
Soldiers of Jaala

Last Online - Monday 18th of May 2020
Display Name Diazfan
Member Since Jun 3, 2012
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 7324-7321


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NorthernLights Out
4-3-2020 4:11 pm EST
Nice to see you back!
Heart FC
4-26-2019 9:25 am EST
You should have access to the DBA forums now.
Heart FC
4-26-2019 7:53 am EST
Great! Let me get it set up.
Heart FC
4-24-2019 7:56 pm EST
Wanna join my alliance?
Tap or Sleep
6-28-2017 4:48 pm EST
If you're interested in starting an Alliance let me know. They are used to help one another with styles as well as compete in events against other Alliances.
6-27-2017 2:09 pm EST
Hey man would you have any interest in joining DBA alliance on the forums. Alliance's get to participate in cool events against other teams etc
Welsh Warriors
8-7-2016 4:34 am EST
cheers for the reminder, not been online for a few days. i lost in the 3rd rd
7-8-2016 5:03 am EST
Thanks for the fight mate
4-18-2016 1:17 pm EST
You interested in joining we are many alliance ?
5-7-2015 2:39 am EST
Been seeing your camp around for along time. Are you on the forums?
Submission Inc
5-6-2015 6:04 am EST
Thanks for all the fights recently! Some good scraps between our camp the last two resets!
10-2-2014 4:19 am EST
Good fights :)
Jorge Silva
Chute Boxe West
9-1-2014 7:17 am EST
Yea, it's me, Diaz. I always enjoy scraps with your camp.
7-10-2014 6:14 am EST
I feel like I won the first 3 rounds pretty easily but good fight and I'm sure I will see you soon
4-17-2013 4:17 am EST
Nice fight!
Welsh Warriors
3-29-2013 9:39 am EST
Welcome back bro - get back on the WDoA forum and check the Caranogirl challenge event!
Welsh Warriors
10-14-2012 9:20 am EST
Hi mate check out the rising star league on our forum you have qualified for it - good luck
9-3-2012 4:47 am EST
lol thanks for the fights! KentB
Mister Judo
8-29-2012 6:30 am EST
i was recruiting but ur already taken lol gl!
Mister Judo
8-28-2012 6:35 am EST
yep. nice camp. u on the forums?
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
8-13-2012 1:26 am EST
Jeah, tuttua on välil hävii 3 resettii about kaikki ja välil voittaa :P
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
8-13-2012 12:42 am EST
Joo pitää saaha hyvät sparraajat ja jotku ottelijat kehittyy muutenki huonosti
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
8-13-2012 12:29 am EST
Jep, vaihtelee paljon tuuriki vaikka olis "varma". Ite teen niin monta eri buildia, pitää löytää se toimivin yhdistelmä ja tietty ukoista/hiddeneistä kiinni paljon.
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
8-13-2012 12:10 am EST
Hyvältä näyttää jäbän comeback camppi ja recordi, toisinku itellä sorrun liikaa ottamaan turhan kovia matchuppeja, mutta pelaanki hauskuuden vuoks ja muutamia kovia tyyppejä saatu jopa tehtyä. Tarvii ehkä hieman enemmän malttia :)
Welsh Warriors
7-20-2012 1:37 am EST
OK your in. Read the private message I sent you and get stuck in - welcome aboard
Welsh Warriors
7-19-2012 11:12 pm EST
Thats good enough for me bro. I told Auvo to message you. You need to join the forum and tell me your forum name so i can get you into the alliance. Do that and I will explain from there ok mate
Welsh Warriors
7-19-2012 9:51 am EST
Hi mate, my good friend and alliance member Auvo said your interested in joining my alliance. Do you speak any English? Because my finish is not very good lol
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
7-19-2012 7:26 am EST
Joo laitoin yhelle pääjäsenelle viestiä ilmottelee varmaan sulle
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
7-18-2012 3:22 pm EST
Laita viestiä niin kysyn eteenpäin
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
7-18-2012 3:21 pm EST
Joo, et olis alliancee vailla? hyvää porukkaa foorumeilla, ite ollu vähän vähemmän mukana viime aikoina mutta etköhän pääse messiin jos haluut. Oon siis WDOA:ssa, Wanted Dead Or Alive. Paljon omia turnauksia, apua ja muuta settiä ja aktiivista porukkaa tosiaan.
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
7-18-2012 7:46 am EST
Katos muitakin suomalaisia, ootko uusi pelaaja vai?