
Strikers Incorporated

Last Online - Wednesday 12th of August 2015
Display Name Zach GIllam
Member Since Mar 4, 2011
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 716-726


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Team STD
7-31-2015 7:46 pm EST
Damn, those were a bunch of fights that probably shouldn't have gone my way tonight. You should def try taking a crack at the forums again if you haven't recently. I just came back and the forums have made this a lot more fun than it would be otherwise. (plus the new owner gives out free info on there if you're lucky enough to be around) Good luck buddy.
7-9-2011 10:50 pm EST
You in an alliance. Mine starts monday. Want in And good win btw. New champ
Silent Bob
Moobys Maulers
7-9-2011 11:38 am EST
Couldn't find the fighter of yours you said I was trying to "cancrush"; all of your fighters have higher stats and lower fighter ID's than my Owen Torres. If I sent you a title shot with him, I do it based on consecutive quality wins in the org, not stat or style advantages. Good luck to you.
7-4-2011 11:51 am EST
check pm's on the forums.
Most Hated MMA
6-27-2011 8:53 am EST
Thus the name - young grasshopper.
Most Hated MMA
6-26-2011 10:17 am EST
I run this camp along with "No Lube" and "Humblefckngentlemen".
Real Gaylords
6-22-2011 9:38 pm EST
Yeah you definitely have a good group of fighters.