hye, just checking in. he is right, u need to drop some of them to a lower weight class, if they miss weight a lot then just move them back up. also dont forget to upgrade equipment and get more fighters. PEACE.
hey. u can change ur fighters weight class. if ur guy weighs like 160-70 fight him at LW. 180-190 = WW. 190-200 = MW. 210-220 = LHW, etc.. i noticed some of ur guys are fighting in weight classes where they are pretty small. Buck Hayes is an example. he weighs 166, he should not be fighting at WW. move him down to LW where he will be stronger and bigger then some others. always remember to check the weight.
since most of ur guys are decent with bjj. i would use Pull Guard more often. build up on bjj, strength, and wrestling for that style. PG is probably the best style through the whole game, so get good at that one. good luck
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