Whoops, I missed a reset, but in future, you shouldn't go off precious reset when you missed. That's how a backlog starts and punishes people who actually fought. New reset, new contender. Oh, and missed reset or not, a top 100 rank win is still better then a 1000 rank win any day. ;)
Trying to get together some coaches to try and get some interest going in the game again, proposing a massive tournament, check out this page and sign up if u want to :) http://www.mmarmy.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=348683Post348683
Definitely man great legends fights anytime you wanna rumble just let me know. and yah I'll check it out for sure cus that was kind of fucked up not having your HKK
The Wall Installers