
The Odd Savants

Last Online - Saturday 4th of March 2017
Display Name Meezy
Member Since Feb 12, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 586-375


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7-21-2012 10:34 am EST
Mister Judo
7-13-2012 6:09 pm EST
good to see u back
Mister Judo
The Newaza Plaza
7-23-2010 4:59 pm EST
nnice name. and srry 4 not given ur guy the shot. the other guy had more vvins in that org. best of luck
12-7-2008 4:46 pm EST
whudup playa!
8-20-2008 7:46 pm EST
Your camp looks to be doing great. And you seem to know a lot about the game. When you get better equipment, your camp will be tops, man.
8-13-2008 3:44 pm EST
yo yo
4-10-2008 12:25 pm EST
Why do you have so many awesome retired guys? Looks like they retired too early?