
Sacred Band

Last Online - Saturday 15th of August 2009
Display Name Epaminondas
Member Since Jan 28, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1052-586


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2-13-2009 9:40 am EST
You ducked under a loopy hoop and took my fighter to the mat! You should be ashamed, you ducker!
2-10-2009 9:35 am EST
You are a ducker! Prepare to be flamed!
Sacred Band
11-25-2008 8:18 am EST
MuadDib's secret training facility. Like Fedaykin and LOA, now a dead camp.
Sacred Band
11-25-2008 8:18 am EST
Chachi, thank you for being such a good sport. You are a good guy.
11-23-2008 4:59 pm EST
sorry man... i was out of city, and have to make a break in the game - Caio Sentation
Sacred Band
11-21-2008 2:08 pm EST
The Chachi has been granted a reprieve. He will no longer be flamed on this page.
Sacred Band
11-20-2008 4:44 am EST
I answered each of your weak accusations. Once logic and reason failed, it turned to your credibility. I had fought you 3 months prior to that and you had ducked me last week when I had to go 3-4 months with 1 fight despite being ranked as #1 contender. I was fighting guys that were higher ranked and tougher challenges. Twist it however you want. I would have fought a contender in line for a shot if I knew the champ had no intention of granting my title shot.
11-18-2008 3:21 pm EST
Once again you can't deny what i'm saying so you have to make ad hominem attacks. Your apology is pending mister, it hasn't been accepted yet.
11-18-2008 2:57 pm EST
No, what you tore to shreds was your credibility and ability to make arguments. I just stood there and laughed at your ridiculousness. Anyway, that was nice of you trying to apologize. I knew you'd come around to it.
11-18-2008 10:17 am EST
Just to reiterate my point, you need to relax you ducker.
11-18-2008 10:15 am EST
Awww, I feel you getting madder now. Calm down doggy. As I said before I have no problem losing, the game is fun win or lose. What I do have a problem with is hypocrites like yourself. Calling people duckers and then straight ducking, what a goon you are. And you need to get that chip off your shoulder. "It is a little frustrating when a multiple champion can't get their much deserved rematch." Maybe you should learn to be nicer to people. You're way too pent up and angry.
11-18-2008 9:55 am EST
You mean those string of mean comments on my page that were followed by an apology to me? Yeah, I know, pretty sweet. Just remember: I simply asked you why you denied my challenge and I got in return a bunch of flip flopping, hypocritical, contradictory, insulting, and idiotic responses. You seem pretty frustrated. I guess all the ducking must take a toll on you.
11-18-2008 9:49 am EST
No, I understood your comments just fine. It went: Poor excuses for ducking by Sacred Band. AKA How Sacred Band looked like a fool trying to explain his ducking while contradicting himself numerous times. Followed by: When Sacred Band can no longer find excuses for himself he must lash out at other players in his frustration and stupidity. Yeah, I understood that just fine.
11-18-2008 9:04 am EST
4000 ducks. Quite a lot. Plus i'm not the one who denied two challenges. You were.
11-18-2008 8:47 am EST
I like to play the game, it's a lot of fun and MKick did a terrific job with it. Considering you registered the same time as me I guess you can't same the same considering all the ducking you're doing. 4000 matches ducked, that's a lot. Plus you can't defend your actions anymore hence you feel the need to attack me. It's okay, you can be a flip flopping hypocrite all you want.
Blitzkrieg Penguin
Penguin Master
11-18-2008 7:17 am EST
well ok. my guy is going to retire soon and people keep denieing challenges
Sacred Band
11-16-2008 3:47 pm EST
Lou Hayden achieves #1 P4P
11-4-2008 7:33 pm EST
ok thats fair man
Sacred Band
11-1-2008 8:54 am EST
RJ, Helio, Eduardo 2x, HH 1x