
Vassar Top Team

Last Online - Wednesday 8th of February 2012
Display Name Matthew Vassar
Member Since May 12, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 321-211


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Mister Judo
1-26-2012 4:54 pm EST
hey dude nice camp. r u on the forums?
gate master
push off me
1-23-2012 3:18 pm EST
i told you. you will pay.
5-29-2008 6:44 am EST
Yup I'm Decommissioner.
5-28-2008 8:50 pm EST
Hey Vassar, check the forums. You should probably start a blog about your camp in the Hype Factory.
5-28-2008 5:09 am EST
It'd probably be a fair fight, "The Veteran" has a record of losing to underweight rookies :)