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#401235 - 03/11/15 01:45 PM Coach / Camp History Reference Thread

Registered: 10/30/08
Posts: 13447

Abalest - We Die Constantly
Adchamp09 - Pit For Life
AGM Fight Team - AGM Fight Camp
Ahhhhhh - Itagaki Gym / Aroogano
AjarnCastro - Castro Muay Thai
Akula - New York Fighters / Akula Class Submission / Conor SBG
Ampedupp - Ampedupp / Kentucky FC
Ampman - Crazy KO Camp
Antary - Rider Scouts / Desperado Enforcement
Anthonius - Canadian Punishers
Archimedes - Dreadnoughts / Combat Sports Training
ATTBoxer - Granite Boxing / Camp Me Nog Th / Ghost MMA


Badass311 - Eleven Lounge
Bdlyons26 - Chinpunchmunchers
Beast Mode - Beast Mode
B33RM0N5T3R - Newport Wreckin Crew / Welsh Warriors / UK Dragons / Evil Till I Die
Ben - Superior MMA
BFC MMA - Boston Fight Club / Cool Runnings MMA
Big Ace - Groundhogs / MAXX / Rufnex
Big O - UKz Elite Force / Pain House Canada
Bigshow - Team Colateral Damage / Hitmen / ADK Olympic MMA Team / GFF Brazil / GFF America / Team Mounty MMA
Big T - Big T MMA
BiZkiT8u - WVTT / WV Gladiators / Greek Freaks / Master Race / Xerxes Immortals / Remote Ninja Training / Blame Canada / Mexicana / Thunder Gym / Clone Army
Black Santa - Team Ochocinco / Camp Violence / Mill City Combat
Blaydu - Blayduland
BlimBlapZing - Exploding Heart Technique / The Akuma / Running with Scissors / Bone Machine
Bluntmf - Ganja Fighters / Future MMA
Bobert - The Awakening
Bonedaddy - Big Losers / Cyborg Crush
Bound By Honor - Bound By Honor
BrodyArmbar - ArmBar MMA


Caleb - Team Shakes
ChiefBD - Andrews Elite
ChitInz - Chits Crew
Chris Hansen - Quality / Saviors / 15 and Under / Free Candy
Chubby - Heart FC / Little Boy FC / Kentucky FC / Fat Camp
CI - Camp Intimidation / Kerr Submission Grappling / I Smoke Rocks
Coach Duke - Pure Gonzo Fight Club / The Final Bosses / WWU Vikings
Cody Pitbull Large - KSL United Fighters
Colombiano - Colombia
Craigdcan - Stick N Crush
Crippler - Cripplers Corner / iCe MMA Academy
Cumoneileen8 - Community / Team STD / Tonari No Totoro / Gilbert Gottfried / Goo Spew Crew


Darksied - CanadianV1
Decommisioner - GSP Nuthuggery
Denku - O Town Gym
Doctor 86 - System MMA
Dracor Black - Guelph Gladiators / Atwood Security
DrinkDrankCrunk - Sadaharu Oh Dojo / Yeltsin / DisGracedies
DYTI - In The Butt / Finger Feelers


Ehrod - Dead Rabbits / Arctic Wolfpack
Elbownknee - Monmouth MMA /Leathernecks / 1988 Top Team
Ev0lved - MJA Fight Squad


Fedor McGeeno - Dynamo Training / Elite Training Facility
FistK - The Outwatchers
Fiver - KobraKai
Foul - TKA / Sprawl Your Bad Takedown / Dation Of Gonganation / Who Dat Ninja Turtle / Team Madness / New Directions / Georgia Rape Squad


Geezhound - Hard Knocks
GeorgeXVX - Vegan Rage Fight Team
Grapple420 - Sticky Green MMA / 420 Fight Club / The Dana Vikings / The Wall Installers / Oil Check MMA / 25 Cents A Day MMA / Sick Puppy MMA / Cy Coe Fighting Systems
G-Row - Grrows Team
GunnerJordan - Team GTFOH / Tokugawa Dojo


Harrier - Crazy Horse Ranch / Raised By Wolves
HarshCon - Harsh Conditioning / Redskins Federation
Hatchet - Hardknocks MMA / Malign Mafia
Heigle - Tanner Nomad
Hinch - Caiman
Ho Brah - ffnd / PainHouse Japan / Tanner Nomad 2


Illiterati - Evolve MMA / Chute Box East
IP Man - Sea Tac Assassins
Ippo4ever - Kamogawa Gym / Takamura Gym / Itagaki Gym / Miyata Gym
Ironhead - Eaglez Nest / Talon Wing
IronMikey - GNP 247
Iverbure - Southern Ontario Top Team / Premium Thugs


Jarnoh - Masters Of Puppets / Metzengerstein
JBear - The Bus Riders / The Bus Stop / The Bus Schedule
Jerome781 - Team 7 Eleven
Jeyjey2912 - Survivor Jey Team / Pellones / SIAM DE SETA
Jid - Robin Hood Raiders / Sherwood Foresters
JMH - Smokers
JokerAllSmiles - Team Laughing Gas


Karmamachine - Makruger Top Team / Makruger Fight Systems
Kas - Bedelle Battle Squad
Kid - Gaylords / Little Star / Goodkid MMA / Fat Tire Academy
Klok - Turza Camp / Kiflas Camp / Vodka Sluggers / Klok Competition
Knewz - Pick Your Poison / Desperatos Gym
KOPower - Talon Wing


LCM - Ludus Magnus / Evil Geniuses / Nova FC / Critical Mass


MadGenius - Central Iowa Manglers / Thisisafeeder / Drainage
Madlib- Southside Gym
Malas - Beast Mode Mexico
Maluco - CST / Tequila Team
Marcelo Luiz Riz - 1st Round Combat / Combat Team Brazil / Renshu Fights / The Bus Riders
Marvick - Camp Marvick
Master Roshi - Flying Fortress
Matty - BH MMA Camp / Camp No Quit
Maxim Grigoriev - Luta Livre Moscow Team / Wargrad Fighters
MFP - ProPayne
Migrantworkers - MigrantWorkers / Farmboy Fighting Systems
Milton1 - Milton1
Mr. Judo - Judoka / The Newaza Plaza / Flying Armbars
Mr. Wunderful - Paul Orndorffs MMA Death / Yakuza Hitmen


N8G - The Natives
Narkolepse - Bender FC
NattyDaddy - The Bowl / Boxer Rebellion
Nephilim - Nephilim Fight Team / CF Warriors / Valknut MMA
Neverland - Neverland
NorcalMMA - Welcome To H E L L / Oakland Stomphouse


OEJ - Rob the Reaper Spidell, Reapers World
Ohiostatebuckeye - Lake Fighting Systems
Olir - The Sassy Leopards
Oro - Minas Thirith
Outchea - Bricks / We Outchea / Heowtche / Gladiators of Out


Pain - Pain House
PandaMan - Panda Fighting Academy / The Brickwall Academy / Trigger Happy Elite
Peasant - Club Casual
Pepster - Badass Inc / Soviet Superstars
PhilCam - Athlon MMA
Phreak - Red Heat / Phreak MMA / Phreak MMA West
Picograms - Steelwraps / LotsOfDamage / SurgicalDismantlement
Punit529 - Popes of Chilitown / The League / Tiger Army / P Unit



RedNightSambo - Red Night Sambo
Richardson - K Rich / Tupelo MMA
Ro - Team RO
Robo - Robos Dungeon / Fight Owens Fight / The Steel Curtain / Full Mount MMA
RockinTurtle- WayoftheDragon
RoLe - Philly Dawgz / Philly Dawgz 2
RussianThai - Sambo Elite Fighters / Sub N Tug FC /Sinaloa Cartel / Gracie JiuNETsu / Murder Muay Thai / Rick Rudes MMA
Ryzomack - Movement MMA / Mystery MMA


Sadbuttrue - Riddium
Saint4life5 - Team Saint
ScottAlanCooley - Toe Jam Jitsu / Belly Jitsu
Scrappy - Never Tap
Seavillebri1 - Jersey Devils / Hardknocks MMA
Shawshank - Shawshank
Silent Bob - Moobys Maulers
Simon - Ryngwell MMA
Slymanz - Sweet Feet Gmy / Alans Wolf Pack
Smacku - Team Smacku / Smacku Two / Fight School / Graduate Program
Smooth Jesus - Ganjaman / Crossfist / Smooth Jesus
Snake - Deathlocks / Cuban Monsters
Soviet - Soviet Superstars / Russian Devils
Spartan - Choraked Faad Hang / Deep Techniques / Vaporizer Locks / 17th Planet
Spencer12 - DropItLikeItsHot / DropItLikeItsHott
Spidey - Spidey MMA / Gladiator Coalitian / ZooTork / Rufnex / In the Butt
SuburbanHustler - NorthernLights Out
Supgee - Watch Out For Bears
SweepTheLeg - C0BRA KAI / HAMMER HOUSE / Mississippi Mafia


Tap0rSnap - Tap 0r Snap
TC1232 - Camp Rear Naked Choke / The Butt Scooters
Teshore - No Surrender / Gracie Whohitsu / Hells Lair / Welcome to H E L L
Thadmyster - Team Boosie
The Captain - Bay Bombers / The Fighting 15th
The Godfather - The Goodfellas / 859 Academy
Thegrimcontango - T Twisters / Booger Butts / Overtrainers / Bomb First / Jewish Jitsu / Lutters Livre / Happy Feet / Beast Rage / Unsweet TKD
The Rated R Star - New World Order
The Ren - ANR
The Robj23 - Team Smash / NCAA / Hitmen
The Snake 101 - Deathlocks / Kentucky FC
Timmyz - Timmyz / Timmyz2 / Tots / Wait What
Toi Tankz - Toi Tankz
Tok - Tok Striking Camp / Tok Fighting System
Tommo - Blue Baby MMA / Targaryen MMA
Tonester - Tap or Sleep / Lovatics / Sunnyvale Trailer Park / The Banana Stand
Train2K - Headhunters Inc
TrigoTeam - Trigo Top Team
Trite - Who Knew / Over and Out / Til The Death
Tson - Oakleigh
Turbo - Wham Bamm and slam / Darks Deathgrippers / Tobikan Judan


Ulithebison - MMA Jeddah Club / Reinz Gym
UltraBear - Get Crushed / The Bear Cove / The Fearless


VostreRoy - Extreme Troll Fighting / Dread Kamp / Wild Hungarians


W. Bigglesworth - Asian Martial Arts
Wally Wilde - Wilde Bois
Wankrupt - Brawl N Ground N Pound / Legendary Muay Thai Camp
Warren - The Southern Yankees
Wocker - Missile Crisis / Chinese Youth


xSCHEPPYx - xScheppyx / xScheppyx MMA / xScheppyx Girls



Zensation - Zenex
ZoSo - Cold Harbor


420KC - Camp 420KC

Edited by Matty (11/15/20 12:23 AM)

#401236 - 03/11/15 01:46 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Matty]

Registered: 10/30/08
Posts: 13447
can guys post their camps etc to update this smile

#401238 - 03/11/15 01:49 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Matty]

Registered: 07/28/14
Posts: 789
Loc: Northern Ireland

Movement MMA

Mystery MMA

Originally Posted By: TheCaptain
Hey ryzo, that was pretty good. So nice I listened twice

#401240 - 03/11/15 01:53 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Ryzomack]

Registered: 10/30/08
Posts: 13447
btw this was copy and pasted from a thread i made ages ago, so dont take offense if your camp isnt here smile

#401241 - 03/11/15 01:55 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Matty]
Foul Administrator

Registered: 03/05/08
Posts: 5344
Loc: Rummaging for used socks,
lol grap only has 1 camp listed

#401242 - 03/11/15 01:56 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Foul]

Registered: 10/30/08
Posts: 13447
yeh may take me all day to list them lol, graps should post his top 5 or 10 camps to list :p

#401243 - 03/11/15 01:57 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: Matty]
ChiefBD Administrator

Registered: 09/13/10
Posts: 9501
Loc: PA
Originally Posted By: Matty
yeh may take me all day to list them lol, graps should post his top 5 or 10 camps to list :p

Just copy from alliance rosters.

#401246 - 03/11/15 02:08 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: ChiefBD]

Registered: 02/13/09
Posts: 9581
Loc: DBA compound
Add Farmboy Fighting System to Migrantworkers


#401247 - 03/11/15 02:08 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: ChiefBD]
The Robj23

Registered: 04/27/08
Posts: 1674

Edited by The Robj23 (03/11/15 02:09 PM)

#401250 - 03/11/15 02:13 PM Re: Coach / Camp History Reference Thread [Re: ChiefBD]

Registered: 10/30/08
Posts: 13447
Originally Posted By: ChiefBD
Originally Posted By: Matty
yeh may take me all day to list them lol, graps should post his top 5 or 10 camps to list :p

Just copy from alliance rosters.

when i get a day or two free, ill do this

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