
Phreak MMA West

Last Online - Friday 7th of June 2024
Display Name MMA Phreak
Member Since Jan 25, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 16960-11142


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8-21-2023 12:42 pm EST
Must be easy, when you have 2 accounts😂, and having your guys fight each other
Vince Lynch
8-12-2023 7:30 am EST
RIP Fake HoF
Vince Lynch
7-9-2023 3:04 pm EST
appreciate it. GL out there and gg. tbh i couldn't care less what ppl think or if i get shots or not. looking forward to upsetting these mmabarbie crybabies and snowflakes.
Vince Lynch
7-8-2023 11:04 pm EST
Explain win streak logic. Former #1 P4P (your guy) vs fighter on 3 fight win streak who hasn't beat anybody in top 100 p4p. that's not how combat sports work irl. I get concept of win streaks vs losing streaks. but why would a fighter be prioritized over former #1 P4P who is higher ranked than both champ & wannabe challenger that commented on my page? That guy hasn't fought anybody in top 20 of EFC division lol. I wanted Shahjahan Rashidi but he never sent challenge & was online numerous time
Heart FC
5-10-2023 6:27 pm EST
*bap bap badopdop bap* The Champ is HERE!
3-31-2023 8:36 am EST
Turbos got a 3 fight streak , If he doesn’t get on by 12 est I’ll accept .I sent at the beginning of reset , it’s only fair .I do want my rematch with Rip tho !Best of luck
12-2-2016 7:48 pm EST
http://mmarmy.boards.net/ - Sign Up Bro
Gonoreja BJJ
11-17-2016 12:58 pm EST
what? buddeh
Chris Hansen
Free Candy
10-14-2016 2:03 pm EST
Hey phreak, check our alliance forum, a couple of your guys have been selected to fight.
4-13-2016 10:29 pm EST
Indeed, dis bish is back y'all.
4-3-2016 2:10 am EST
fuck yaaaaaa mdafaka nieieierieireierir
3-18-2016 7:44 pm EST
You keep running fuck nigga
3-17-2016 5:09 pm EST
Dublins Finest
3-5-2016 10:40 am EST
Luis Vega wants a shot at the belt with walt. Have three wins in the org
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-27-2016 1:37 pm EST
Feb 2484 that Elder guy screwed Edson Lobo out of his WLOF shot.
Chaos Crew
Chaos Crew
2-27-2016 11:26 am EST
Had no idea where I owe the Tax from I'm Elder this camp is run by the whole CC alliance. No one else knows where its from unless its from back when this was Chubbs camp? honestly got tired of waiting and wasn't sure i was ever getting a shot. Also normally RK crushes HKK so i thought i was going to scoop another high opponent win and have 7 lol. anyways i'll be back
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-27-2016 10:39 am EST
It was tax season. You paid the tax and the shot was yours this reset but you fought.
Chaos Crew
Chaos Crew
2-26-2016 7:27 pm EST
Hey looking for the shot man you just gave to a guy that had 3 wins i have 5.
David Nuamah
Camp Spartan Lion
2-22-2016 8:08 pm EST
Im sorry mate.
2-15-2016 4:19 pm EST
Phreak,this is the last night for event fights,check our forum to see who you face before fighting some of your guys.Thanks and Good luck brother.
2-13-2016 2:37 pm EST
Phreak,dont fight any of your guys until you check out TC forum.
2-7-2016 8:26 am EST
1-14-2016 10:28 pm EST
Your One of the best camp ive ever seen! awesome! your so many titles! i cant believe that! omg. AMAZING!
Team Bossin
12-10-2015 2:40 pm EST
Team Bossin
12-9-2015 6:28 pm EST
aye what stats would you need for slam it out
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
8-8-2015 4:22 pm EST
pete lange
8-7-2015 3:58 pm EST
Ahh never mind on second look I see you are talking about another fighter of mine. Yeah looks like my bad must have just seen the streak and didnt take org wins into consideration I'm guessing. I didid fight you the very next reset though so it's not like I was ducking your guy. To be honest, I would have been a bit upset had you not given me the EFC shot because of a slight I had made in s previous org with a different fighter. Thanks though
8-7-2015 3:50 pm EST
Lol Aug 2450 was my first fight in WLOF... I'm guessing it was a vacant shot but not sure how I could skip your guy when I clearly wasn't the WLOF champ prior to that date.
Efrain Dario
Head Bangers
4-16-2015 1:25 pm EST
Please join my tournament, it's called Bushido Pride Grand Prix.
2-9-2015 6:26 pm EST
i think i am going to start declining challenges sent by you.
1-24-2015 5:05 am EST
Think I'm gonna go with ground and pound
1-21-2015 11:32 pm EST
Just the styles,I know to go with what my fighter is best at when I first recruit,but I don't quite know what styles favor certain stats.
1-19-2015 1:51 pm EST
Hey,if you could help me out that'd be much appreciated,I'm active I just need some guidance.
12-29-2014 10:37 pm EST
Hey phreak, does JJ help Powerlocks?
Stephanie McMahon Sr Jr
We Will Fight Nigeria
12-19-2014 8:05 pm EST
We Will Fight & We Will Fight Nigeria are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies
12-17-2014 4:58 am EST
Aight man, thanks :) i had power mostly for a switch but that makes me train too many stats... think ill only focus on power locks
12-16-2014 6:51 am EST
Yo Phreak, does speed help powerlocks at all or is it waste of training points? and does power help? i know that balance is a good thing to have, but idk if power and speed is
11-12-2014 4:06 am EST
Hey man, sorry for what happened in the HW divsion. send you a challenge at WW, hope you will take the fight despite the word we had.
9-15-2014 10:20 am EST
3-30-2012 8:21 pm EST
Man, I really have a love/hate relationship with your camps. I love fighting you, but I hate fighting you. One of the GOATS.
7-26-2011 11:57 am EST
And I challenged the guy ranked number 2 then got off. He accepted and I lost. I swear to God, some people take a game way to seriously.
7-26-2011 11:54 am EST
I "ducked" you because someone else had a better win streak. Jesus Christ dude. Get a life.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
7-25-2011 8:55 pm EST
Master System
Flying Fortress
6-30-2011 12:28 pm EST
Oh. Nevermind then. Sorry.
Master System
Flying Fortress
6-29-2011 12:59 pm EST
I don't have anything against you, but it is very pitiful of you to avoid fighting my guy for whatever ridiculous reason you'd have. Don't worry, I won't still have anything against you.
Flying Armbars
6-23-2011 10:46 am EST
as far as everyone being cool with u on the forums but mod i disagree. theres definitively certain members in my alliance that arent fond of u lol but i dont think anyone would want to keep u from the forums.
No Surrender
6-22-2011 6:30 pm EST
Phreak! Icant get on the site from my phone, my comp is down. Anyways as much as you being on the forums would be great, going with sov's alliance thc.... Ouch!! More douches on their then tiajuana!! E won't openly admit it but deep down he knows. Hahahhahahahahaha but seriously it's true.
6-20-2011 2:23 pm EST
oh well if you havent read this yet. mkick showed up the other day and announced mmarmy 2.0, he said itll be out mid-august and everyone starts with a clean slate. pretty big news
6-17-2011 5:40 pm EST
i doubt anyone but mod would complain. everyone good on the forums has nothing bad to say about you tbh. i really think you should consider making a comeback to the forums. maybe start off with a clean slate and everything will be cool. alliance or not, i think you could only bring good things to the forums. as far as penalized goes... lol, we just got robbed of #1 seed in the g4g and the wac even though we won every major tourney since we started. cant get penalized much more than that, lol.
6-16-2011 6:19 pm EST
says who? chachi is never around and mkick is long gone. your ban was before my time but its really starting to feel like its waaay past due to be dropped.
6-15-2011 10:37 pm EST
ignore that nerd. hes bad and he argues with everyone. just a waste of time with no talent for anything but being annoying. anyway, you ever going to consider joining an alliance phreak? im willing to rely any info over to your forum if you ever change your mind. WAC is comin up ;]
Jericho James
Headhunters Inc
6-7-2011 12:51 pm EST
Oh, I get it... "If they all hate you, you must be doing something right" kinda thing? You don't get called a ducker on a consistent basis cuz the whole world is jealous you. You get called that because you do. And why would I need to sign up to some new forum to discuss this more... oh, that's right. Hear tale you ain't allowed on the regular forums. More jealousy, huh? Oh, when will your victimhood ever end?
Jericho James
Headhunters Inc
6-7-2011 7:05 am EST
That anxious to change the subject? Unfortunately I'm not so blinded by anger that I'm going to engage and help you. The number of any of my titles or yours wasn't it. You have more titles, yippee. Now let's get back to the subject, see which one of our methods is the more accepted by the community. I got an idea how. Let's go through our fighter pages and see which one of us has been called a ducker more. Oh, how disappointing... yet another category you've been me in... *sigh*
Jericho James
Headhunters Inc
6-6-2011 10:58 pm EST
Yay, you've been playing longer. Now if only you'd pay attention to what just about everybody else in the game is doing and registering the difference you (and the small amount of players there are like you), would be a lot less likely to have folks like myself, who aren't afraid to call you on your nonsense making a habit calling you all the time.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
6-6-2011 6:33 pm EST
yeah, you really have the game nailed after 5000 fights. try about 35K and playing from the first day or two the game was created. so your NOT QUITE two years don't impress me. as for my title etiquette, it has stood the test of time and obviously if you are in the 80%, you just seem to try and fight the 20% based on the number of whining posts you put on various people's fighter's pages...
Jericho James
Headhunters Inc
6-6-2011 6:00 am EST
And what you need to understand is that is the standard used by I (and most players) vs. the standard used by you and the vast minority of players is maybe about 80/20. After 2 solid years playing this game it's clear as day that it's you and yours that are the odd men out. Its your non adherence the standard that caused the word "duck" to be posted on your wall about 14 times, not mine. You and other purposefully do what they know will cause conflict then play the victim when others get ang
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
6-5-2011 11:12 pm EST
but what you need to understand is that others also have their own criteria for title shots. some give more weight to wins in the org. so your 4 fight win streak with one in the current org, may not be as impressive as a 2 fight win streak in the current org. doesn't make them wrong and you right. as long as someone has a criteria that is at least loosely in line with most is all that matters. it also doesn't help when you spam a fighter's page with sarcasm and smartass remarks.
Jericho James
Headhunters Inc
6-5-2011 12:31 pm EST
My qualifications for giving out shots never morphs, that's why I don't get the kinds of messages like the one before mine. You need a fight in the org and the best streak. If your streak is equal to another then I look at opponent quality. I don't tell myself whatever it is I need to talk myself into just looking for the easiest style or stat crush as opposed to the most deserving. Even if I know I'll lose I fight who's earned it. Why? Because that's how I'd want to be treated.
Judoku USA
4-11-2011 7:59 pm EST
It'll be a few other coaches i'm sure but your used to being freezed out since you aren't even aloud in the forums. lol
Judoku USA
4-11-2011 7:36 pm EST
Thats fine. You wont get a shot from me either.
Judoku USA
4-11-2011 7:31 pm EST
Seriously what? I've been giving you fights with all 6 of my camps. I've never denied a guy of yours that was up for a belt. Why would i not challenge for a belt when i have the biggest streak? Play how you want to play.
Judoku USA
3-8-2011 6:29 pm EST
Playing what? You're a fucking whiner. Send a challenge where you don't have giant stat advantage with a style crush. Why are you bitching about a non title holder not fighting you anyway? Only explanation is you are looking for easy style crush wins. Look elsewhere crybaby.
Judoku USA
3-8-2011 2:41 pm EST
Why do you continuously challenge my Ippon fighters then? You challenge them quite a bit when there are plenty of challenges available to you. If i can't see my guy having atleast a "chance" of winning then i'm not taking the fight. Quit your fucking whining. Plenty of Ippon camps to get your easy wins.
Judoku USA
3-8-2011 9:51 am EST
not sure. why?
2-24-2011 2:04 pm EST
Thanks for your view. Great camp.
1-20-2011 3:44 pm EST
Glad to see you playing and doing well amigo!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
1-16-2011 3:58 pm EST
Desert Muay Thai
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
1-9-2011 6:08 pm EST
Mister Judo
12-13-2010 9:29 am EST
thanks for the fight. i hope theres no bad blood between us anymore. im glad to see you back
11-29-2010 4:17 pm EST
Saw you in an org dude, good to see the duck detective back.
11-28-2010 3:22 am EST
Hey man, are you back?
11-18-2010 4:06 pm EST
back so soon??
7-16-2010 4:25 pm EST
Hec wanted in too, so I picked your guy with the most titles. I hope you don't mind but I hadn't herd back from you. Congrats on the LHW division, you'll be in the final 8 man tourney when the HW's are done.
7-6-2010 7:37 pm EST
Both are entered in the tourney, good luck. BTW, bring back your camps!
Jermaine Polanski
Nemesis MMA
6-19-2010 10:36 am EST
So making an uneducatted guess as to how I run my camps is now airing out my dirty laundry? I bet you get straight A's in elementry school.
6-19-2010 8:03 am EST
What the FUCK? you retired???? :(
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
6-19-2010 7:53 am EST
lol. you asked kid. i wasn't going to air your dirty laundry here. don't ask if you don't want the answer.
Brute Forces
6-19-2010 6:40 am EST
Ahah, wow kiddo someone piss in your cheerios? You clearly need to step outside and bask in the sun because sitting in that blacked out room doing all those wicked awesome BJJ moves on YouTube is so much fun. Quit trying to be an internet hardass fag. And if you challege me I accept it reguardless of who it is or how great they are. So don't act like you know everything. You're just one of them kids who got there ass beat so much in high school you gotta step up your hardassness on the inte
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
6-18-2010 9:16 pm EST
it means you're a pussy and that i would never give you a title shot. it also means the only time i'd ever fight you is if it were an extreme mismatch in my favor, which we all know won't happen since that is how YOU play.
Brute Forces
6-18-2010 3:24 am EST
Whoa, lol what does level 2 mean?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
6-2-2010 3:33 pm EST
Brute Forces--level 2
6-2-2010 12:01 pm EST
Whenever you've got fighters that haven't fought and my fighters are free just send challenge and I'll accept if I log on. Stand up camp for the whole my mmarymy playing time.
Mister Judo
6-1-2010 5:33 pm EST
great camp but all the same guys is fucking creepy lol. just figured it out
5-29-2010 7:44 am EST
mmarmy is life, get over it!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-28-2010 9:42 pm EST
Smokeys-level 2
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-11-2010 9:54 am EST
147 EFC's
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-7-2010 8:52 pm EST
BJ MMA---level 2
4-24-2010 7:22 pm EST
Nice camp man...a lot of #1s
The Robj23
4-21-2010 12:20 am EST
Thats my fault phreak i had no internet for a day and didn't want to sit out again so i just accepted and never checked my fault man , hope you know i would never duck you or anyone Robj23
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-20-2010 9:40 pm EST
Mister Judo
4-18-2010 6:27 pm EST
lol thats balls o well there was another with 4 and u seemed angry so i figured 3 wins was a gurantee am shot but i had 2 go and lose lol
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-17-2010 7:58 am EST
Portugal warriors- gives title shot to guy on a loss.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-14-2010 12:43 pm EST
Punchtasm-annoying spam challenges
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
3-25-2010 4:02 pm EST
Pure Hate
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
3-25-2010 8:57 am EST
3-24-2010 8:31 pm EST
That was my mistake on the title shot to the guy, I accepted the fight on my phone and didn't notice it at first. I don't usually do that kinda stuff. Gennadi "Hand Grenade" Tokarev
dave tuff
irish maniacs
3-19-2010 11:58 am EST
thanks for the title shot man
2-16-2010 5:38 am EST
Nice =), shall i stay SFTF,SnB or change to CD,FF,8PoinT?
2-15-2010 4:26 pm EST
did i over look you for a shot?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-12-2010 1:24 pm EST
Pain House- http://mmarmy.com/showfight.php?fight=3155475 Benny Stevenson
2-10-2010 2:22 pm EST
aight thanks bro !
2-10-2010 8:01 am EST
what do you need for sftf?
2-3-2010 5:41 pm EST
congrats on 6k man, very nice
1-29-2010 10:30 am EST
Phreak, this dude complains that i aint giving him the EFC title shot, ive been online since the reset and he still arent logging in. He got a 5 winning streak but lower ranked than the other dude who got 3 streak. I mean i gotta logg off soon i cant wait all day. What shall i do?
Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
1-27-2010 5:18 am EST
keep trying to talk shit for no apparent reason kid..
1-23-2010 2:48 pm EST
Do you go full PL or PL,PG
1-23-2010 1:34 am EST
-.- is PG so good against PL too ? http://mmarmy.com/showfight.php?fight=3087869
1-22-2010 12:14 pm EST
Then this was lame xD look at both stats http://mmarmy.com/showfight.php?fight=3084905
1-22-2010 7:19 am EST
Sprawl and brawl pwns power locks right :D?
1-19-2010 7:44 am EST
ahh, well ima stay PL and hope i can get 5m eq soon so i can get my stats up faster =)
1-19-2010 7:10 am EST
Dosnt PG have less things to train? they just need like JJ,flex,wres and str :P
1-18-2010 12:45 pm EST
Aight but which 1 do you think is better and is it better to go wres,sambo and str or wres,samb,str,jj,flex more things to train so idk what do u think =)
1-18-2010 10:11 am EST
If you could, would you change ur camp to a PG ?
1-9-2010 11:59 pm EST
Why are you making your fighters all look the same?
Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
12-25-2009 6:32 am EST
who have i ducked you bitch?? im the one who kept challenging you
Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
12-24-2009 10:37 pm EST
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
12-23-2009 11:24 pm EST
groundhogs, MAXX, rufnex: shit list.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
12-5-2009 10:16 am EST
thank you for proving my point. nothing but a little bitch. deleting comments on your home page? weak. although i might do the same if i got verbally owned as bad as you did...
The Lobster
12-5-2009 8:58 am EST
I'd be shocked if you even know what manic depression was (or do you?). I'd tell you to get medication for your little man syndrome but I don't know if they make that. I can see you're not the most popular here anyway so your words mean less than nothing. You're just laughable - a joke. Have a great day - Happy 6000 I'm sure I'll get there someday.
The Lobster
12-5-2009 2:23 am EST
I moved my fighter up to 205 for like 3 seconds to look at fights there and then accepted with you thinking I was still champ - I didn't know that it would vacate but in retrospect I guess it makes sense. Stupid nOOb move and tough lesson to learn. I don't expect shit from you - but remember the feeling had better be mutual ass clown.
The Lobster
12-4-2009 9:57 am EST
Phreak don't be a moron - if I was going to duck you I wouldn't have accepted the fight. Plus - You already beat me once for the title. If I'm at fault I apologize. I have to laugh at the ducking the title shot thing too seeing as I have given them to you.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
12-4-2009 9:35 am EST
groundhogs, MAXX, rufnex: shit list.
The Lobster
12-4-2009 9:32 am EST
I didn't - I don't know what's going on...
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
12-1-2009 12:33 pm EST
Pure Hate-gives title shots to fighters on a loss ....Ed Green
No Surrender
11-22-2009 3:06 pm EST
its slayer talking that shit
Your Cock Is Leaking
Green Puss and Clots
11-22-2009 8:24 am EST
11-20-2009 3:54 pm EST
Do you have a 5mil Equipment?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
11-18-2009 9:22 am EST
Stomp MMA-can crusher
11-14-2009 2:51 am EST
Thanks mate, I was wondering what do i need to become a good power locks, i use JJ and strenght but i dont know dosnt work so well. what shall i do
11-13-2009 11:51 am EST
Hi am i see you are the best grappler camp "in my opinon" and i was wondering if you could help me with a couple of questions, Please replay if you do wanna help me :)
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
11-10-2009 11:15 am EST
groundhogs-no title shots
Sven Stirling
24 karat
11-6-2009 10:43 am EST
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
11-5-2009 10:13 am EST
24 karat-no title shots
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
11-4-2009 4:46 pm EST
Team Hoosier
scott cooley
10-31-2009 1:30 pm EST
10-30-2009 5:24 pm EST
Nice job with the camp recently man. Killin people all over!
scott cooley
10-28-2009 12:35 pm EST
never mind i can see you have put alot of time and effort into this "GAME" and you are very good. it must have taken months or even years to get this good. i myself do not have the time nor desire to ever be as good as you . almost 9000 fights....impressive. good job dad you have just inspired me to quit my job and pursue mmarmy full time. just kidding. have fun in life. scott
scott cooley
10-28-2009 12:21 pm EST
never said all vets...the people i was refering to know who they are so why would you include yourself in this. enjoy the game and this discussion has nothing to do with you. i happen to take offense to you putting your two cents in a blog that doesn't even mention your camp. good luck and enjoy the "GAME."
10-28-2009 11:35 am EST
We have pretty much the same record.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-23-2009 10:48 am EST
System MMA
10-3-2009 11:29 pm EST
Its the other way around piggy. This is a game not reality. Now I know that's very bad news for you but this is true. I know being a Pig gets you no respect in real life and all you have to turn to is the fantasy world of mmarmy which is sad. So Piggy I would suggest you grow up, get a life and remember to stay off the donuts.
10-3-2009 3:23 pm EST
So I'm guessing after all the whining and crying you did over the Mods blocking you out of EFC title shots your going to do the same to me. Like a pig your a Hypocrite!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
9-27-2009 4:57 pm EST
yes, you are in fact a bitch.
9-20-2009 10:32 am EST
LOL I'm a bitch? Dude your a pussy ass cop which equals the Biggest Bitch in the world. Go eat a fucking donut you pig.
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
9-14-2009 7:01 pm EST
Thanks for the heads up bro.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
9-12-2009 8:25 pm EST
yes, as a matter of fact you are.
9-10-2009 10:29 pm EST
LOL Now I'm a pussy?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
9-3-2009 6:09 pm EST
MJA Fight Squad
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
8-16-2009 4:43 pm EST
Tyler Lights
Team Blue Lightning
8-10-2009 10:07 pm EST
your camps are the only ones online, dumbass. do the math and stop bitching
8-5-2009 6:31 pm EST
This is one hell of a camp! good job man. much respect.
10th Planet
7-21-2009 6:45 pm EST
great great camp!
KP Keough
Beast Mode
7-19-2009 6:06 am EST
Two P4P top-10ers? Nice job dude.
The Robj23
7-3-2009 1:06 pm EST
lol its all good phreak
The Robj23
7-2-2009 9:54 pm EST
why whats up phreak
The Robj23
7-2-2009 9:47 pm EST
Yes im still running this camp man lol
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
7-2-2009 5:09 am EST
and thanks alot! b/c of you, THE GINGER KID retired! don't comment on my fighters anymore!!
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
7-2-2009 5:08 am EST
oh ok...it's cool, don't get all dramarific on me...i prolly declined your challenge cause i was coming off a loss and hoping to get a win, so i took an easier match up. can't blame me for that shit. look at his record, i'm not affraid to lose!
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
7-1-2009 11:15 am EST
"oh geez....not you too..."...so, what's that supposed to mean?? -THE GINGER KID
6-29-2009 11:44 am EST
No need to spread the word Phreak. We all know hes a douche since what happened a few post below in your page.
Penns Pit
6-16-2009 7:07 pm EST
Hey man, G-row here. It has been a pleasure man. I am hanging it up. I gave this team to my kid, and Grrows is set on die mode. I respect the way you always played the game, and told things like they were, no matter who you pissed off. Good luck man, and keep kicking ass.
5-31-2009 3:41 pm EST
Hey Phreak, after the Forum bashed his decision. The Viper guy finally vacated. So his ass is saved for now. No shitlist. But will keep you updated on the guy.
5-31-2009 3:03 pm EST
Hey Phreak. "Viper Fight Team" just broke a rule man. He didn't vacate after two straight misses. He did this on purpose and been added to my shitlist. Just a heads up man when you run up against him.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-12-2009 7:27 am EST
Canadian Showdown
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-6-2009 7:10 pm EST
i'm on IRC pretty often. what is your nick there?
5-6-2009 4:43 pm EST
Phreak hit me up sometime when we are both online. I would like to talk to you, maybe in IRC..? --Caleb, owner of Team Shakes
5-5-2009 10:46 pm EST
lol @ Role...
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-5-2009 8:03 am EST
Current top coaches based on skill, balls, honor: -seaville, godfather, steve mcgeeno, ronin warriors, southside, hector, klok, crippler, g-row, will be updated as i'm sure i've missed a few.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-5-2009 8:02 am EST
i didn't call anything into question. you're the one getting the case of sandy vag because you didn't make my list. honestly i don't care what you think of me or my playing habits. i'll stand by them and so will the other respected vets. you really should just close your e-mouth at this point before this gets out of hand and costs your camps. i don't have a problem fighting your guys at this point, of course assuming it is within reason.
5-5-2009 6:12 am EST
This coming from the same guy who defend's EFC title's against fighters coming off of losses calling my playing habit's into question?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-4-2009 7:08 pm EST
sorry bro. the "i'm rubber you're glue" defense doesn't work. i don't do that. i generally stick to the 10 above, 10 below rule. if i have ever done that to you it's only because you do it so often. don't take offense dude. this list is the top of the top. for sure you're making some good PL'ers, but for MY personal list, some of your playing habits can be a bit annoying...
5-4-2009 2:37 pm EST
That's bullshit Phreak cause you do the same shit to me but that's cool I'll just decline all your lower ranked fighter challenges from now on since whats ok for you to do isn't ok for me to do.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
5-4-2009 10:38 am EST
when i stop getting challenges to my 3rd ranked fighter in a given org from your 34636th ranked fighter, you can be considered.
5-4-2009 8:28 am EST
I get no love on this list phreak?
Da Badasses
4-19-2009 12:56 pm EST
This camp is for fags!!!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
4-17-2009 10:37 am EST
Not sure if you're intrested or not, but tke a look, http://www.mmatycoon.com/index.php. Thanks for giving Otto the shot.
4-16-2009 3:28 pm EST
Appreciate the props on the front page amigo. You'd make my shortlist as well.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
4-10-2009 5:26 am EST
Cuco is just here kinda like a gets keeper/ He got his butt kicked at HW. He will not be challenging for the title. Unless somehow MKICK fixes them.
We Do Armbars
4-8-2009 9:48 pm EST
Good fight, Just looks like Kirill has Walters number.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-7-2009 11:26 pm EST
Current top coaches based on skill, balls, honor: -seaville, godfather, steve mcgeeno, ronin warriors, southside, hector, g-row, will be updated as i'm sure i've missed a few.
4-7-2009 8:44 pm EST
Thanks for the mention Phreak. Good list man. One of my personal favorite Coaches is Steve McGeeno of Dynamo Training/Elite Training Facility. Always up for a fight and is a good player.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
4-7-2009 6:46 pm EST
That's on hell of a honor man. Thanks.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-7-2009 5:46 pm EST
Team Last Place
3-24-2009 5:18 pm EST
Team Haxsawblade here. You rang?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
3-21-2009 8:58 am EST
Team Haxsawblade
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
3-20-2009 9:35 am EST
Team Factotum
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
3-6-2009 9:21 am EST
Empirial Fighting
2-19-2009 4:51 am EST
you fight Arthur Wilson vs Fjodor Popov please
2-17-2009 1:25 am EST
haha..this is my first generation and ive had 3 guys fight for EFC titles. im not chasing any titles except for those. im not a master of the game like you, but i do try for EFC gold ok. not everyone can be as successful as you. but dont accuse me of ducking, because that is not true. i dont ever recall seeing a challenge from you, and if i didnt fight you big deal. just leave me a message when you want to fight one of my guys and we can arrange it. ok?
2-16-2009 5:31 pm EST
awe. poor little guy...did i not accept your challenge? im so sorry, please dont cry anymore, its really starting to get annoying.
2-15-2009 3:54 pm EST
dont you have better things to do? i mean running all your camps and trying to prove your the best little MMArmy player there ever was in pretty time consuming isnt it? haha..douchbag
2-15-2009 3:52 pm EST
let me guess, someone didnt accept a fight when you wanted to get a win? haha...shutup you cheating faggot. spineless punks like you need not bother me.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-15-2009 3:40 pm EST
house of violent dreams-pussy
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-10-2009 11:38 am EST
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
2-4-2009 9:56 pm EST
xtreme kaos2---pussy
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
1-16-2009 8:20 pm EST
random denies stewart on 3 fight win streak to fight guy on two fight win streak. http://www.mmarmy.com/showfight.php?fight=1925891
Random Dude
Camp Random
1-16-2009 2:08 pm EST
Sorry you feel that way man, thought it was kind of a toss up so I gave it to the higher ranked guy.. wasn't anything personal.. I was just 50/50 on the whole thing and took the higher ranked guy..
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
1-15-2009 4:54 pm EST
so his title loss in another org counts more than a win in this org? interesting standards for title shots...
Random Dude
Camp Random
1-15-2009 4:33 pm EST
Umm.. he was n a two fight win streak, with his lose coming in a title fight in his last org. 17-1 coming into the fight actually..and was ranked higher than your guy.. R you sure you looked at the right guys? =p
grim reapers
1-9-2009 8:50 am EST
lopez lopez lopez hes good
12-21-2008 8:08 pm EST
you have a great camp nice to fight you
12-21-2008 7:45 pm EST
an honor to fight a great camp like yours
12-14-2008 11:28 am EST
MMAlliance, check your other camp homepage. Let me know.
12-6-2008 8:10 am EST
I replied to your messages and sent what Blaze replied with. Are you not getting them?
11-27-2008 5:06 am EST
Man...you got tooled my camp today LOL
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
11-16-2008 9:11 pm EST
team franklin-pussy
11-10-2008 1:16 am EST
Man, I haven't been on much. Sorry I'm not complying with what you think I should. This past week, I've been signing on to make sure I don't have any titles.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-28-2008 9:53 pm EST
southside gym- straight up warrior. honorable camp.
Ryan Wallace
Canadian Top Team
10-21-2008 4:19 pm EST
#2 and #3 fighter! Damn! I was happy with #72... hahaha. I've only ever had 2 fighters in the top 100. Good camp man!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-20-2008 8:17 pm EST
when i have to deny your request 5 times, that is spamming.
10-20-2008 3:59 pm EST
Dude its not spaming, i'm trying to fight guys ranked higher then me so I challenge guys ranked higher then me. Its bitches like you that duck up and coming fighters that hurt the game!
10-17-2008 9:48 pm EST
wow not like ur camp to run from a fight or is it?
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-5-2008 6:58 pm EST
yeawhat....perma shit list. annoying, spamming repeated challenges after being denied.
Terror Inc
9-25-2008 3:13 pm EST
what are you talking about, what blacklist?
9-25-2008 12:57 am EST
grow up? this is Mr. MMArmy your talkin to buddy! this is his life!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
9-6-2008 10:32 am EST
fedaykin chose to give the title shot to a guy on a one fight win streak, denying doc.
The Robj23
9-5-2008 10:43 pm EST
Grow up
6-10-2008 8:14 pm EST
I don't care if you have others with them, so do I, so does EVERYONE, but this one is the only camp I care about.
6-10-2008 1:54 am EST
Still no EFC titles? Get your head in the game.
6-9-2008 6:19 pm EST
yes, fremont cali. where you from?
5-26-2008 10:31 am EST
Right back at 'ya.
5-17-2008 10:33 pm EST
good fight
4-2-2008 12:58 pm EST
Keep racking up titles and then losing them first defense. "Scrub-ass camp."
3-30-2008 11:49 am EST
I voted against Double A for the hall of fame and will continue to do so.