that big closet in your brain. ok? just tryin to help ya
ok man, ive noticed something and im worried. ive been checking out a few of your fighters' nicknames and worried isnt the word for it. lets name a few: Ass Bandit, KumKum, Urge to Ejaculate, Mushy Testicles, Anal Attacker, Naked Orgasm, Albino Gay, Hide in my Vagina, Masturbating Oat, Crowning Vagina, Itchy Penis, Blew my Wad, Anal Matrix, You so Gay, Anal Bear, I Sex Minors, Gay Co, Frustrated Sexuality, Buttfuck, Pickled Clitoris, Raging Gay, Licked a Stinky Vag, and Frat Boy Date Rapist. ??
LOL! I literally waited over eight months before I got a HW and it was those two worthless pieces of trash! My quest to collect all of the belts will never finish if I cant get one.
Soon i will return ive just relocated because of my job... have been really busy putting in 60 hour work weeks and getting used to the big city life.. going to get high speed back in the next few weeks and i will rebuild from scratch bro! Good Luck and See you in ring soon!
Beb...if you want to have any guys in the alliance tourney post in the thread in ttt forum. it's tomorrow night in delirium, btw. we need more guys with funny nicknames, so hopefully you can join up!
Wait a minute...you had a fighter named Goro Fujimoto? Did the server give you that name? The reason I'm asking was because last september I roleplayed at Gfed Wrestling as Goro Fujimoto who I made into a badass MMA fighter. That is one funny coincidence.
Nope, to be honest I don't really have time. I'm on vacation right now, and after vacation ends, I plan on moving to Florida where I hope to join the Freestyle Fight Academy, not as a fighter, just to learn.
While GnP is the preferred style, sometimes fighters like Hugh Mitchell have skill sets that need to be showcased. As time passes and the camp improves, we'll be able to train more ground n pound.
I'm impressed by how strong your camp is.
The Outwatchers