
MMA Combat

Last Online - Tuesday 23rd of February 2010
Display Name Pattika
Member Since Dec 18, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 68-60


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Night Watch
1-7-2010 10:19 pm EST
I'll admit I didn't think Nicolas would beat John Adams, but I knew I had a chance because of the fighting styles of the the two. Like Dana White says styles make fights. Flying Submissions is really good against 8 Points of Contact. I'm still new to all this and my fighters don't have as good of stats as all the other fighters so I pick fights that I have a favorable style match ups with. I hope this helps you. Thanks for the fight and good luck.
MMA Combat
12-21-2009 1:01 pm EST
If anyone has any advice/tips/help they could give me on any of my fighters...I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! Thanks everyone!
12-21-2009 8:19 am EST
I got that guy that good with patience and good equip. HAHA.