
Vitor "Torneira Grande" Camargo - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Popular
Camp Gin and Chronic
Record 84-43    
KO Win % 1
Sub Win % 45
Division WW Weight 187 lbs
Age 950 Born Aug 2075
Years Pro 1076 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #4
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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10th Planet
2-1-2010 6:19 pm EST
im up for shot, or would fight!
Athlon MMA
1-25-2010 10:22 am EST
Can you look at Rick McConomy for the next title shot. He is on a 6 fight winning streak. Thanks.
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
1-23-2010 11:02 pm EST
Thanks for the fights man. Appreciate you accepting the rematch.
Joao Rua
Evolve MMA
1-22-2010 4:49 am EST
good fight mate, thank you or the shot. GL
1-20-2010 8:49 am EST
thanks for the shot pal
1-19-2010 3:56 pm EST
1-19-2010 8:53 am EST
How did you skip me for the shot?? I thought I was in line even before you but Tanner missed 2 resets then I got another win and a better last win than the guy you fought.
Athlon MMA
1-19-2010 6:10 am EST
Can you look Helio Martins way for a title shot, he's on a 3 EFC fight winning streak. Thanks.
1-18-2010 6:13 pm EST
ok no problem man
Smacku Two
1-17-2010 9:14 pm EST
Thanks for fighting!
1-17-2010 5:41 pm EST
not like you at all
1-17-2010 5:40 pm EST
scared to fight man whats up ?
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
1-17-2010 11:20 am EST
Nice fight.
1-13-2010 3:59 pm EST
title shot in am if you have belt 3 in a row and beat a top 3 guy last fight
1-12-2010 7:26 am EST
Awh man I was gonna give you title shot. Now I have to wait for someone else to log on.
Big Losers
12-28-2009 8:12 am EST
thanks for the title shot, was hoping to sneak a head kick in there before you subbed him; that was a poor idea.
The Robj23
12-26-2009 9:10 pm EST
thanks for taking the fight send me fights anytime man
The Robj23
12-26-2009 9:09 pm EST
fuck i forgot to switch my style back lol good win
Smacku Two
12-25-2009 11:15 pm EST
Thanks for the fight!
12-22-2009 8:13 am EST
Thanks for the shot.
12-18-2009 7:05 pm EST
I don't know how i ended up on Sio....i def did not put that as my style...oh well grats
12-18-2009 7:22 am EST
you got the pm shot....vic has poor sub defense so you have a great shot to take the title.
12-14-2009 6:07 pm EST
Sorry man i accept another guy by mistake at the reset i will give you a shot for the title...
12-11-2009 8:26 am EST
Jeesh splits are always hard to take, but you had the superior stats. Hoped for a CS switch from your side! Congrats