
Mike "W IS THE" King - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Popular
Record 54-32    
KO Win % 0
Sub Win % 39
Division WW Weight 194 lbs
Age 940 Born Jan 2093
Years Pro 1083 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #2
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-9-2010 5:29 am EST
Thanks for the shot dude. Jake
David Bernstein
The Jewpit
4-8-2010 5:36 pm EST
word good luck man
4-5-2010 12:53 pm EST
You would think so but i stayed PL/Pl. Somtimes i swear this game has some AI where the fighter looks at his coach and says "look, I know what you want me to do but i'm the one out here getting whooped on. I gotta do what I gotta do." And they make thier own switch.
4-5-2010 11:31 am EST
That fight should have been a split prolly. I had you winning one and two me taking 4 and five and 3 was kind of a toss up. Figured 5 was strong enough to win it for me.
4-4-2010 8:53 pm EST
We shall see you in the AM mr. King.- Kenny
3-22-2010 4:43 am EST
Thanks for the challenge!
Vasili Oschepkov
Central Red Army House
3-21-2010 4:40 pm EST
def. a rubber match is needed
3-18-2010 3:53 am EST
good fight
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
3-16-2010 4:15 pm EST
Nice win man. Made short work of my guy!
3-14-2010 1:00 pm EST
Thanks for the shot.
3-13-2010 2:22 pm EST
nice win mike
3-3-2010 5:39 pm EST
ill accept if the champ doesnt give me the shot, the org has no contenders right now so my guy might be deserving.
Krazy Krackers
2-24-2010 3:46 pm EST
tough bastard you have here, best of luck
2-21-2010 1:09 am EST
Thanks for the shot man,good fight. -Ony
Ho Brah
1-29-2010 12:47 am EST
i s w hb in s no imp
Ho Brah
1-27-2010 2:49 am EST
ha thats funny just ran a test fight with team HKB to see if mike king could cut to 170 and lost. oops. but he made the cut.
Ho Brah
1-26-2010 9:06 pm EST
1 jj up 1
Ho Brah
1-26-2010 2:33 am EST
2 s sm w cc no imp
Ho Brah
1-25-2010 2:06 am EST
aug 2116. moved up 3 in jj with 5 spars