
Randall Jackson - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Unknown
Camp Team Wierd
Record 20-16    
KO Win % 60
Sub Win % 5
Division LW Weight 158 lbs
Age 930 Born Jul 2096
Years Pro 1076 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #1370
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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3-11-2010 7:20 pm EST
Thanks for the fight.
Fordick Longcock
West Malaga Turkeys
3-2-2010 7:54 pm EST
wow theres some fuckin robbery. the game wont even let me have a fair chance anymore. i put him at fs thinkin he was one of my jj guys, double checked and saw that he wasnt, so i changed my styles to what fitted him best, and the game still fought my guy w/fs. if i lost w/pl then i just would have lost. no worries. but this fuckin bullshit game is so determined to fuck me over, it wont even let me have a fair chance w/my normal styles. thanks mmarmy u piece of shit.
Ivan Tuhumpalot
It Burns When I pPe
2-25-2010 8:35 pm EST
Thought that would happen, but i figured screw it, hard enough to find fights, so i'll just take the whoopin and get some work in. nice KO and gratz K Michaud