
Slap Crew

Last Online - Friday 16th of April 2010
Display Name Heath Calhjoun
Member Since Apr 15, 2010
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 8-4


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Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
4-17-2010 11:47 pm EST
you should purchase some credits, its some much easier and your camp will be so much better if u purchase just a few credits
Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
4-16-2010 6:13 am EST
Hey buddy, welcome to MMArmy. this games pretty badass but you may find it a bit difficult when starting out. Feel free to read the tutorial and check out the forums for any tips. Also, if you need any help or advice just let me know, feel free to post something on my page. Good Luck
Heath Calhjoun
Slap Crew
4-15-2010 9:49 pm EST
How do I find Fights i click fight by my ppl but no fights come up?