
Hardcore Gym Roster

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Active Roster
Atlas "DBA" Arnold 154lbs#1 (42-14)
Bob Wright 229lbs#1 (40-22)
Alex "DBA" Scott 233lbs#1 (69-15)
Kevin "The Killer" Harris 175lbs#2 (35-14)
Claude Wade 219lbs#2 (54-43)
Lamarr "DBA" Robinson 267lbs#2 (48-26)
Russ Griffin 166lbs#2 (32-16)
Micky "DBA" Lindsey 220lbs#2 (32-15)
Esteban Flores 175lbs#2 (41-29)
Sid "Vicious" Masters 185lbs#3 (32-20)
Renato Dias 264lbs#4 (39-22)
Clay "The Canvas" Hart 277lbs#4 (38-20)
Jeremiah Mitchell 196lbs#4 (38-22)
Nachito "The Beard" Ramos 196lbs#5 (61-50)
Craig Love 248lbs#5 (25-12)
Jermain Swanson 143lbs#5 (39-22)
Ernest Fuimaono 187lbs#5 (25-15)
Demarcus Harris 236lbs#6 (42-28)
Grace Phillips 136lbs#6 (42-25)
Mike Palmer 224lbs#6 (44-23)
Branden Murray 159lbs#6 (34-27)
Gordon Frazier 212lbs#6 (27-18)
Nghia Danh 231lbs#7 (33-19)
Dan McGee 217lbs#8 (29-18)
Gil "Mr Submission" 64 278lbs#9 (30-9)
Bart Tate 267lbs#9 (42-36)
Bo Lawrence 277lbs#9 (35-23)
Fabricio Silveira 160lbs#9 (36-18)
Garret "DBA" Cox 154lbs#9 (27-20)
Talvo Anselmo 155lbs#9 (33-17)
Kemi Falana 160lbs#9 (28-15)
AJ Collins 167lbs#9 (25-9)
Clark Herman 152lbs#9 (29-18)
Steve "Danny" Tanner 216lbs#10 (39-21)
Brett Burgess 277lbs#10 (54-41)
Erasmo Rocha 155lbs#10 (36-25)
Neil Delaney 180lbs#10 (24-15)
Roberto "The Blanket" Barrio 205lbs#11 (42-31)
Gene Reyno 252lbs#11 (32-25)
Brent "Florida Man" Hart 199lbs#11 (32-24)
Jones Henderson 159lbs#11 (35-19)
Walter Brooks 218lbs#11 (31-23)
Chad "Smug Bastard" Johnston 189lbs#12 (51-35)
Guy Bryant 273lbs#12 (45-29)
Dory Bates 233lbs#12 (25-19)
Lucas Dennis 265lbs#13 (33-17)
Aaron Joseph 215lbs#13 (29-16)
Mike Walters 172lbs#13 (37-34)
Gonzalo Ortiz 175lbs#15 (47-40)
Reggie Hines 206lbs#15 (32-21)
Layla Sims 137lbs#15 (23-9)
Darren Yates 279lbs#15 (31-19)
Gabo Tolentino 145lbs#15 (22-14)
Antonio Souza 153lbs#16 (35-32)
Travis Smith 197lbs#16 (25-17)
Cliff Anderson 267lbs#17 (53-40)
Art Perry 188lbs#17 (44-22)
Sasha Hayes 262lbs#17 (38-23)
Gan Norman 154lbs#17 (28-21)
Bruce "The Butcher" Davidson 254lbs#18 (39-35)
Logan Browne 200lbs#18 (41-31)
Daniel Costa 148lbs#18 (36-23)
Manny Wiltsie 267lbs#19 (33-16)
Rip Purcell 155lbs#19 (28-22)
Tommy Dennis 260lbs#19 (32-21)
Curley "Sasquatch" Green 174lbs#20 (33-27)
Noah Johnson 184lbs#20 (16-7)
Buff "The Stuff" Carpenter 151lbs#21 (35-27)
Bandit Thompson 158lbs#21 (29-22)
Lucio Lobo 189lbs#21 (23-13)
Jamal Pitman 208lbs#21 (17-8)
Zack "Judo" Hartshorne 137lbs#22 (38-33)
Miko "The Polish Punisher" Wojcik 138lbs#22 (45-30)
Walter Cullum 259lbs#22 (29-27)
Noah Franklin 165lbs#22 (29-27)
Dean McCann 188lbs#22 (20-14)
Troy Rebello 200lbs#22 (31-21)
Otto Simmons 251lbs#23 (27-19)
Mac "The Knife" Wheeler 194lbs#25 (30-24)
Louie Harris 223lbs#25 (35-21)
Gregory Bernier 185lbs#26 (39-29)
Race Hoffman 198lbs#26 (23-18)
Todd Griffin 186lbs#27 (35-21)
Stu Riley 231lbs#27 (27-10)
Dalton Farmer 139lbs#28 (43-41)
Ricardeau Burbidge 227lbs#28 (28-19)
Bo Hart 163lbs#28 (28-17)
Clarence Blair 157lbs#29 (33-19)
Ty Campbell 265lbs#30 (29-10)
John "Indian Outlaw" Bell 151lbs#30 (52-43)
Jacek "The Ghoul" Gorka 172lbs#30 (31-21)
Alex Velasco 152lbs#30 (38-32)
Will Riley 162lbs#30 (25-14)
Gavin Goodwin 160lbs#30 (14-8)
Rudy "Rolling" Rollins 160lbs#31 (33-18)
Devon Vaughn 162lbs#31 (19-12)
Al Thornton 231lbs#31 (25-24)
Cassidy Cohen 203lbs#32 (32-20)
Preston Lafromboise 150lbs#32 (36-27)
Zack Lawson 140lbs#32 (21-10)
Ashton Meyer 170lbs#32 (30-13)
Mac Sullivan 201lbs#32 (20-13)
Dustin Newman 178lbs#33 (32-23)
Cru Moody 145lbs#33 (30-25)
Shawn Moore 172lbs#33 (29-25)
Janu Ribeiro 162lbs#33 (13-7)
Leah Powers 139lbs#33 (23-13)
Kang "Kong" Chae 184lbs#34 (48-39)
Vernon "The Athlete" Lowe 180lbs#34 (43-34)
Fabricio Rua 145lbs#34 (31-27)
Gerard Shelton 150lbs#34 (23-18)
Slade Reid 264lbs#34 (23-14)
Paul Benson 197lbs#34 (20-12)
Ronnie Fuller 278lbs#34 (26-16)
Jordan Silva 145lbs#35 (20-13)
Eugene "DBA" Stanley 174lbs#35 (29-24)
Harry Flowers 262lbs#35 (22-16)
Dillon Olson 280lbs#35 (39-29)
Troy Lawrence 157lbs#35 (12-9)
Pat Holt 263lbs#36 (50-44)
Seth Pope 151lbs#36 (32-23)
Gerhart Newman 212lbs#36 (20-14)
Danny Fowler 212lbs#36 (17-10)
Troy "High Top" Jacobs 278lbs#37 (29-17)
Dave Peters 155lbs#38 (43-41)
Homer Wheeler 182lbs#38 (29-16)
Alex "The Inferno" Hayes 168lbs#39 (47-39)
Adam Scott 191lbs#39 (21-17)
Ole Coleman 175lbs#39 (23-16)
Uziel Lacerda 138lbs#39 (52-47)
Rick Severn 163lbs#39 (29-21)
Kevin Delgadillo 156lbs#40 (34-33)
Clarence Coleman 187lbs#41 (43-21)
Henry "Bumble Bee" Butler 182lbs#41 (33-32)
Jessica Shelton 148lbs#41 (18-9)
Drake "American Dragon" Haynes 225lbs#41 (23-11)
Miguel Delgado 151lbs#42 (16-13)
Marcus "Cookie Monster" Cote 205lbs#43 (28-21)
Michael "Harry" Henderson 190lbs#43 (34-26)
Harry Lyons 279lbs#43 (23-17)
Itzel "Razor" Ramos 142lbs#43 (31-34)
Buck Mann 163lbs#44 (29-21)
Drake Shelton 160lbs#44 (30-22)
Tommy Simmons 159lbs#44 (19-11)
Eric Wilson 189lbs#44 (19-13)
Tyson Chambers 265lbs#44 (17-11)
Cade Morris 166lbs#44 (31-32)
Shannon Richards 193lbs#44 (15-9)
Brayam Casillas 169lbs#44 (20-12)
Buck Cox 217lbs#45 (45-38)
Mills Reinhold 184lbs#45 (49-32)
Shawn Campbell 228lbs#45 (32-25)
Lawerence Anderson 140lbs#45 (14-8)
Harold Newton 151lbs#45 (16-7)
Vic Newcomb 179lbs#45 (13-7)
Tim Pearson 201lbs#45 (22-16)
Janard "Modern Warrior" Hart 172lbs#46 (39-33)
Bradley Todd 215lbs#46 (33-28)
Jaime Dealava 174lbs#46 (29-30)
Sal Blake 160lbs#46 (28-19)
Cole Garrett 157lbs#47 (25-20)
Del Vaughn 260lbs#47 (35-34)
Eddie Hamilton 272lbs#47 (20-7)
JC "Albino Gorilla" Guida 156lbs#48 (27-23)
Billy Parker 271lbs#48 (20-9)
Dallas Benson 136lbs#48 (29-20)
Allan Cohen 142lbs#48 (36-36)
Jerry "Creepy" Cross 154lbs#48 (24-14)
Nick Strickland 274lbs#48 (28-21)
Ben Malone 176lbs#48 (16-8)
Fred Perry 277lbs#49 (26-8)
Gerard Hatch 212lbs#49 (14-8)
Sam Carroll 196lbs#49 (20-16)
Oscarito Bedemar 239lbs#49 (23-19)
Doug Browne 163lbs#49 (23-13)
Grande Fraga 142lbs#49 (31-32)
Gilbert Martin 167lbs#50 (30-13)
Reggie "Real Deal" Strickland 178lbs#50 (41-36)
Jack Farquhar 168lbs#50 (38-27)
Hade Keller 168lbs#50 (19-10)
Clark Hendricks 226lbs#51 (21-15)
Lex Ramsey 148lbs#52 (34-27)
Noah Lange 185lbs#52 (18-10)
Oscar Arosio 215lbs#52 (22-17)
Nathan Harris 167lbs#53 (29-13)
Bandit "Kimura" Diekmann 174lbs#53 (17-13)
Elix Roy 273lbs#53 (36-35)
Billy "Choke" Bailey 170lbs#54 (46-39)
Bandit "Stagger" Lee 179lbs#54 (40-26)
Jennifer Lynch 133lbs#54 (38-33)
Kendrick Rogers 258lbs#55 (19-12)
Josh Cobb 280lbs#55 (19-9)
Daniel Hill 137lbs#55 (27-19)
Ese Pedrosa 175lbs#55 (13-10)
Panchito Castillo 185lbs#56 (42-38)
Angel "The Painted Man" Hernandez 276lbs#56 (34-26)
Jane Mann 149lbs#56 (24-18)
Max Ryan 169lbs#56 (15-7)
Frye Snyder 205lbs#56 (27-25)
Lex Hendricks 254lbs#57 (30-23)
Owen Weeks 177lbs#57 (15-9)
Frankie Tyler 176lbs#57 (20-14)
Kyle Robinson 150lbs#57 (29-21)
Grant Lynch 159lbs#57 (22-17)
Dusty Riley 173lbs#58 (21-9)
Clay James 209lbs#58 (22-13)
Larry Hubbard 279lbs#58 (7-1)
Grant "Goldmember" Johnson 227lbs#59 (38-25)
Jaron Foster 193lbs#59 (28-20)
Chuck Todd 155lbs#59 (18-12)
Rob Banks 268lbs#59 (27-20)
Kalib Gibbs 227lbs#59 (7-3)
Johnny Joseph 209lbs#59 (24-17)
Fransico Junior 196lbs#59 (20-19)
Edwin "The Albino" Brooks 278lbs#60 (49-50)
Malcolm Manning 140lbs#60 (19-13)
Peter Franklin 202lbs#60 (30-29)
Chris Shamrock 271lbs#60 (25-19)
Ricardo "The Peruvian Bandit" Lluscu 214lbs#60 (25-13)
Billy Knothe 179lbs#61 (31-28)
Grant Jenkins 210lbs#61 (32-23)
Devin Snyder 200lbs#61 (14-6)
Preston "The Persian" Franklin 229lbs#61 (25-22)
Duke Parker 140lbs#61 (29-26)
Andrew Haynes 267lbs#61 (19-9)
Richie Pierce 205lbs#62 (22-19)
Luiz Lobo 264lbs#62 (28-21)
Bif Parks 181lbs#62 (17-8)
Procopio Almeida 186lbs#62 (20-10)
Barry Grono 163lbs#62 (27-26)
John Glover 203lbs#63 (27-19)
Pete Ryan 160lbs#64 (31-29)
Han Bin Won 260lbs#64 (17-10)
Leon Diggins 192lbs#64 (17-11)
Javi Chavez 183lbs#65 (40-37)
Michael Demers 137lbs#65 (22-15)
Bandit Kelly 159lbs#65 (29-24)
Jim Benson 155lbs#65 (18-14)
Dante MacLeod 170lbs#65 (15-6)
Gustav Ferreira 208lbs#66 (36-30)
Milo Nash 168lbs#66 (24-13)
Bo Tate 207lbs#66 (18-12)
Bif Collins 148lbs#66 (31-18)
Talia George 136lbs#66 (16-13)
Rip Rothwell 272lbs#66 (21-13)
Grant Knothe 279lbs#66 (19-16)
Cameron Twitty 245lbs#67 (32-37)
Emmalyn Austin 130lbs#67 (32-21)
Del Walsh 249lbs#67 (11-4)
Ronnie Holland 182lbs#67 (17-11)
Jesu Aguirre 193lbs#68 (31-27)
Aaron Coleman 182lbs#68 (24-22)
Drake Dennis 148lbs#69 (15-5)
Garret Pope 211lbs#69 (18-17)
Maria Oliver 144lbs#69 (30-28)
Caco Rizzo 165lbs#70 (30-27)
Harley "Bad Boy" Cook 194lbs#70 (15-10)
Parker Scott 159lbs#70 (31-22)
Butch Ross 179lbs#71 (24-17)
Lief Oliver 210lbs#71 (22-13)
Javier Fuentes 180lbs#72 (31-17)
Erdmann Abt 267lbs#72 (23-14)
Felipe Prado 163lbs#72 (16-13)
Chad Ray 202lbs#72 (10-7)
Peter Stephens 151lbs#72 (23-15)
Nate "The Amish Assassian" Fleming 170lbs#73 (45-45)
Phil Eilers 212lbs#73 (28-16)
Adrian Watson 197lbs#73 (33-23)
Micky Herman 269lbs#73 (10-1)
Arthur Hall 139lbs#73 (20-10)
Buzz Powell 269lbs#73 (26-16)
Charlie "Hard Charger" Hayes 189lbs#74 (37-32)
Alivia Tyler 137lbs#74 (25-21)
Brook Mir 160lbs#74 (13-6)
Sidney Ramsey 173lbs#74 (20-7)
Pat "Warbird" Warner 264lbs#75 (22-13)
Gus Lange 144lbs#75 (36-35)
Bull Harmon 153lbs#76 (24-19)
Slater "The Hitman" Hayden 165lbs#77 (25-14)
Kevin Campuzano 208lbs#77 (27-28)
Jackson Becker 277lbs#77 (44-32)
Shannon Ryan 268lbs#77 (12-4)
Hugh Baldwin 185lbs#77 (17-16)
Lex Taylor 158lbs#77 (17-9)
Eugene Bennett 165lbs#77 (11-2)
Alan Sauer 275lbs#78 (43-42)
Fernando Romero 161lbs#78 (32-32)
Lee Edwards 195lbs#78 (24-17)
Vince Bennett 174lbs#79 (15-7)
Hack Franklin 265lbs#80 (22-13)
Billy Ormiston 207lbs#80 (27-15)
Rusty Andrews 174lbs#80 (31-19)
Clay "The Finisher" Savard 188lbs#81 (28-28)
Logan Henderson 157lbs#81 (31-26)
Dave Reed 184lbs#83 (36-21)
Randy Robinson 190lbs#83 (23-21)
Harry Neal 145lbs#83 (14-18)
Dusty Asplund 206lbs#84 (17-12)
Cade Peart 211lbs#84 (23-18)
Raymond "The Choker" Stewart 231lbs#85 (26-15)
Calvin Bowen 163lbs#85 (22-21)
Gerard Lombard 201lbs#85 (30-22)
Beau Baker 163lbs#86 (25-18)
James Hudson 178lbs#86 (22-21)
Peter Reeves 249lbs#86 (27-31)
Buck Kelly 156lbs#87 (41-34)
Kevin "The Darkness" Gilbert 252lbs#87 (41-41)
Bryan Beck 215lbs#87 (8-2)
Michael "The Punisher" Berry 180lbs#88 (33-32)
Chavito "Lighting bolt" Gomez 172lbs#88 (41-36)
Drake Patterson 145lbs#88 (34-26)
Kevin Sauer 223lbs#88 (15-8)
Hunter Perry 155lbs#88 (14-10)
William Lawrence 271lbs#88 (19-18)
Wilson Verga 249lbs#89 (23-17)
Elvis "The King" Eilers 195lbs#89 (31-24)
Meao Pantoja 212lbs#89 (9-3)
Keith Jodoin 164lbs#90 (38-18)
Owen "Stagger" Lee 210lbs#90 (25-21)
Bernie Green 162lbs#90 (12-10)
Dylan Bruno 205lbs#90 (15-10)
Abdiel Laguna 215lbs#90 (16-11)
Chucho Gomez 275lbs#91 (34-23)
Phil Rossborough 160lbs#91 (25-20)
Jorge Martins 165lbs#91 (14-11)
Vincent Mullins 192lbs#91 (11-9)
Eder Aranha 171lbs#91 (16-12)
Corey Scott 168lbs#92 (19-15)
Trey "The Hulk" McCarthy 271lbs#93 (27-20)
Henry Richards 218lbs#93 (25-23)
John Hoffman 214lbs#93 (18-10)
Everardo Montenegro 156lbs#93 (28-25)
Gage Townsend 178lbs#94 (21-14)
Rahim Nabavi 217lbs#95 (23-18)
Lucas Perry 280lbs#96 (27-24)
Chael Spencer 172lbs#96 (32-22)
Denzell Adkins 158lbs#96 (25-20)
Rick Moore 269lbs#96 (19-13)
Delmar Neal 158lbs#97 (27-18)
Rich Cole 212lbs#97 (20-13)
Gustav Thibault 173lbs#97 (13-6)
Lee "The Animal" Wright 272lbs#99 (34-35)
Gilbert Moss 172lbs#99 (16-8)
Travis Rath 186lbs#99 (20-14)
Andy Morris 196lbs#100 (33-18)
Tono Santos 172lbs#100 (18-14)
Walter Smith 270lbs#100 (32-23)
Cal Stevens 192lbs#100 (11-4)
Orlando Shoemaker 249lbs#100 (18-20)
Chad Wellen 150lbs#101 (15-5)
Claude Martin 193lbs#101 (16-13)
Mauro Laguna 171lbs#102 (14-15)
Cole Thomas 259lbs#102 (25-19)
Andrew "The Andrew" Andrews 164lbs#102 (20-23)
Bert MacPherson 254lbs#102 (19-14)
Edu Pacana 177lbs#102 (7-3)
Dusty Rebello 257lbs#102 (13-18)
Genevieve Herman 131lbs#102 (34-28)
Mick "Mr Submission" Collins 276lbs#103 (18-2)
Ennio Azevedo 264lbs#103 (34-35)
Jim Lucas 171lbs#103 (22-11)
Chad Rebello 195lbs#103 (15-8)
Chavito "Groovy" Guerrero 195lbs#104 (35-41)
Tommy "The Titan" Turner 174lbs#104 (33-34)
Rob James 166lbs#104 (9-4)
Carl Larson 201lbs#104 (23-23)
Bobby Coleman 207lbs#104 (18-17)
Len Montana 191lbs#105 (23-26)
Wesley Long 151lbs#105 (14-9)
Dirk Garrow 230lbs#105 (22-15)
Jordan Vaylez 184lbs#105 (15-13)
Lex "The Flash" Reinhold 194lbs#106 (37-35)
Vincent George 222lbs#106 (14-10)
Murilo "Guillotine Machine" Gonzalez 163lbs#106 (33-34)
Tommy "The Hitman" Heden 280lbs#107 (34-35)
Jamshid Kazmi 181lbs#108 (26-21)
Alex "KO" Torres 254lbs#109 (25-12)
RJ "The Train" Carroll 175lbs#109 (47-36)
Doc Malone 209lbs#109 (18-13)
Chucho Molina 184lbs#110 (43-35)
Chance Reese 204lbs#110 (31-29)
Gabriel Sutton 216lbs#110 (17-13)
Robert Russell 146lbs#111 (35-29)
Lance Ray 136lbs#111 (20-13)
Erik Bowman 266lbs#111 (41-36)
Everett King 171lbs#111 (23-19)
Carl Cooper 271lbs#112 (24-17)
Barry Brewer 198lbs#112 (19-12)
Cal Reinhold 214lbs#113 (19-12)
Homer Peterson 156lbs#113 (18-10)
Steven Snyder 219lbs#113 (18-15)
Dick Reed 260lbs#113 (26-14)
Crosley Pinto 194lbs#114 (23-22)
Karl "Fro Daddy" Dickey 250lbs#114 (16-7)
Barry Marshbanks 157lbs#114 (8-5)
Don Graves 153lbs#114 (7-6)
Deniz Akkoyun 189lbs#115 (21-16)
Earl Austin 175lbs#115 (8-3)
Tainara Peixoto 142lbs#115 (39-36)
Paislee Moss 119lbs#116 (19-24)
Norm Griffith 279lbs#116 (23-21)
Myron Fotos 193lbs#116 (30-29)
Wesley McCann 193lbs#117 (30-25)
Ben Perkins 268lbs#117 (20-19)
Pat "The Asian Sensation" Ryan 277lbs#117 (15-11)
Eduardo Nabuco 150lbs#118 (26-29)
Denny Watts 185lbs#118 (33-27)
Kenny Fulton 165lbs#118 (17-10)
Charito Alvarez 265lbs#119 (28-23)
Damian "The Punisher" Bell 166lbs#119 (56-43)
Tyson Benavidez 175lbs#120 (20-18)
Ray Albright 136lbs#121 (25-16)
Olive Yorke 134lbs#121 (18-15)
Bull Mann 194lbs#122 (26-18)
Semen Karpovich 198lbs#122 (32-31)
Branden Benavidez 253lbs#122 (19-16)
Clarence Stephens 171lbs#122 (18-13)
Jim Banks 201lbs#122 (19-15)
Lance Price 166lbs#123 (24-10)
Frankie Murphy 268lbs#123 (21-15)
Tony Malone 168lbs#123 (11-4)
Cody Rollins 267lbs#123 (12-5)
Curley Walker 255lbs#124 (38-35)
Kevin Parker 154lbs#124 (11-7)
Ole Stevens 278lbs#124 (14-9)
Brook Peters 271lbs#124 (20-12)
Gregory Huckaba 164lbs#125 (6-2)
Race Vaughn 189lbs#126 (25-27)
Jeremiah "Cookie Monster" Bonello 275lbs#126 (49-51)
Clark Ross 230lbs#126 (14-10)
Matt Dennis 211lbs#126 (17-10)
Juan Avila 254lbs#126 (24-31)
Oscarito Silveira 267lbs#127 (47-43)
Barry Keller 206lbs#127 (33-29)
Kenny "The Tiger" Masters 163lbs#128 (34-28)
Toni Rios 186lbs#128 (21-25)
Grant Asplund 144lbs#129 (20-12)
Amyr Dias 198lbs#129 (17-7)
Walt Brown 220lbs#129 (12-6)
Baker "BadMoFo" Phillips 277lbs#130 (32-32)
Erik Stevens 256lbs#130 (26-29)
Rob McKinney 191lbs#131 (18-12)
Lindsey Graves 162lbs#132 (21-20)
Dirk Knothe 151lbs#132 (23-23)
Abe Russow 268lbs#132 (22-16)
Tyrone Asplund 150lbs#132 (34-40)
Abel Patterson 173lbs#133 (7-3)
Carl "Sharpe Dressed Man" Stanley 163lbs#133 (27-28)
Fonsi Huerta 204lbs#134 (25-8)
Clark Carpenter 166lbs#134 (24-22)
Morgan Berry 159lbs#134 (18-14)
Stan "The Animal" Fox 255lbs#135 (28-29)
Manu Ibarra 188lbs#136 (35-31)
Buzz "The Accountant" Rogers 264lbs#136 (13-14)
Cliff Warner 276lbs#136 (22-22)
Lucas Dezee 224lbs#136 (21-21)
Mauri "Mighty" Vasquez 280lbs#137 (43-34)
Kevin Goodman 203lbs#137 (27-27)
Gan Lyons 166lbs#138 (30-33)
Mahbub Amjad 180lbs#138 (18-12)
Ronald Lewis 169lbs#138 (38-31)
Benjamin Lee 142lbs#138 (29-31)
Homer Hansen 231lbs#138 (6-1)
Bob "Porno Star" Oliver 167lbs#139 (36-25)
Matt Meyer 218lbs#139 (19-13)
Nate Benson 143lbs#139 (14-7)
David Price 227lbs#139 (16-8)
Croyler Feijo 160lbs#140 (26-30)
Andres Cardenas 205lbs#140 (23-16)
Hans Glover 159lbs#141 (20-14)
Marcus Steele 245lbs#141 (24-21)
Wes Day 158lbs#141 (27-21)
Ray Henderson 186lbs#141 (15-9)
Abel Thornton 162lbs#142 (26-24)
Fritz Howard 161lbs#142 (24-25)
Lee Herring 227lbs#142 (13-6)
Stu Crowell 210lbs#142 (22-14)
Bif "The Finisher" White 262lbs#143 (38-20)
Sal Russow 207lbs#143 (14-13)
Lucas Fuimaono 172lbs#143 (7-2)
Otto Peterson 186lbs#143 (11-7)
Kit Brown 179lbs#144 (20-15)
Derrick Lundy 173lbs#145 (20-9)
Bull Guida 253lbs#145 (22-14)
Vico Renteria 226lbs#145 (11-5)
Greg Harvie 224lbs#146 (18-14)
Dick Powell 196lbs#147 (32-16)
Damarco "Dire" Wolfe 152lbs#148 (19-20)
Bull Hubley 147lbs#148 (29-31)
Clive Bennett 218lbs#149 (22-9)
Chad "The Hulk" Gagne 171lbs#149 (38-38)
Demetrious Hammond 167lbs#151 (25-21)
Frye "The Fly" Floyd 149lbs#151 (26-19)
Hade Palmer 163lbs#151 (24-15)
Ville Ruoho 218lbs#152 (25-23)
Hack Quinn 169lbs#152 (13-6)
Diego "BadMan" Bedemar 272lbs#153 (19-19)
Clive Sherk 274lbs#154 (29-19)
Elijah Strickland 176lbs#154 (9-7)
Ernest "All American" Duncan 218lbs#154 (24-21)
Josh Gutierrez 271lbs#154 (28-21)
Jackson Knothe 225lbs#154 (22-16)
Malcolm Rossborough 278lbs#154 (13-6)
Clark Goodman 274lbs#154 (14-7)
Gavin Hardy 149lbs#155 (27-20)
Jean Ward 213lbs#156 (24-11)
Caio Gamboa 221lbs#156 (37-32)
Nathan McDaniel 187lbs#156 (17-11)
Clark Kohler 160lbs#156 (28-29)
Cal Perkins 218lbs#156 (9-3)
Jun Xiao 256lbs#157 (26-14)
Tommy Andrews 257lbs#157 (22-17)
Jeremiah "Tiger" Garrow 257lbs#158 (9-5)
Stewart "Speed Freak" May 268lbs#159 (41-34)
Alan "Red Death" Young 183lbs#159 (32-30)
Iliarde Pedrosa 126lbs#159 (22-26)
Victor Oliveira 175lbs#160 (13-5)
Sasha Baker 137lbs#160 (15-12)
Leo Lawson 269lbs#161 (21-19)
Brett Lindsey 280lbs#162 (16-17)
Suso Aldea 180lbs#163 (24-27)
Mitch Lambert 209lbs#163 (17-18)
Brecken "Smiley" Blake 248lbs#163 (20-20)
Clive "The Killer" McGee 188lbs#164 (41-35)
Joe Bailey 153lbs#165 (24-22)
Tom Jones 189lbs#165 (6-3)
Harry Benavidez 136lbs#166 (35-27)
Walter Chapman 161lbs#166 (18-15)
Frei Gracie 149lbs#166 (18-13)
Jacob Godsey 187lbs#166 (10-10)
Dallas Rollins 171lbs#169 (15-13)
Antonio Gimenez 177lbs#170 (14-8)
Chance Rhodes 198lbs#170 (9-4)
Bitalo Odoki 183lbs#170 (11-9)
Mac "Blondie" Montgomery 264lbs#171 (52-49)
Brecken Byrd 156lbs#172 (15-11)
Cleveland "Cookie Monster" Garner 188lbs#173 (14-9)
Karolline Bedemar 115lbs#173 (37-32)
Alex Hosterman 142lbs#175 (14-10)
Frans Nikula 268lbs#175 (17-9)
Logan Hayden 167lbs#175 (12-8)
Pete Douglas 270lbs#176 (15-11)
David Booz 248lbs#176 (20-14)
Bandit Page 164lbs#176 (10-8)
Braxton Garrow 253lbs#177 (20-13)
Eddie "The Shark" Clark 275lbs#177 (43-38)
Jeremy Nash 152lbs#177 (10-9)
Vinnie Stone 217lbs#179 (30-26)
Len Brown 144lbs#179 (13-9)
Gilberto "The Tiny Titan" Araujo 127lbs#180 (38-35)
Joselio Belfort 178lbs#181 (14-11)
Buff Cook 253lbs#181 (9-10)
Lex Rowe 249lbs#181 (8-6)
Ronnie Nash 196lbs#181 (24-18)
Devon "The Destroyer" Collins 174lbs#182 (36-29)
Dalton Sanders 199lbs#182 (11-3)
Baker Sanders 185lbs#184 (15-14)
Duke Hansen 148lbs#184 (11-5)
Beau Edwards 173lbs#184 (11-15)
Sid Webster 160lbs#185 (22-21)
Tyrone Delaney 187lbs#187 (23-21)
Milo Hansen 251lbs#187 (7-2)
Lasar "KO King" Gamboa 173lbs#188 (33-26)
Cade Russow 188lbs#188 (17-9)
Dexter Jodoin 255lbs#189 (21-15)
Tono Laguna 161lbs#190 (17-8)
Tyrone Hodges 202lbs#192 (11-8)
Mark Reinhold 270lbs#192 (22-20)
Rusty "Nail" Jackson 189lbs#193 (33-37)
Simon Diekmann 206lbs#193 (27-30)
Kabedi Mobutu 194lbs#193 (8-2)
Gus Cross 169lbs#193 (13-5)
Matthew Lee 165lbs#193 (8-8)
Gabe Watson 254lbs#193 (8-10)
Assuerio Bedemar 267lbs#194 (21-17)
Jay Farmer 267lbs#194 (10-4)
Hade "The Serpent" Bowen 155lbs#195 (33-33)
Jeremiah Moreno 153lbs#195 (28-29)
Bull Day 225lbs#197 (28-26)
Mick Curtis 171lbs#197 (22-18)
Hade Chapman 260lbs#197 (10-6)
Frank Norris 199lbs#197 (11-6)
Mason Torres 155lbs#197 (20-13)
Max Rooney 255lbs#197 (10-7)
Andy Johnson 172lbs#198 (12-8)
Luke Howard 169lbs#199 (34-15)
Harley Smith 160lbs#199 (16-4)
Chael Collins 187lbs#199 (23-19)
Jake Barker 157lbs#199 (21-17)
Pete Arnold 217lbs#200 (11-10)
"Ruthless" Ruth Johnson 131lbs#200 (21-22)
Eric Bryant 184lbs#201 (20-14)
Cole "Creeping Death" Peters 188lbs#201 (28-27)
Cameron Glover 166lbs#201 (10-9)
Clyde Curtis 138lbs#201 (21-14)
Frankie Yates 163lbs#202 (13-9)
Izac Hernandez 158lbs#202 (6-4)
Harley Bolt 254lbs#204 (39-35)
Zeke Hill 191lbs#204 (26-22)
Buddy Sanders 257lbs#204 (16-13)
Dylan Hale 197lbs#204 (4-4)
Billy "Bulldog" Allen 226lbs#205 (27-20)
Marco Navas 173lbs#205 (22-21)
Mick Eilers 174lbs#205 (18-18)
Suhrab Hamadani 157lbs#205 (21-12)
Parker Hall 258lbs#206 (10-12)
Abel Malone 176lbs#206 (13-13)
Rudy Herman 181lbs#206 (27-18)
Vargas Tome 271lbs#207 (27-22)
Esteban "BadMan" Jimenez 191lbs#208 (22-21)
Dale Kreissan 179lbs#208 (19-11)
Gan "Goat Beard" Elliott 264lbs#208 (10-9)
Curt Burton 130lbs#209 (12-5)
Travis Hayden 185lbs#210 (18-7)
Brad "The Leprechaun" Ray 156lbs#210 (20-19)
Ernest Fowler 218lbs#210 (19-12)
Zhorah Voskresensky 191lbs#210 (20-18)
Guapo Dominguez 249lbs#211 (22-19)
Kalib Fulton 137lbs#211 (11-7)
Dino Bush 140lbs#211 (24-27)
Benjamin "Small" Frye 138lbs#212 (23-17)
Nacho "Never been finished" Castillo 246lbs#213 (23-18)
Christopher Patterson 164lbs#213 (30-23)
Ayman Albaf 220lbs#213 (13-11)
Tom Mir 187lbs#214 (23-24)
Semyon "Red Devil" Kryuchkov 210lbs#214 (22-22)
Tim Nelson 171lbs#215 (17-13)
Ennio Gomes 185lbs#215 (24-18)
Timo Leon 211lbs#215 (11-6)
Rubens Correia 168lbs#216 (20-14)
Clay Farmer 246lbs#216 (10-6)
Luis "Armbar" Evans 189lbs#217 (23-7)
Chael Barnes 168lbs#217 (26-17)
Mike Marrero 178lbs#217 (11-5)
Chance McDonald 185lbs#218 (19-10)
Berto Rios 186lbs#219 (27-27)
David Conner 164lbs#219 (7-9)
Del Thornton 206lbs#219 (21-15)
Lincoln "Hardcore" Hale 259lbs#220 (31-25)
Bubba Watkins 140lbs#221 (14-13)
Alia Bryant 147lbs#223 (13-9)
Raymond "The Pale Rider" Bedard 161lbs#224 (16-19)
Baldo Infante 259lbs#224 (8-7)
Eddie Jackson 186lbs#225 (15-11)
Bubba Bishop 142lbs#225 (10-8)
Race "Viking Warlord" Vaughn 200lbs#226 (34-31)
Gracie Nelson 143lbs#226 (13-6)
Grant Fuller 191lbs#226 (25-26)
Bryan Mailman 188lbs#226 (14-11)
Alonso Tres 245lbs#227 (20-14)
Colt Kelly 153lbs#228 (17-11)
Mason Rhodes 125lbs#228 (16-10)
Bandit Collins 176lbs#228 (13-7)
Gary Caldwell 158lbs#228 (6-4)
Raymond Cullum 136lbs#228 (12-15)
Gutter Lynch 170lbs#228 (9-6)
Joe Asplund 138lbs#230 (17-8)
Jared Keeney 195lbs#231 (16-9)
Solosolo "Samoan Sensation" Tuitama 246lbs#231 (29-31)
Floyd "The Finisher" Tyler 144lbs#232 (13-16)
Dean Sherk 149lbs#235 (23-23)
Kevin Sanz 264lbs#235 (9-4)
Colt Ward 194lbs#237 (22-20)
Cade Colter 230lbs#237 (10-6)
Devajee Rodgers 170lbs#239 (17-11)
Connor Cullum 190lbs#240 (22-22)
Frank Herman 191lbs#240 (24-23)
Adam Quinn 147lbs#242 (27-19)
Gerard Rogers 189lbs#242 (16-17)
Josh Keeney 139lbs#242 (15-14)
Alberto Fernandes 161lbs#243 (16-10)
Jack Cooper 214lbs#244 (13-11)
Lina Rollins 161lbs#244 (17-15)
Garret Lange 157lbs#245 (26-13)
Hack Frazier 201lbs#245 (22-23)
Shawn Brown 180lbs#247 (17-7)
Bento Faoro 204lbs#247 (25-25)
Carl Bell 220lbs#247 (10-5)
Owen "The Lizard King" Morrison 215lbs#248 (29-27)
Viggo Gustafsson 249lbs#248 (12-7)
Filip "Tiny Titan" Maximov 170lbs#249 (37-38)
Calvin Rowly 196lbs#249 (16-10)
Glen Lewis 173lbs#249 (9-4)
Earl McGee 165lbs#249 (24-20)
Renzo Oliveira 196lbs#250 (6-2)
Curt Maxwell 164lbs#250 (16-14)
James Howard 195lbs#251 (31-18)
Damian Spencer 176lbs#251 (13-9)
Gus Swanson 257lbs#251 (11-7)
Norbert Schottel 272lbs#252 (20-20)
Al Craig 193lbs#252 (14-11)
Daiane Dos Santos 135lbs#252 (12-14)
Guy Evans 165lbs#253 (40-39)
Vince Lawson 275lbs#254 (16-12)
Tomek Nowak 158lbs#255 (21-22)
Chance Day 209lbs#256 (28-24)
Wayne Bowman 156lbs#257 (16-14)
Evan Thompson 209lbs#258 (14-25)
Glen McConomy 174lbs#259 (42-42)
Gage Williams 260lbs#259 (11-13)
Ty Rogers 209lbs#260 (20-14)
Allan Cespedes 204lbs#261 (10-5)
Eric Robinson 249lbs#262 (16-9)
Dante Young 253lbs#265 (29-20)
Cliff Shamrock 154lbs#265 (20-17)
Fransico Pera 272lbs#265 (5-3)
Hack Ward 159lbs#266 (26-16)
Kyle Coburn 213lbs#266 (19-21)
Dennis Ritchie 153lbs#266 (16-14)
Amiri "Tanzanian Tiger" Sumar 146lbs#267 (21-30)
Bobby Miller 164lbs#269 (21-17)
Barry Price 162lbs#269 (27-24)
Steven Powers 140lbs#269 (7-8)
Jane Gray 129lbs#269 (19-17)
Nelson Beck 141lbs#270 (18-15)
Jaron "Indian Outlaw" Page 248lbs#270 (17-13)
Dale Day 257lbs#271 (6-6)
Harry Montana 166lbs#271 (14-13)
Alejo Portugal 146lbs#271 (7-3)
Hans Fleming 209lbs#272 (12-13)
Sean Perry 248lbs#272 (12-10)
Carl "Foxcatcher" Brewer 230lbs#273 (34-35)
Noah Hoffman 248lbs#273 (6-6)
Gary Turnbull 149lbs#273 (6-4)
Dusty Hardy 174lbs#274 (9-4)
Brecken "Dark Star" Mitchell 186lbs#274 (12-10)
Ty Couture 213lbs#275 (12-10)
Damian Newman 205lbs#275 (9-10)
Scott "K O" Cloutier 195lbs#276 (22-25)
Wesley Linderman 169lbs#277 (10-6)
Butch Keeney 209lbs#277 (18-22)
Karl Taylor 268lbs#278 (8-7)
Mark "The Monster" Anderson 168lbs#280 (38-36)
Greg Sulis 190lbs#281 (5-4)
Dante Wilson 263lbs#282 (24-12)
Chase McCann 227lbs#282 (6-4)
Nico Rojas 191lbs#283 (29-30)
Manabu Silva 174lbs#283 (13-4)
Jeremiah Simmons 253lbs#283 (22-21)
Hack Bailey 257lbs#283 (24-17)
Renzo "Karatica" Gouveia 196lbs#284 (21-24)
Yaskin Aguero 166lbs#284 (14-10)
Sean Cox 203lbs#285 (22-14)
Scott Reese 185lbs#285 (10-12)
Lou Miles 264lbs#285 (10-7)
Dean Twitty 188lbs#287 (11-11)
Palmer Bennett 174lbs#287 (21-20)
Butch Reed 265lbs#287 (34-31)
Dirk Brooks 221lbs#288 (18-16)
Hakeem Horton 173lbs#289 (14-17)
Soledad Pantoja 142lbs#291 (14-12)
Luther Fuimaono 256lbs#291 (5-5)
Nate Lynch 189lbs#292 (24-15)
AJ Garrow 216lbs#293 (10-6)
Austin Curry 193lbs#293 (10-7)
Shai "Krav Maga" Greenspan 177lbs#295 (26-28)
Raymond Bonello 260lbs#295 (24-22)
Tra Rodgers 190lbs#297 (10-5)
Raul Gamboa 254lbs#298 (26-23)
Elijah Herring 253lbs#298 (9-8)
Manuel "El Chupacabra" Guerrero 262lbs#299 (35-35)
Ayrton "TheBrazilianBomber" Dias 262lbs#299 (35-37)
Annabelle Little 166lbs#299 (13-7)
Bobby Jackson 157lbs#300 (26-23)
JT Wolfe 188lbs#300 (11-11)
Buddy Shoemaker 280lbs#300 (5-5)
Cali Chavez 148lbs#301 (20-21)
Dan Harris 275lbs#301 (10-7)
Eugene Cook 163lbs#302 (13-20)
Leon DeVries 162lbs#302 (21-17)
Leo "Monster Hunter" Correira 175lbs#303 (30-30)
Buster "KO" Cook 189lbs#304 (17-8)
Cade Horton 159lbs#305 (13-8)
Aaron "The Assassin" Cook 245lbs#308 (37-37)
Dalton "Roadhouse" Elliott 260lbs#309 (20-26)
Trey "The Tiger" Baldwin 156lbs#311 (25-26)
Patrick Russell 132lbs#311 (24-25)
Todd Sarson 144lbs#314 (13-11)
Oliver Carter 210lbs#315 (16-12)
Kalib Weber 191lbs#316 (7-3)
Duy Tri 217lbs#316 (18-14)
Corey Davidson 202lbs#318 (4-2)
Bryan Weber 198lbs#319 (9-5)
Gustavo Nabuco 182lbs#319 (15-16)
Art Bishop 255lbs#322 (18-20)
Vic Hunt 147lbs#322 (22-17)
Guillermo Uvalle 189lbs#323 (7-7)
Lucas Barnett 137lbs#324 (5-1)
RJ Barrett 207lbs#324 (19-16)
Pete Conner 170lbs#324 (11-10)
Ramiro Archuleta 255lbs#325 (21-24)
Doc Erickson 177lbs#325 (14-11)
Brock Martin 149lbs#326 (15-13)
Lenny Mason 220lbs#327 (14-20)
Lucas Svendsen 131lbs#329 (12-5)
Dallas "The Beard" Henderson 269lbs#330 (26-21)
Beau "Bad MoFo" Cherry 259lbs#330 (35-40)
Zeke Reeves 245lbs#330 (13-8)
Leon "The Painted Man" Brown 220lbs#331 (42-37)
RJ Dennis 179lbs#331 (22-22)
Jamie Hamilton 248lbs#332 (4-7)
Chris Smith 175lbs#333 (16-11)
Chuy Unalivia 156lbs#335 (14-15)
Yuri "The Rad Russian" Avetisyan 253lbs#336 (15-12)
Jeremy Beaton 245lbs#336 (32-30)
Kevin Lynch 195lbs#336 (7-2)
Chase Davis 153lbs#336 (17-20)
Rick "The Rocket" Rogers 182lbs#338 (23-32)
Nino Amaro 163lbs#338 (17-21)
Pito Palafox 141lbs#339 (24-35)
Gilbert "Woogie" Watts 187lbs#340 (30-33)
Chael Heden 154lbs#340 (16-10)
Dale Linderman 254lbs#341 (16-15)
Chuck Cox 168lbs#343 (4-2)
Flash Morris 197lbs#344 (7-3)
Rick "Raging Bull" Peterson 184lbs#347 (16-11)
Gerlof Leeuwenhoek 183lbs#349 (29-27)
Kevin So 260lbs#349 (19-17)
Eric Williamson 171lbs#349 (17-16)
Dirk George 176lbs#350 (11-14)
Malcolm Barnes 274lbs#352 (16-5)
Chad Olson 186lbs#352 (11-13)
Aubree Floyd 118lbs#353 (10-15)
Arthur Malone 149lbs#353 (13-15)
Gabriel McCarthy 156lbs#353 (3-5)
David Van Rooyen 158lbs#354 (33-32)
Kid Conner 159lbs#355 (8-8)
Claude Rhodes 226lbs#355 (13-16)
Salva "The Killer" Castro 209lbs#357 (38-39)
Daniela Bowen 164lbs#357 (8-7)
Allan Cohen 153lbs#357 (14-12)
Gabrielle Crowell 131lbs#358 (11-7)
Axl "The Assassin" Wade 225lbs#360 (26-21)
Lloyd Page 216lbs#360 (7-4)
Bobby McGee 177lbs#361 (14-21)
Jacob Mack 179lbs#361 (12-9)
Paul McKinney 219lbs#362 (6-4)
Corey "The Gladiator" Curry 177lbs#363 (35-39)
Damian "Cookie Monster" Patterson 175lbs#364 (12-12)
JT Weber 245lbs#364 (23-23)
Ranieri Otavio 264lbs#365 (10-7)
Cassidy Baker 156lbs#368 (19-8)
Brett Pierce 166lbs#368 (43-48)
Randy Perry 270lbs#368 (19-19)
Dario Delgado 172lbs#368 (33-40)
Duane Perkins 157lbs#368 (12-8)
Lizzy Duncan 154lbs#368 (3-2)
Edwin Popham 170lbs#369 (23-29)
Jade Chapman 138lbs#369 (18-18)
Randall Sherk 213lbs#370 (21-17)
Gary Lange 165lbs#371 (20-23)
JC Holt 270lbs#371 (11-11)
Jay Marrero 247lbs#373 (7-10)
Muhammad "Ali Bob" Arun 279lbs#374 (20-17)
Cassius Anderson 215lbs#374 (23-18)
Richard Jennings 274lbs#376 (16-11)
Ian Acosta 158lbs#377 (4-3)
Doc Brownell 267lbs#377 (16-17)
Len Moss 187lbs#379 (18-20)
Manny Pye 221lbs#379 (17-16)
Hade Kerr 213lbs#379 (5-5)
Ken Miles 253lbs#384 (7-5)
Barney Bailey 145lbs#385 (14-22)
Baker Barber 184lbs#385 (14-11)
Phil Sharp 167lbs#386 (7-5)
Mark Hoffman 210lbs#392 (6-5)
Keith Porier 153lbs#393 (27-37)
Norm Dean 210lbs#394 (7-12)
Wes "Sims Frank" Mir 194lbs#395 (3-5)
Sergio Monzon 219lbs#395 (4-2)
Allan Hall 270lbs#396 (31-33)
Federico Alza 126lbs#396 (11-10)
Ashton George 153lbs#397 (21-18)
Harley Weber 268lbs#400 (6-1)
Bryce Cherry 158lbs#401 (4-3)
Mitch Fancy 160lbs#401 (16-14)
Dale Ivey 208lbs#401 (2-1)
Alex Walker 197lbs#402 (29-16)
Addison Rowe 130lbs#402 (5-6)
Keith Wood 168lbs#403 (30-39)
Will Love 258lbs#403 (22-16)
Max Montgomery 198lbs#404 (3-1)
Logan Walters 167lbs#405 (6-8)
Otto "The Destroyer" Howard 280lbs#409 (15-4)
Duane "Ape Man" Smith 277lbs#412 (19-18)
Adam Overby 174lbs#412 (13-9)
Everett Miles 161lbs#412 (4-2)
Shelton "Darkness" Brooks 277lbs#413 (19-20)
Tommy Price 188lbs#415 (34-34)
Kid Terry 168lbs#415 (27-26)
Morgan Wiltsie 147lbs#416 (38-25)
Brett Marshbanks 174lbs#419 (6-7)
Fabricio Montenegro 161lbs#420 (34-31)
Alvaro Duarte 198lbs#423 (4-1)
Leo Ryan 198lbs#426 (12-10)
Branden Benson 171lbs#428 (8-10)
Pito "Big Papa" Perez 154lbs#430 (28-35)
Jake Dezee 205lbs#430 (22-20)
Del Townsend 162lbs#430 (6-1)
Darren Ball 176lbs#430 (8-6)
Sony Madriz 155lbs#430 (12-10)
Joe "The Giant" Evans 252lbs#431 (17-24)
Dean Harper 226lbs#431 (36-41)
Art Austin 139lbs#431 (29-28)
Gustav Castro 159lbs#434 (17-19)
Hade Williamson 207lbs#435 (11-7)
Derrick Jacobs 260lbs#435 (11-7)
Gordon Davis 157lbs#436 (10-11)
Sidney Davidson 272lbs#437 (16-17)
Fritz Patterson 186lbs#439 (22-19)
Joe Vaughn 189lbs#439 (10-6)
Bruce Kelly 194lbs#441 (22-13)
Pilaran Ariza 266lbs#441 (19-18)
Mario Miranda 273lbs#441 (4-1)
Jorge Salles 257lbs#443 (8-5)
Gene "The Tongue" Simmons 183lbs#444 (21-9)
Ashton Bell 223lbs#445 (12-8)
Rip Harris 139lbs#447 (17-21)
Serik Niyazov 168lbs#447 (4-3)
Jacob Wright 164lbs#449 (20-21)
Dan "Damn Scary" Terry 146lbs#450 (21-18)
Margo McDonald 164lbs#451 (25-26)
Matt Cannon 132lbs#451 (20-24)
Owen Blair 201lbs#454 (7-8)
Devin Cohen 227lbs#454 (10-7)
Cody Parker 191lbs#455 (4-2)
Simon Robbins 260lbs#456 (6-4)
Del Lyons 269lbs#457 (3-4)
Robert Davidson 198lbs#459 (6-9)
Vitor Rizzo 145lbs#460 (15-13)
Fabio Araujo 251lbs#462 (25-27)
Gordon Montgomery 178lbs#462 (26-24)
Cassidy Greene 153lbs#462 (4-7)
Bubba Myers 151lbs#467 (7-6)
Bart Wissman 270lbs#468 (11-9)
Seth Carter 251lbs#469 (5-2)
Drake Waterman 265lbs#469 (8-15)
Assuerio Semler 163lbs#470 (11-7)
Kristen Williamson 141lbs#472 (24-22)
Alvaro Rodrigues 216lbs#472 (9-9)
Celso Ribeiro 162lbs#473 (31-31)
Jesse DeAdder 140lbs#473 (5-8)
Rusty Craig 189lbs#473 (3-6)
Josh Brewer 202lbs#474 (31-31)
Patrick Wagner 225lbs#474 (5-1)
Mike Gray 175lbs#477 (21-15)
Norm Ross 251lbs#478 (8-3)
AJ "Mr Blond" Ramsey 176lbs#479 (22-21)
Craig Strickland 139lbs#480 (7-7)
Mitch Lange 276lbs#481 (14-9)
Frank Thomas 251lbs#481 (18-14)
Bubba Riley 150lbs#481 (15-10)
Judocus Alfons 194lbs#482 (22-22)
Gil Popham 271lbs#482 (6-4)
Norm Ward 181lbs#482 (3-9)
Carlos "The Flash" Sousa 173lbs#483 (14-10)
Jared Pierce 186lbs#484 (7-4)
Bert Moody 205lbs#487 (5-2)
Fransico Oticica 161lbs#488 (12-17)
Hunter Carroll 252lbs#488 (16-21)
Robert Lyons 151lbs#490 (9-11)
Lex Clark 162lbs#491 (8-13)
Barry Vaughn 174lbs#493 (2-2)
Del Graves 232lbs#494 (21-21)
Claudia Tremblay 146lbs#495 (14-12)
Dory Norman 150lbs#498 (22-20)
Brent Tuchscherer 204lbs#498 (9-7)
"Irish" Evan McCarthy 145lbs#499 (11-12)
Raymond Bowman 263lbs#499 (8-6)
Buff Long 214lbs#500 (15-14)
Vitor Oticica 182lbs#500 (17-15)
AJ Lange 273lbs#502 (19-16)
Bradley Kerr 207lbs#505 (33-30)
Butch Watson 182lbs#505 (27-24)
Craig Hammond 221lbs#507 (19-20)
Geno Lucero 266lbs#507 (1-6)
Marcos Werdum 257lbs#508 (7-11)
Chance Morgan 166lbs#510 (23-13)
Misael Espinoza 253lbs#515 (8-10)
Orlando Bastie 255lbs#518 (17-11)
Jones Cobb 178lbs#519 (12-13)
Roy Ramsey 228lbs#519 (12-12)
Claude Thomas 250lbs#521 (9-7)
Fred Benavidez 197lbs#521 (3-0)
Derrick Davidson 133lbs#523 (20-25)
Clark Allen 267lbs#524 (11-8)
Darren Blenkhorn 146lbs#524 (13-17)
Ken "Kung Fu Fighter" Xiong 252lbs#525 (8-9)
Carol Melo 145lbs#527 (7-5)
Dale Mir 145lbs#527 (9-8)
Brock "DBA" Herring 169lbs#529 (17-17)
Buff Lange 273lbs#530 (18-24)
Kerry Sutton 246lbs#530 (11-11)
Chance Lessard 250lbs#532 (37-34)
Angus Tuchscherer 149lbs#533 (3-5)
Baker Wissman 208lbs#535 (13-10)
Marvin Hopkins 149lbs#538 (18-20)
Rory King 256lbs#539 (14-10)
Tom Hansen 193lbs#540 (6-4)
Juancho Pena 170lbs#543 (37-28)
Stan Stevens 248lbs#543 (27-32)
Chuck "The Sandman" Wood 210lbs#545 (20-17)
Seth Ivey 161lbs#546 (13-13)
Ahamad Simmons 153lbs#546 (5-5)
Brett Lewis 195lbs#548 (22-25)
Adrian "Kung Fu Fighter" Sherk 195lbs#550 (29-30)
German Tanguma 185lbs#550 (23-20)
Rob Mehman 260lbs#550 (11-14)
Del Baldwin 227lbs#551 (3-4)
Clyde Patterson 246lbs#553 (30-23)
Floyd Tuchscherer 177lbs#553 (21-16)
Gabor Torok 230lbs#555 (26-30)
Joao Marins 191lbs#556 (23-24)
Jamie Lange 279lbs#556 (14-14)
Javi Ramirez 256lbs#556 (4-3)
Jock Hammond 157lbs#556 (7-8)
Daniel "Mullet Master" Reinhold 183lbs#557 (30-25)
Gordon McConomy 127lbs#558 (27-23)
Rick Guida 149lbs#560 (5-7)
Frankie Johnson 178lbs#566 (11-13)
Michael Gagliardi 160lbs#567 (9-10)
Cal Reese 262lbs#567 (14-13)
Lee Benavidez 198lbs#568 (20-16)
Adrian Marrero 143lbs#568 (17-19)
Brianna Francis 125lbs#572 (2-2)
Butch Sanders 148lbs#574 (32-15)
Calvin Herring 257lbs#577 (18-17)
Ivano Kovac 188lbs#577 (3-4)
Kei Bowens 164lbs#582 (16-15)
Ben Chamberlin 248lbs#584 (9-7)
Arthur Foster 180lbs#585 (3-2)
Milo Butler 263lbs#586 (33-25)
Butch Berry 220lbs#586 (7-8)
Odell Quinn 247lbs#587 (3-8)
Jake "Hightop" Sanders 185lbs#589 (15-12)
Doug White 157lbs#592 (13-13)
Oscar Sousa 182lbs#592 (12-12)
Esteban Castanati 163lbs#594 (5-5)
Shane Thomas 148lbs#600 (7-10)
Todd Parker 217lbs#604 (25-13)
"Dandy" Don Holland 264lbs#604 (13-17)
Justin Doyle 218lbs#606 (12-11)
Brecken Fulton 269lbs#606 (11-8)
Kevin Henderson 153lbs#610 (21-19)
Vernon McDonald 175lbs#614 (5-6)
Fon Fernandez 189lbs#616 (12-6)
Eric Wade 190lbs#621 (9-7)
Jori Howell 180lbs#622 (2-1)
Artus Garcon 166lbs#624 (25-27)
Atlas Collins 273lbs#624 (7-7)
Drake Linderman 265lbs#627 (2-4)
Claude Alencar 181lbs#627 (9-9)
Tomas Santos 152lbs#628 (12-11)
Leyla Wilson 126lbs#629 (5-4)
Pat Sibley 262lbs#629 (8-7)
Denny Patterson 174lbs#629 (2-6)
Ashton Yorke 250lbs#632 (14-12)
Race McCoy 185lbs#636 (7-5)
Adetutu Kalu 155lbs#636 (10-20)
Curt Walters 135lbs#637 (11-10)
Johnny Rollins 186lbs#638 (14-11)
Milo "The Machine" Powell 143lbs#639 (23-27)
Sid Page 145lbs#640 (10-11)
Dave Pearson 181lbs#641 (11-11)
Manny Armstrong 163lbs#642 (20-22)
Ramon Galindo 270lbs#642 (1-4)
Erik Hansen 173lbs#643 (3-2)
Fernando Guerra 278lbs#646 (25-24)
Javito Alvarez 259lbs#647 (24-20)
Jose Melo 159lbs#647 (8-8)
Cameron Schall 249lbs#648 (16-16)
Carlson Fontana 180lbs#649 (5-3)
Josh Powers 147lbs#650 (1-1)
Gordon Warner 194lbs#652 (31-38)
Jahllo Ahmed 166lbs#652 (11-9)
Heath Gray 269lbs#652 (1-2)
Rodell Lowe 206lbs#653 (21-32)
Art Kelly 186lbs#653 (3-2)
JC Miles 267lbs#662 (3-4)
Stewart Jodoin 191lbs#664 (25-20)
Dante Sutton 147lbs#665 (24-28)
Marcus "DBA" Neal 226lbs#666 (5-5)
Raymond Severn 268lbs#673 (16-14)
Jordan Bowen 153lbs#675 (18-19)
Will Hamilton 177lbs#675 (8-12)
Minori Hayashi 167lbs#681 (16-9)
Buff Collins 233lbs#682 (14-11)
Guiseppe Baez 250lbs#684 (4-4)
Devon Webster 178lbs#686 (19-22)
Ruy "El Cuco" Espinoza 266lbs#690 (27-33)
Charlie Howard 192lbs#693 (25-18)
Robbie Tate 165lbs#693 (20-17)
Raul Lombardi 182lbs#693 (7-5)
Karl Correira 141lbs#702 (23-27)
Axl Clark 163lbs#704 (11-10)
Bull Elliott 218lbs#704 (6-9)
Gus Phillips 158lbs#712 (13-11)
Rube May 148lbs#713 (25-25)
Lee Wolfe 140lbs#716 (9-6)
Michael "Old Man" Montgomery 197lbs#718 (33-37)
Taufik Tan 233lbs#728 (19-22)
Frankie Jacobs 254lbs#728 (11-10)
Sonny Russell 154lbs#729 (22-13)
Jones Edwards 216lbs#730 (17-16)
Aaron Howard 244lbs#731 (9-2)
Drake Quinn 185lbs#732 (7-6)
Guido Kalapari 179lbs#732 (9-12)
Harley Jodoin 217lbs#733 (18-18)
Homer Powell 171lbs#734 (6-5)
Pancho Villareal 228lbs#734 (9-8)
Cru Ball 198lbs#734 (3-5)
Chuck Cote 199lbs#737 (3-3)
Torben Carvalho 255lbs#737 (3-6)
Sara Anguiano 134lbs#741 (6-9)
Eddie Lafromboise 148lbs#743 (14-14)
Adrienne Cross 125lbs#743 (11-14)
Barry Doyle 151lbs#745 (10-8)
Slater Jackson 173lbs#747 (4-6)
Billy Day 160lbs#752 (13-13)
Bo Baldwin 248lbs#754 (2-4)
Tommy Jones 196lbs#756 (3-4)
Bif "Never Scared" Reid 177lbs#757 (21-25)
Butch Davis 158lbs#757 (16-18)
Ronnie Joseph 221lbs#759 (16-18)
Jeremy Scott 191lbs#761 (7-12)
Buzz Torres 189lbs#763 (9-8)
Pedro Robles 255lbs#764 (34-43)
Kit "DBA" Walters 271lbs#764 (16-22)
Cal MacKay 260lbs#768 (14-12)
Seth "The Hammer" Jones 207lbs#770 (19-30)
Brock Jenkins 262lbs#772 (14-9)
Daniel Smith 164lbs#774 (13-9)
Doc "The Hammer" Himmelman 152lbs#774 (7-9)
Acelino Aniouz 207lbs#777 (1-2)
Brock Hoffman 138lbs#779 (11-14)
Gen Shen 172lbs#780 (9-10)
Wayne 67 140lbs#781 (28-22)
Luiz Aniouz 275lbs#782 (16-14)
Kyle "The Leprechaun" Tierney 219lbs#785 (24-25)
Fred Sanders 160lbs#786 (17-16)
Lief "Viking Warlord" Henderson 173lbs#787 (32-35)
Clarence Montana 262lbs#788 (16-19)
Branden Gagnon 170lbs#791 (13-14)
Sammy Quinn 170lbs#795 (6-7)
Riggs Erickson 184lbs#800 (4-4)
Bob Davidson 251lbs#800 (6-10)
Hade Reinhold 214lbs#803 (2-0)
Billy Dezee 173lbs#805 (1-2)
Gan Biek 271lbs#809 (15-10)
Cassidy Fuimaono 261lbs#810 (2-4)
Carlos "The Punisher" Gutierrez 161lbs#812 (19-24)
Marvin Twitty 164lbs#818 (19-15)
Damacio Benavidez 187lbs#818 (10-8)
Adam Cooper 224lbs#819 (29-41)
Raul Pereira 155lbs#819 (22-27)
Xaver Bachmann 166lbs#821 (12-8)
Lawerence "The Hawk" Nelson 199lbs#824 (35-27)
Skip Davis 202lbs#825 (16-19)
Henry Parker 258lbs#827 (2-1)
Cristina Ferreira 108lbs#828 (15-15)
Homer Carlson 214lbs#832 (2-4)
Logan Cox 167lbs#838 (10-5)
Dale Reed 262lbs#838 (18-15)
Robbie "Wolverine" Glover 250lbs#840 (23-24)
Barry Johnston 164lbs#841 (8-9)
Cael Rossborough 140lbs#843 (5-8)
Luke Murphy 145lbs#850 (30-37)
Brad Riley 180lbs#857 (9-12)
Rusty Keller 259lbs#857 (12-14)
Vernon Rollins 265lbs#861 (15-15)
Elvis Richards 221lbs#863 (20-25)
Erasmo Trentini 190lbs#863 (7-10)
Morgan Coleman 261lbs#866 (17-26)
Buck Weaver 186lbs#870 (8-8)
Stu Albright 246lbs#874 (10-13)
Andy Rave 189lbs#874 (0-3)
Sawyer Barnes 130lbs#875 (4-4)
Bobby Roy 252lbs#878 (10-18)
Troy Heden 196lbs#882 (9-9)
Bruce Walters 159lbs#882 (14-13)
Julio Brunet 212lbs#883 (4-3)
Gil Roberts 273lbs#884 (18-11)
Larry Brewer 246lbs#884 (1-3)
Julio Correia 256lbs#890 (10-8)
Jacob "KO" Civita 185lbs#892 (17-9)
Andrew Robbins 153lbs#900 (9-24)
Leo Tyler 159lbs#901 (5-8)
Beau Popham 256lbs#901 (8-7)
Russ Haynes 254lbs#902 (8-5)
Dory Smith 230lbs#906 (8-8)
Vince Garrow 191lbs#908 (4-6)
Jay Mitchell 221lbs#909 (0-1)
Billy Young 205lbs#910 (26-22)
Gordon Hall 172lbs#911 (17-25)
Arnaldo Mabe 195lbs#915 (9-14)
Berto Diaz 220lbs#915 (24-32)
Anna Garner 133lbs#917 (7-15)
Jeremy Davis 171lbs#918 (6-6)
Dean Mitchell 223lbs#919 (7-7)
Gus Ryan 196lbs#920 (5-7)
Carl Riley 145lbs#929 (15-10)
Walter "Darkness" Palmer 176lbs#931 (25-31)
Clyde "The Nose" Lawson 194lbs#933 (13-11)
Miguel Rodriguez 194lbs#933 (17-16)
Gan Walters 254lbs#943 (28-26)
Rob Palmer 207lbs#954 (4-8)
Bart Goodwin 137lbs#955 (5-3)
Eric "Sandman" Sanders 269lbs#964 (27-28)
Robert Bishop 166lbs#968 (9-14)
Lloyd Watson 235lbs#972 (22-24)
Riggs Price 181lbs#973 (24-20)
Russ Diekmann 162lbs#973 (2-5)
John Cherry 218lbs#974 (10-6)
Vernon "The Pink Panther" Diekmann 165lbs#974 (5-6)
Mike "Kick To The Head" Morris 181lbs#978 (20-8)
Bankston Williamson 153lbs#978 (17-17)
Todd Smith 202lbs#984 (6-6)
Harry Schall 173lbs#987 (5-4)
Deven " Jamaican Sensation" Beckford 206lbs#992 (0-1)
Mitch Reed 247lbs#993 (24-14)
Dee Jay Morehouse 128lbs#997 (1-1)
Luke Potter 216lbs#998 (7-8)
Oliver Maxwell 169lbs#1001 (12-9)
Norman Sutton 247lbs#1006 (10-13)
Sonny Harmon 227lbs#1008 (9-13)
Ann Asplund 133lbs#1008 (7-16)
Tim Lange 140lbs#1013 (4-8)
Leo Rogers 255lbs#1017 (4-7)
Jesse Collins 169lbs#1046 (12-7)
Tom Rebello 139lbs#1048 (4-4)
Greg Perry 174lbs#1050 (19-13)
Walter Griffin 163lbs#1052 (9-15)
Axl "Irish Rose" White 192lbs#1053 (24-29)
Reggie Conner 150lbs#1054 (3-1)
Bill Graves 246lbs#1063 (12-13)
Elijah Phillips 261lbs#1068 (15-7)
Tom "Hardcore" Campbell 182lbs#1068 (19-22)
Shane Lange 170lbs#1070 (27-17)
Everardo Torres 133lbs#1077 (11-11)
Jamie Flowers 144lbs#1077 (0-5)
Walter Emmett 246lbs#1080 (5-6)
Marcus McGee 171lbs#1082 (14-14)
Will Morrison 163lbs#1083 (2-3)
Ed King 277lbs#1086 (15-6)
Danny Fuimaono 166lbs#1086 (2-4)
Jean Lee 176lbs#1087 (1-4)
Reggie Clark 209lbs#1089 (10-14)
Alfredo Silva 265lbs#1094 (15-19)
Guy Coleman 184lbs#1097 (23-32)
Richie Flowers 187lbs#1097 (1-2)
Lance Rowe 158lbs#1104 (5-4)
Chelo Torres 184lbs#1106 (22-16)
Aaron Baliao 136lbs#1113 (7-9)
Elijah Brown 258lbs#1121 (18-20)
Chase Phillips 252lbs#1121 (2-6)
Zeke "The Freak" Flowers 250lbs#1125 (20-14)
Teddy Cox 148lbs#1132 (22-19)
Caco Lacerda 245lbs#1153 (1-6)
Joe Lowe 219lbs#1155 (2-4)
Naw "Viking Warlord" Yorath 206lbs#1156 (15-15)
Kalib Martin 205lbs#1165 (12-8)
Coni Govea 247lbs#1174 (1-2)
Nathan Ross 164lbs#1178 (31-24)
Jock Weaver 151lbs#1193 (0-1)
Mateo "The Man" Alvarez 185lbs#1203 (18-22)
Taha Saqqaf 139lbs#1204 (17-17)
Shuichi "Old One" Koyanagi 153lbs#1210 (16-19)
Jef Karl 157lbs#1219 (5-7)
Earl Reed 212lbs#1220 (1-5)
Sammy Rowly 150lbs#1221 (12-6)
Buck Ingram 208lbs#1227 (18-20)
Cody McKinney 152lbs#1240 (4-7)
Ruben Bretana 180lbs#1253 (14-17)
AJ Elkins 191lbs#1254 (15-11)
Kirk Montana 155lbs#1259 (4-8)
Sonny Collins 150lbs#1262 (18-10)
James Masters 159lbs#1265 (20-20)
Jarell Powers 258lbs#1269 (3-6)
Gan Joseph 150lbs#1273 (0-2)
Warwick Sousa 271lbs#1277 (17-23)
Hugh Bryant 174lbs#1280 (10-5)
Clyde "KO" Lee 169lbs#1283 (35-37)
Randall Peterson 215lbs#1283 (16-25)
Justin Ryan 137lbs#1301 (16-24)
Arthur "Green Eyed Monster" Williams 193lbs#1302 (16-42)
Bruno Rua 173lbs#1309 (19-15)
Chris Watson 162lbs#1310 (0-2)
Kirk Larson 161lbs#1311 (18-19)
Cole Young 261lbs#1319 (11-9)
Derrell Mann 208lbs#1324 (0-1)
Dante Russell 252lbs#1335 (4-6)
Danny Torres 205lbs#1336 (11-11)
Frye Villareal 255lbs#1352 (15-13)
JT Steele 216lbs#1354 (18-22)
Evan Parks 225lbs#1358 (13-18)
Barney Wellen 190lbs#1368 (17-23)
Norman Cook 174lbs#1371 (17-12)
Oscarito Rodrigues 190lbs#1375 (6-8)
Gene Wood 188lbs#1395 (13-5)
Homer Simmons 222lbs#1429 (9-9)
Edgar Ramos 156lbs#1437 (2-1)
Baird Quick 208lbs#1438 (8-8)
Troy "Toys" Todd 278lbs#1446 (24-23)
Bradley Cummings 265lbs#1446 (2-2)
Dirk Martin 151lbs#1452 (17-19)
Vic Albright 168lbs#1460 (18-12)
Harley Mehman 262lbs#1466 (9-17)
Fritz Bennett 278lbs#1478 (0-1)
Marcus Ward 204lbs#1485 (9-14)
Logan Cherry 264lbs#1507 (23-26)
Alan Swanson 274lbs#1510 (6-10)
Jordan Graves 252lbs#1515 (4-9)
Jaron Byrd 165lbs#1531 (0-4)
Pepe Debain 162lbs#1553 (0-2)
Paul Ward 161lbs#1562 (6-2)
Vincent Wood 205lbs#1575 (8-9)
Stan Sharp 172lbs#1579 (1-10)
Larry Mann 170lbs#1580 (6-9)
Rick Ivey 147lbs#1589 (0-3)
Tomasito Flores 163lbs#1602 (14-12)
Bob Mir 184lbs#1638 (0-2)
Francisco Padilla 155lbs#1640 (13-15)
Heath Murphy 270lbs#1641 (8-9)
Guido Amacker 149lbs#1650 (0-3)
Hank Richard 155lbs#1653 (11-14)
Max Horton 201lbs#1683 (1-5)
Evgenii Ovchinnikov 207lbs#1688 (0-6)
Chepe Rodriguez 195lbs#1715 (17-15)
Royce Melo 163lbs#1719 (11-15)
Sidney Lange 180lbs#1721 (13-11)
Cory Henderson 201lbs#1739 (6-8)
Evan Butler 150lbs#1755 (5-10)
Sonny Carlson 176lbs#1767 (1-2)
Bill "Kill or be Killed" Gagnon 232lbs#1779 (16-17)
Chuy Principe 145lbs#1788 (10-12)
Michael Bates 255lbs#1793 (7-9)
Bart Early 260lbs#1799 (0-3)
Frankie Palmer 194lbs#1849 (4-5)
Chris Coleman 245lbs#1854 (21-13)
Slater Lyons 238lbs#1875 (0-1)
Hans Lie 247lbs#1887 (1-4)
Shane Mitchell 181lbs#1901 (2-0)
Buff "The Angry Mullet" Hines 190lbs#1926 (18-22)
Chase Craig 188lbs#1930 (0-1)
Brent Gray 163lbs#1947 (19-19)
Noah Long 199lbs#1976 (13-15)
Johnny Jones 150lbs#1980 (1-4)
Erik Shaw 149lbs#1983 (0-3)
Dean Reinhold 164lbs#2030 (5-10)
Kid Anderson 170lbs#2040 (2-5)
Gordon Maxwell 279lbs#2048 (6-9)
Billy Andrews 143lbs#2049 (3-12)
Kun Xia 210lbs#2060 (0-3)
Otto Morris 269lbs#2074 (14-18)
Jamal Smith 149lbs#2097 (28-23)
Matthew Hamilton 185lbs#2103 (0-3)
Aaron "The Beast" Jach 241lbs#2117 (26-28)
Jack Fanning 193lbs#2118 (0-4)
Audrey Wagner 126lbs#2137 (10-19)
Logan Jackson 168lbs#2141 (20-22)
Daisy Stevens 126lbs#2163 (11-18)
Jemarcus "DBA" Lawson 257lbs#2170 (0-1)
Antoine Calvet 165lbs#2265 (7-5)
Anthony "Irish" Donohue 255lbs#2269 (0-2)
Cade Smith 171lbs#2298 (0-3)
Evandro Gomes 200lbs#2302 (16-30)
Frankie Dickinson 173lbs#2309 (1-5)
Bernie Jach 162lbs#2328 (7-3)
Barry Potter 152lbs#2369 (7-9)
Andy Liau 198lbs#2446 (8-9)
Michael Rios 252lbs#2469 (0-4)
Brook "The Sandman" Collins 208lbs#2470 (16-16)
Cirino Cabrera 214lbs#2474 (13-13)
Frye Knothe 248lbs#2494 (0-3)
Ernest Arnold 256lbs#2518 (0-3)
Antan Vargas 173lbs#2560 (15-15)
Reinhard Babenco 174lbs#2621 (1-8)
Brent Jenkins 246lbs#2629 (4-8)
Buddy Wiuff 255lbs#2918 (0-3)
Kenny Kelly 200lbs#2976 (1-5)
Trip Clark 162lbs#2977 (0-2)
Rich Colon 254lbs#2987 (26-26)
Harold Reed 189lbs#2990 (8-6)
Len Sherk 254lbs#3013 (14-9)
Kerry Collins 145lbs#3023 (29-27)
Juanito Ruiz 194lbs#3074 (9-7)
Billy Collins 188lbs#3200 (7-3)
Leon "High Top" Griffin 180lbs#3365 (0-3)
Diego Gracie 160lbs#3372 (0-2)
Carl Gilbert 158lbs#3861 (1-4)
Cassidy Torres 221lbs#3918 (23-27)
Floyd Bryant 186lbs#4436 (21-22)
Ashton "The Assassin" Anderson 167lbs#4615 (22-23)
Adam Murphy 176lbs#4700 (2-1)
Kenny Rowly 147lbs#4796 (5-3)
Vitenka Antonov 188lbs#4866 (2-0)
Ale Chavez 175lbs#4977 (17-16)
Matthew Wiltsie 147lbs#4983 (25-31)
Roger Hamilton 196lbs#5428 (6-4)
Stu Collins 147lbs#6027 (4-3)
Abe Murphy 188lbs#6105 (6-8)
Oliver Hamilton 153lbs#6789 (28-34)
Brook Phillips 186lbs#6876 (10-13)
Alan Thomas 231lbs#8900 (6-11)
Nonito Ramos 168lbs#9901 (1-0)
Timoteo Perez 207lbs#13099 (0-1)
Homer Long 164lbs#13283 (2-3)
Patrick Spencer 189lbs#13755 (0-2)
Justin Bennett 166lbs#14028 (0-1)
Orlando Henderson 187lbs#14859 (0-3)