coaches if you need an Alliance in the forum. All are full but I have places available. Pm me.
(just ignore this message if you are in an alliance already or i didn't recognise a vets new camp) thanks
On Feb 2055, the Vitamin S Club concurrently held three titles. Chael Griffin with the Glory LW title, Kenji Nishihara with the MFO WW title, and Reynaldo Otelo with the Strikefest MW title.
August, 2014: Jiro "Christmas Gi" Osaragi captures the WVA Lightheavyweight belt. Isao "bout to Hulk Out" Fuwa captures the Ring Rage Lightweight belt. Eiji "Heart of Glass" Akera captures the Shaato Lightweight belt.
Thanks for the kind words. It's a shame I started off so poorly in glory because I was looking forward to a stand-up war with Kikuchi. That would have been an awesome evenly matched fight! Simon Taylor
I appreciate it but it kicked me out because my contract expired. It was full when I tried to sign back in. Thanks again for the offer. If you still have it I will buy out my contract and try to get back in. Let me know
Vitamin S Club