
Brian "Big Danger" Hayden - Stats

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Camp Elite Training Facility
Record 62-29    
KO Win % 32
Sub Win % 5
Division WW Weight 193 lbs
Age 988 Born Dec 2037
Years Pro 1076 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #6
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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5-16-2009 7:05 am EST
Oh shit dude, I wasn't sure I was even up but nobody else looked amazing to I thought I'd try. Thanks dude. You KO'd Edik, thought you'd bend Vladi over anyway.
5-16-2009 6:42 am EST
No man I had to build his power up to that, one of his team mates is higher even but lacks the hidden stats Dave has. Dave is limited out on his striking stats it seems unfortunately.
5-15-2009 5:18 pm EST
Huh? LOL! Big Danger seems to have my #. Good fight.
5-15-2009 1:17 pm EST
Thanks for accepting my fight, you were the first of 6 challenges today. Gotta rest and heal my legs now LOL. Dave "Bull" Miller
5-15-2009 12:11 pm EST
Your up for pm shot bro. It was close who got am shot but other guy had 3 wins.
Smacku Two
5-13-2009 3:56 pm EST
Thanks for fighting!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
5-12-2009 1:27 pm EST
Well, I will never get this freaking belt. Good job man. Am sick of the game. Time to drop all my titles and walk away again.
5-10-2009 4:44 pm EST
Great fight bro! Had to get revenge for u giving my other ww his 1st ko loss. U r building really good CD guys now. I don't like it!
jersey devils
5-10-2009 10:49 am EST
1st time he's ever been ko'd!
Juan Kayo
Team Fingerbang
5-8-2009 3:44 pm EST
Thanks for the fight.
5-8-2009 9:09 am EST
I was pretty careless and forgot to switch styles so yes you should feel bad lol.
5-6-2009 3:55 pm EST
Well I was worried about your guy. You beat some good people with KO's and my guy chin been suspect at times. Good to fight you for the strap.
5-6-2009 3:37 pm EST
You get the next shot man.
5-5-2009 11:06 pm EST
Thanks for the fight...good luck!
5-4-2009 10:18 pm EST
i used ff on you before were good
4-18-2009 9:35 am EST
good fight steve
Smacku Two
4-16-2009 6:50 pm EST
Thanks for the fight...good luck!
4-16-2009 5:39 am EST
sorry about the weight bro, I don't know whats happening with him lately. challenge after the rest and its yours
4-12-2009 12:38 pm EST
thanks for the fight Mr.T was really close...filero macheton.cholo rudo
4-10-2009 7:05 pm EST
lol good one man you fat bastard
4-10-2009 11:49 am EST
good fight
4-8-2009 7:55 pm EST
thanks man good fight
4-6-2009 4:53 pm EST
had to do it steve lol
Smacku Two
4-3-2009 5:48 pm EST
Thanks for the fight!
Todd Federksen
Northern Lights MMA
3-30-2009 5:34 pm EST
if you think youre tough challenge mike jenkins PUNK