
MMA world

Last Online - Friday 30th of December 2022
Display Name matt mica
Member Since Jun 14, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 622-2664


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2-1-2021 10:33 pm EST
welcome back mate! lots of changes, hop on the forum and we can help find a preferred style again :)
9-27-2015 6:38 am EST
Hey man on your fighters, if you look at their Desire each square means they will cut roughly 7 lbs. so for example Edgar Mendez he should be a MW instead of LHW. Any questions just ask. Good luck!
5-25-2015 10:25 pm EST
New coaches if you need an Alliance in the forum. All are full but I have places available. Pm me. (just ignore this message if you are in an alliance already or i didn't recognise a vets new camp) thanks
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-4-2014 2:46 pm EST
Join the forums.
3-14-2011 5:04 pm EST
if u ever beat any of my guys, they will be retired and will be pressured by my camp to even commit suicide...
Joao Rua
Evolve MMA
12-25-2009 12:50 pm EST
hey man just thought I'd tell you that if you put guys in their proper weight classes they will have a lot better success