Title | Org | Wins |
EFC Welterweight Championship![]() |
EFC | 6 |
UNO Welterweight Championship![]() |
UNO | 3 |
Style | Opponent | Opp Style | Round | Type | Weight | ||
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Ground & Pound | David "El Silbon" Ramirez | 8 Points of Contact | 5 | Unanimous Decision | CW |
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Ground & Pound | David "El Silbon" Ramirez | 8 Points of Contact | 5 | Unanimous Decision | WW-170 |
Style | Opponent | Opp Style | Round | Type | Weight | Org | Date | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jun 3003 | |
Ground & Pound | Zack "The Wild Man" White | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | May 3003 | |
Ground & Pound | Cael "Lightning" Bolt | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Apr 3003 | |
Ground & Pound | "Golde" Bonde Abdulla | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Mar 3003 | |
Ground & Pound | "Reese" Reese Reese | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 3003 | |
Ground & Pound | Juro Enoki | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Nov 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Hunter Gratto | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Oct 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | "Hungry " Hunter Hungerbueler | Slam it Out | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Khurshid "Farm Boy" Shahidi | Top Game Tapout | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Aug 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Kirk "The Bus" Ryder | Slam it Out | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Top Game Tapout | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jun 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | "Reese" Reese Reese | Ground & Pound | 4 | KO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Apr 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Kalidas Kappas | Push the Pace | 3 | KO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Mar 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Feb 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Khurshid "Farm Boy" Shahidi | Top Game Tapout | 2 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Jan 3002 | |
Ground & Pound | Wanzala "The Vulture" Virani | Ankle Breaker | 1 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Nov 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Khurshid "Farm Boy" Shahidi | Top Game Tapout | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Oct 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Pull Guard | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Kusemererwa "The Terror" Nasur | Ankle Breaker | 3 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Aug 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Nadir "Warrior Monk" Amen | Clock & Lock | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jun 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Kalidas Kappas | Push the Pace | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | May 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Kusemererwa "The Terror" Nasur | 8 Points of Contact | 1 | TKO (Doctor Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Apr 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Kalidas Kappas | Push the Pace | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Mar 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Kusemererwa "The Terror" Nasur | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Feb 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | Wanzala "The Vulture" Virani | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 3001 | |
Ground & Pound | "Reese" Reese Reese | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Dec 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 1 | KO (Ground Strikes) | 170 | EFC | Nov 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | "Aw Naw Hell" Naw Young | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Oct 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Kirk "The Bus" Ryder | Slam it Out | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Juan Rojas | Ippon | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Aug 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | George "Submissioner" Manuel | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | "Hungry " Hunter Hungerbueler | Slam it Out | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jun 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Kusemererwa "The Terror" Nasur | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | May 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Khurshid "Farm Boy" Shahidi | Top Game Tapout | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Apr 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Juan Rojas | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Mar 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Kirk "The Bus" Ryder | Slam it Out | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Feb 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | "Aw Naw Hell" Naw Young | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 3000 | |
Ground & Pound | Gerardo "Scarecrow" Garza | Slam it Out | 2 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Dec 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Kalidas Kappas | Push the Pace | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Nov 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Rodrigo "Ponderosa" Pedrosa | Lay & Pray | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Oct 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Peter Lawrence | Ground & Pound | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Rodrigo "Ponderosa" Pedrosa | Lay & Pray | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Aug 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | "Aw Naw Hell" Naw Young | Ground & Pound | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Urbain "Mr Martial Arts" Choquemamani | Top Game Tapout | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | May 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Arturo "Patty Cakes" Padilla | Ippon | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Apr 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | Sikai Siulai | Power Locks | 1 | KO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Mar 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | "Aw Naw Hell" Naw Young | Ground & Pound | 1 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | EFC | Feb 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | George "Submissioner" Manuel | Top Game Tapout | 3 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Jan 2999 | |
Ground & Pound | "The Miracle" Musembwa Mwenda | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Dec 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Gerardo "Scarecrow" Garza | Slam it Out | 3 | KO (Elbow) | 170 | EFC | Nov 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Juan Rojas | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Oct 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Ben Rafferty | Slam it Out | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Aug 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Sikai Siulai | Power Locks | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | EFC | Jun 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Gerardo "Scarecrow" Garza | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Apr 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Tyson "Furry" Burbidge | Slam it Out | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Mar 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Tyson "Furry" Burbidge | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Feb 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Juan Rojas | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 2998 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Nov 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Hunter Gratto | Pull Guard | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Oct 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | "Hungry " Hunter Hungerbueler | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Sep 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | "Hungry " Hunter Hungerbueler | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jul 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Masao Sotomura | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jun 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Rabeel "The Rebel" Burki | Power Locks | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | May 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Masao Sotomura | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Apr 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Gerardo "Scarecrow" Garza | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Mar 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | Juan Rojas | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Feb 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | "The Miracle" Musembwa Mwenda | Ankle Breaker | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 2997 | |
Ground & Pound | "The Miracle" Musembwa Mwenda | Ankle Breaker | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Dec 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Tiago Lobo | Ground & Pound | 3 | KO (Punch) | 170 | PREL | Nov 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Tiago Lobo | Ground & Pound | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | PREL | Oct 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Tiago Lobo | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Sep 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Ruben Titu | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Aug 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Abida "Box" Karimi | Counter Strike | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Jul 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Ruben Titu | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Jun 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Abida "Box" Karimi | Counter Strike | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | May 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Radd "The Lone" Wolfe | 8 Points of Contact | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Apr 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Luther Rowly | Pull Guard | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | Mar 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Adolfo "Little Sexy Hitler " Avila | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Feb 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | Tyson "Furry" Burbidge | Slam it Out | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Jan 2996 | |
Ground & Pound | "The Miracle" Musembwa Mwenda | Ankle Breaker | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | EFC | Dec 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Stan Rossborough | Sway & Slay | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | EFC | Nov 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Khursheed Diab | Clock & Lock | 2 | TKO (Hammerfists) | 170 | PREL | Oct 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Ruben Titu | Pull Guard | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Sep 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Khursheed Diab | Power Locks | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | PREL | Aug 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Abida "Box" Karimi | Counter Strike | 1 | KO (Elbow) | 170 | PREL | Jul 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Angaza Msuya | Counter Strike | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | Jun 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Hussein Nabavi | Swing for the Fences | 1 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | PREL | May 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Stan Rossborough | Sway & Slay | 5 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | Apr 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Hussein Nabavi | Swing for the Fences | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | Mar 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Stan Rossborough | Sway & Slay | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Feb 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Hector "Spinal Tap" Tapia | Ankle Breaker | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Jan 2995 | |
Ground & Pound | Kazuki Tsuruga | Pick Your Poison | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Dec 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Gabir Kadivar | Swing for the Fences | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Oct 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Tiago Lobo | Ground & Pound | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Sep 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Aug 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Min Khoo | Ankle Breaker | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | Jul 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Jun 2994 | |
Sprawl & Brawl | Adolfo "Little Sexy Hitler " Avila | Ippon | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PREL | May 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Adolfo "Little Sexy Hitler " Avila | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PREL | Apr 2994 | |
Sprawl & Brawl | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 1 | KO (Punches) | 170 | UNO | Mar 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | "Aw Naw Hell" Naw Young | Ground & Pound | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | UNO | Feb 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 1 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | UNO | Jan 2994 | |
Ground & Pound | Takayuki Morinaga | 8 Points of Contact | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Dec 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Nov 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Darren Hardie | Power Locks | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | UNO | Oct 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Takayuki Morinaga | 8 Points of Contact | 5 | Split Decision | 170 | UNO | Sep 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Toshiaki Soma | Power Locks | 1 | KO (Punches) | 170 | UNO | Aug 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Tran Dinh | Pull Guard | 2 | KO (Hook) | 170 | UNO | Jul 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Alejandro Figueroa | Fast Feet | 1 | KO (Punches) | 170 | UNO | Jun 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Aitor "JJ" Guaycho | Pull Guard | 2 | TKO (Punches) | 170 | PFO | May 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Tarcisio "St" Gouveia | Top Game Tapout | 2 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | PFO | Apr 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Kiyoshi Satoh | 8 Points of Contact | 5 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PFO | Mar 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | PFO | Feb 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Adolfo Marquez | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | PFO | Jan 2993 | |
Ground & Pound | Charlie McConomy | Counter Strike | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 170 | PFO | Dec 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Jason Mahar | Sway & Slay | 1 | KO (Punch) | 170 | PFO | Nov 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Lucas Fields | Pick Your Poison | 1 | KO (Punches) | 170 | LFC | Oct 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Rick Richards | Pick Your Poison | 1 | KO (Punch) | 170 | LFC | Sep 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Corey Thomas | Run & Gun | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | LFC | Aug 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | LFC | Jul 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Bubba Price | Top Game Tapout | 2 | TKO (Doctor Stoppage) | 170 | LFC | Jun 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Bubba Price | Top Game Tapout | 3 | Submission (Guillotine Choke) | 170 | LFC | May 2992 | |
Ground & Pound | Masayo Narato | Clean Sweep | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | LFC | Apr 2992 | |
Lay & Pray | Muhammad Kusuma | Ippon | 3 | Split Decision | 170 | LFC | Mar 2992 | |
Slam it Out | Corey Thomas | Run & Gun | 3 | Unanimous Decision | 170 | LFC | Feb 2992 | |
Lay & Pray | Eduardo "Fat Boi" Gallegos | Chop Down | 1 | TKO (Ref Stoppage) | 185 | LFC | Jan 2992 |