
Ray "Vincent Gigante" Hayes - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp The Natives
Record 30-11    
KO Win % 7
Sub Win % 33
Division WW Weight 185 lbs
Age 1046 Born Apr 1983
Years Pro 1080 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #242
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-17-2008 8:02 pm EST
Maybe a Shot tomorrow? CAEL ROGERS
4-17-2008 7:37 pm EST
wr- buzz/albright, sa- popham, jj- hayes/evans, ju- turner, box- buzz/curt, ma- rogers/curt, mt- albright, br- curt/billy, c- albright, str- buzz/evans, fo- hayes/rogers, sp- curt/popham, flex- evans, bal- albright, ref- curt, pow- albright/stevenson
Team Vegas
4-17-2008 6:02 pm EST
No problem, you earned it
4-17-2008 5:34 pm EST
yea you should have won
4-17-2008 2:20 pm EST
good fight man
4-15-2008 5:45 pm EST
good scrap bro
4-15-2008 1:00 pm EST
Can Danny Lange get a shot bro.
4-14-2008 8:27 pm EST
congrats on the win man.. well deserved... won't worry on the rematch, i'll work my way up there!... see ya bro...
4-14-2008 6:53 pm EST
kool no prob... yea i've been working on him, always get's close to a title picture but no cigar... also trying to avenge my loss to you awhile back, lol..
4-14-2008 6:03 pm EST
hey we meet again.. up for a fight?...
4-14-2008 2:05 pm EST
ramatch....raiden yoshizava
4-13-2008 7:00 pm EST
hmmm... definitely a split, but i thought that 3rd rd went to Rogers. Good fight though, hope to see you again in a rematch soon.
4-13-2008 6:35 pm EST
Want to fight against Kyle Rogers now? Or do you have a date with someone else tonight?
4-8-2008 7:54 am EST
Nice to see you again Mafia. I got a guy in MFO by name of Kyle Rogers who's 12-1 with a 12 fight win streak. He may be seeing you in a few months once he gets some more experience. Hope you stick around. -Sinister
4-6-2008 1:28 pm EST
venom... me, deny you all the time?... well hey, #3 vs #2, sending you a challenge right now... good luck...
Daniel Venom
Venoms Fightgym
4-6-2008 4:29 am EST
I beat at the time the #3 contender and have trying to challange Bell since i came to the org but he denys it all the time. So dont talk shit about me crying for a titelshot. I never back down a good fight. Have you seen my record man. I have fight the best guy in every org, Iam no pussy.
Daniel Venom
Venoms Fightgym
4-6-2008 2:27 am EST
So i beat at the time a top ranked fighter, can you give me a shot now?
4-5-2008 9:46 am EST
Come on Contenders... I've got a bunch of guys wanting to fight for the belt, but people aren't wanting to beat other contenders to get the shot. - Ray "Vincent Gigante" Hayes
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-5-2008 7:47 am EST
how bout we square off today??
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-5-2008 7:46 am EST
daniel venom is a douche-nozzle, i sent him a challenge and he doesn't accept! -Ichiro Sasada
Daniel Venom
Venoms Fightgym
4-5-2008 2:20 am EST
it isent easy to prove myself when nobody accept my challanges.
4-4-2008 9:04 pm EST
1-0 and ready for a title shot...LETS GET IT ON!!
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-4-2008 2:23 pm EST
i fought Jim "the gay porn guy" Baker, nobody else wanted to...he has great stats, but can't defeat the Flying Subs...i'm gunning for your belt! -Ichiro Sasada
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-4-2008 5:34 am EST
there ya go...he was either A-scared to fight me, or B-scared to drop in the rankings, and losing his chance for the title...bum.
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-4-2008 5:32 am EST
yeah, i saw your thread...he's got feeder camps, no doubt, with all those title fights.
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-4-2008 5:30 am EST
i'm challenging him right now....
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
4-4-2008 5:23 am EST
bro, screw that guy, he's playing mind games with you! if he can't fight without a title on the line, then he's a coward! fight me! -ichiro sasada
4-4-2008 4:12 am EST
Daniel Venom, i fought the #2 contender both times, & each contender had 4 fights in LDNet & was barely ranked behind you. i'm not being unreasonable asking for you to get 1 quality win in LDNet, and you're not helping your cause with your attitude.
Daniel Venom
Venoms Fightgym
4-4-2008 2:55 am EST
A champ who dont fight the #1 contender is no champ. Prove that you deserve that belt and dont be so girley.
4-3-2008 1:02 pm EST
thanks for the shot, good fight champ
Dana White
TUF House
4-2-2008 7:40 pm EST
Thanks for the shot -Brett Collins
4-2-2008 3:15 pm EST
Brett Collins was the #2 contender & had won 4 in a row in LDNet, 2 quality wins so he got the shot.
4-2-2008 3:05 pm EST
venoms fightgym your guy bounces around from org to org fighting for belts, that's not very realistic now is it? get a couple good wins in LDNet & i'll be glad to fight you
Dana White
TUF House
4-2-2008 12:11 pm EST
Brett Collins would like a shot at the title and I think he deserves it since hes been in LDNet for a while now
Daniel Venom
Venoms Fightgym
4-2-2008 11:39 am EST
Whats up wit h that new blood shit? Give the best fighter he's shot at the titel. If you are scared for me, take it as a man, champ
Jesus Sanchez
4-1-2008 5:07 pm EST
Good fight.
Gene LeBell
Davis Top Team
4-1-2008 4:19 pm EST
congrats, picked the right style against mine haha
Gene LeBell
Davis Top Team
3-31-2008 7:39 pm EST
k thanks bro
Jesus Sanchez
3-31-2008 7:07 pm EST
Thx for the info. Feeder camps are silly. I will try and fight most worthy opponents.
Jesus Sanchez
3-31-2008 6:59 pm EST
I always fight, and hopefully to win. haha.
Jimmy Fly
3-31-2008 6:24 pm EST
George Thompson would like a shot, Thanks!
3-31-2008 2:34 pm EST
Davis Top Team, your fighter has to get some quality wins before he gets a title shot. His record is inflated, but he has the skills... I imagine i'll be seeing you shortly.- Ray "Vincent Gigante" Hayes
Gene LeBell
Davis Top Team
3-31-2008 12:48 pm EST
title fight please?
3-30-2008 5:47 pm EST
Didn't make weight?
3-30-2008 5:23 pm EST
Yeah thats good. I also got a challenge out for the champ. Maybe we can fight over a title and validate the match a bit. -SinSubs
jersey devils
3-29-2008 6:58 pm EST
Good fight man! Thought it was a good matchup for me.
Frank Ferder
Da Bomb
3-19-2008 5:51 pm EST
Your cherry has officially been popped!
3-13-2008 6:54 pm EST
w- turner, sa- popham, jj- ruiz, ju- ruiz, bo- turner, ma- popham, br- ruiz, c- ruiz, st- turner, sp- ruiz, fl- popham, ba- bpeterson, r- jenkins, p- hpeterson