
Ishaani Malik - Stats

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Camp Bataskilia Hapakala Donat
Record 97-20    
KO Win % 24
Sub Win % 67
Division WBW Weight 158 lbs
Age 310 Born Mar 2718
Years Pro 282 Recruit Date Apr 2746
Rank - Highest Rank #21
Retirement Rank #57
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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8-12-2020 2:15 am EST
Glad to see she finally made it to the pinnacle of the game, she could’ve had so many more tho :/
7-31-2020 8:40 am EST
Matty: No worries, bud. This recruit wasn't even trying to challenge for it, and is doing a specialty gimmick, just to do something different, similarly to how you were doing the "Anti SR" gimmick. The plan was to move her up to the EFC after this contract is up, provided the last fight is won to make that possible, and see what happens in the latter part of the career if the recruit lasts that long.
7-31-2020 8:39 am EST
picograms: Funny to see how you're making assumptions about wanting titles. This recruit had plenty of opportunities just from ACs, but never took any. This one is playing a gimmick (see name), not trying to hold up titles. Who's this "nobody" you speak of, you? Cool. I play for fun, and if triggering online game SJWs like yourself has to be part of the fun, so be it, but if you take it so seriously, get a winning record before giving game advice; otherwise it's "just waste of time". :)
7-31-2020 6:18 am EST
i cant be giving the belt to someone who shouldnt be anywhere near inchickta, you need to move her up, 76-9 record and 10 years old, should be going for efc gold bud
7-31-2020 2:18 am EST
funny to see how no one gives you a title shot anymore and you still think you are in the right lol. At this point just retire her if you don't want her to move up to the EFC it's just a waste of time
7-29-2020 5:40 pm EST
↓ Not nearly as invested, eh? Evidence of you repeatedly coming back to my page to shitpost grade school insults says otherwise. Talk about being shit, hah. Anyone can decline my challenges or accept, that's fine, and your challenge can stay up again, since you made it again, and are so invested in it, once again, heh, though you might want to go back to school. Or just keep coming back to my page and do your thing, and give me some more giggles. I'll leave it totally up to you, buddeh. :)
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA
7-29-2020 5:18 pm EST
not nearly as invested as your dumbass who keeps sending challenges over and over to brand new fighters after they decline your shit challenges. you're shit mate.
7-28-2020 6:00 pm EST
↓ I don’t know, are you? I think you can answer that, seeing as you’re the one taking up an “internet badass” persona to try to coerce someone into a match by utilizing schoolboy name-calling. I’ll just let your challenge stay up as long as you like, as it is rather chucklesome to see your emotional investment in it. :)
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA
7-28-2020 5:38 pm EST
looking for an easier fight pussy?
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
7-26-2020 4:23 pm EST
yeah come on dude.